Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Finally got some decent rain, we have been pretty much bone dry since the beginning of the summer. The pond was down about 3 feet but with the 4 1/4" of rain yesterday and last night, it's looking really good! Of course, I lost a lot of backyard into it with runoff but some day we will get it back with a mechanical digger, LOL!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Wow! 4-1/4" of rain!! Just checked the local weather site, they haven't posted rainfall for yesterday yet so not able to find out how much we actually received, but they're posting a Flood Watch in effect through this evening and anticipating heavy rains by afternoon. I'm not complaining, this is the first decent, drenching rain we've had since the end of June!!

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Still raining here, yesterday saw another 1/4" before I dumped the gauge. It started again about 3am and now the gauge is showing about 1/2". Wish Mother nature could do better with the spacing, like 2-3" per week in the summer but I'm not complaining!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

I couldn't agree more about the "spacing", really missed those late afternoon/early evening t-storms this year that are so typical of our summers. Still not sure how much we received, but was obviously a good long drenching rain - was surprised however, to see that the creek was still low :(

Crozet, VA

Our area has been just like both of yours, bone dry. I have loved seeing the rain this week too. I don't know our total accumulation either rcn. I won't have time to walk around today and see how the garden is doing, but will tomorrow. I expect to see lots of lush green though.

Forgot to ask you rcn, what kind of damage did the cows do?


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

WOW. it POURED all night here. Our sump ran and ran and ran. and ran. At least 4 inches over the last few days. I have a bucket under a tree showind 6 inches but that may not be accurate due to the tree cover.
Now the sun is coming out some and its milder. Beautiful. Prob cleanest air we've had here in months.

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

We got another 2 1/4 inches yesterday, for a total of almost 7 inches since this past Tuesday! The stumps in the pond are all under water, now we can paddle about in the canoe without whacking into them! I'm sure the fish are happier too!
Here's hoping this winter isn't as dry as is being predicted.....

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