Back in Michigan, and new to this forum

Millington, MI(Zone 5b)

First, I would like to thank Dori (notmartha) for the greeting!

I was born and raised in Mi-many different locals. Last November I moved to Upstate NY and got married. But due to the automotive decline, my DH has to relocate back to MI. I am here now, hopefully he will be too, soon. Could take several months, sigh.

A little about me: Lets see, I am a 47 year old mother of two-an 18 and 16 year old. I have lived all over Michigan- from Grayling to Grand Rapids to Davison, and all points in between, lol. I currently reside in Tuscola County. After 23 years the plant I worked at closed, so I am currently unemployed. I am finding out how difficult job hunting can be, not much out there.

I LOVE plants all kinds, indoor and out. I grew hybrid African Violets for several years. I have quite a few Crassula (Jade) and am just starting to try my hand at growing Plumeria. I have lost one cutting due it part I believe to the cooler (indoor) temps. If anyone out there is successfully growing these beauties, I'd love to hear from you!

Outdoors I have a lot of things planted, and more to do. I love the bargains you can find at the end of the season! I have tons of fall bulbs that I need to get planted. Every time I think I have gotten everything planted and squared away, I find something new I have to add.

In the spring I start all my own veggies and annuals. I really need a greenhouse, lol. all the shelves and grow lights and stuff are starting to take up a lot of room.

I am looking forward to meeting other gardening folk, and making new friends!

Hello Linda, I am from across the pond in Wisconsin. I started here on DGarden about 5 months ago and am enjoying it immensely. The forums are nice and I particularly like the Upper Midwest Gardening forum. The other thing I really love is the blog area. Its fun to see pictures and read other people's gardening woes and triumphs as well as write about my own. Job hunting is definitely tough and I wish you luck and success. I recently switched jobs 9 months ago after being with a medical clinic for 16 years. It was really difficult giving up the vacation/security, but sometimes something new really does wonders for the soul!

Welcome to Daves Garden and hope to see you around on here.


Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Well welcome over here..hehehehe glad to have you with us...just jump right in....and enjoy..this great web site..there is just about everything here a long time...6 years plus..still finding things..but then ..I am old..hahaha...wishing you luck finding a can have mine..hehehe...kidding retired is great...for sure...again welcome..

Smiles. Diana.

Thumbnail by WantabeGardener
Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Linda

Welcome back to Michigan, and welcome to Dave's Garden the Michigan forum.....I live in the Tawas/AuGres Area and if your needing perennials, I will be happy to share my "babies" with you in the spring. I can also share with you seeds....just let me know.


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Linda glad to have you here with us and back in good ol' Mich!
I hope you can find a good job. I know times are tough here!
How did you fair through those storms? I saw your area was hit really hard!

Plumeria-i have only tried once and failed with these! My house is full of all kinds of houseplants. I just ordered some more stuff today from a the newest classified add here on daves. I thought i was done for the season! ha ha ha
The classifieds here at davesgarden are GREAT!
I dont know if you know this site but Bert is a member here and has great plants for great prices. I HIGHLY recommend him-

I grow lots of annuals and veggies in the spring along with all my daylily and hosta babies
that i start in the basement and then move out to the greenhouse around March with a electric heater for cold nights! I luv heirloom tomatos and all the other kinds I have got to try over the yrs, from trading seeds here at daves!!!

I have lived in Michigan all my life and have landed here on my DH's centennial farm.
We own 5acres of 140 parcel(family owns that)of flat farm land!

Im a mom of 5 boys and have 2 left here at home ages 14 (almost)and 11(almost)and
2 beautiful grandbabies-a boy and a girl!!!!
I have been gardening here on the farm now for about 15yrs. I started with a circle garden in the middle of the circle driveway, then headed out around the pool, then up to the garage and then I went crazy and made a HUGE garden around a pear tree.
It has sidewalks and fountains and benches and FLOWERS of all kinds. I added a iris bed off to the side(took over the veggie garden) Then another co-op and another Iris bed.
A few years ago i got into daylilies pretty heavy and now i have 3 beds(400 named and about 300 unnamed) of those and daylily seedlings everywhere. The past couple years I started some hosta and now am over 200 of those mixed with coral bells and foam flowers and other shade plants. I have over a acre of flowers to tend to now!
I hybridize daylilies and try to invent a new unseen bloom

I bought a 69 camaro last yr and got it on the road this summer-i have been having a riot in it. Going to car cruises and just zooming around!

I have been a member here at daves since it first started(before we had forums) so i have watched each of you join us and the site GROW n GROW!
I have had 5 spring plant trades here at the house-great people and great fun!
I luv to have fun and make people laugh!
Over the yrs i have posted several garden photos, but here is one of my favorites
If you have any Questions just ask-if i cant answer them-someone else will!
great group of michiganders here!!!


This message was edited Oct 24, 2007 2:15 PM

Thumbnail by notmartha
AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Welcome Linda to the Michigan gardening forum. We used to drive through Millington every weekend on our way to AuGres before we moved up here full time. It's a nice little town.

I wish you well on your job search. I know it is rough out there and lots of competition for what few jobs there are.

I'll look forward to reading more of your posts.


Millington, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I can see I am going to like it here.

I only live a couple of miles from Millington. That is where a couple of tonados touched down last week. There was quite a bit of damage. Here, we were lucky...lots of very high wind and a lot of lightning. I am still picking up branches out of my yard. One was a Black Locust...I have never seen one around here, so it must have traveled a ways.

Dori, I have to ask.... how did you manage to have five boys AND plant so many gardens? Hee-hee. I only had one boy, and I spent most of his toddler age chasing him and trying to convince him he HAD to wear clothes! (neighbors got a kick out of that)

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

I had to plant all the gardens to stay SANE! LOL
The last one was my naked baby! he will be 11 in Jan.

yep this is a great place!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi linda I live between Sanford and Edenville on the lake I have 6 kids (all growen now) 44-42-39-39-38-37 15 grand kids and one new grate grand babie I'v been in the garden here for a little over a year and have learnd so much and met so many realy nice people I just know if you love to garden you are going to be happy here

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