I can see!!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I've been completely out of commission since the beginning of September. I even missed the plant swap! I even had the crab in the fridge, waiting to become crab balls.

I have MS, and had a nasty beginning of my fall with my eyes. Crap happens. I've been able to find someone read to me once-in-a-while, but not much else. I'm doing well enough now to type.

I just wanted to apologize for missing you all. It looks like it was a lovely time at Critters.

In my garden: I've ordered my bulbs for fall planing. I hope to be able to dig this weekend. My hubby bought me a drill attachment that he thinks will help me to plant the bulbs. It digs a hole large enough to drop in the bulb. Has anyone here ever used one? Any advice on how to use it?

Blessings on your garden!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


I'm so glad to see you back with us. And I'm sorry your health took a hard turn.

My friend Susan (IO1) is THE person to talk to about programs to help with reading and typing. Dmail me, and I'll put you in touch -- or just Dmail her directly. I need to check with her anyway about latest developments to help out a friend of a friend.

I'll Dmail you my phone number. We hate losing touch with people.... it makes us worry! :-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

sorry you missed Swap too.--mm crab balls-------
hope you continue to improve! crap stinks.
I was just thinking about those bulb drills the other day, they sound fun and easy peasy, but I have never used one. Would be super for adding bulbs to tree=rooty areas.

Hope we get just enough rain to soften the dirt for ya!! and not so much to keep you out of the mud.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Elf, sorry to hear about your "crap" but glad to hear you're feeling better! We're (at least me!) patiently waiting for photos of the benches you picked up at Harpers in August?? Never used one of those drill attachments, not sure it would even work with our hard red clay. A few years back, Rick was trying to pre-dig holes for a couple of 7 gallon trees with the HUGE drill attachment on the tractor and all it did would bounce off the soil! We learned the hard way, buy smaller trees = smaller holes to dig LOL

Seriously though, welcome back and when you feel up to it, would love to see some pictures of your benches :)


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Lastelf, I'm so sorry you're having to go through this.

I haven't used the drill either but SO's late father, who was the daffodil man with hundreds of varieties, used one all the time.

Did you know you can adjust your Windows (if that's what you're using) to make all the type larger?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Elf: We are all glad to hear from you. Please post whenever you are up to it! And for the next swap, I'm sure we can arrange transportation!

So tell us: What bulbs did you order?

Crozet, VA

Thanks for checking in elf. I too have been dealing with a chronic illness for about 25 years now. One of the most frustrating things for me has been that I cannot commit, because I never know how I will feel. It has been much better the last few years though, thankfully.

So, you got benches at Harpers? That is supposed to be my birthday present, which was yesterday, but we decided to go there after this wonderful rain clears up. I told my hubby that they had so many to choose from that I will need to study their website before going so that I will know which one to buy.

Again, thanks for checking in an updating us. I hope that your flare soon settle down.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

well, so much for the -not too much rain- wish. Lots of puddles in my yard. I hope you can enjoy the rest of the weekend some way! I do like to build compist while the leaves ar all wet.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Really missed meeting you at the last plant swap at Jills. Hope you continue to get better. Keep groundhogs day open next year, Jills been talking about a seed swap around then!

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