Things I'm looking for in the spring

Littleton, CO(Zone 5a)

If this isn't the right place for this just let me know. I know there are all kinds of rules. Earlier you said there might be things I can swap for if we all got together this spring. I don't know a lot of what I want because I usually just have an idea of what the attributes are for an area and then I go buy what I like when I'm wandering the nursery if it fits that area.

Here are a few things I know of that are pretty common and I would like to get a few seeds of if anyone has extra lying around that they want to get rid of. I'm not really too picky about varieties or colors. I'm mostly going to use them in my wildflower beds with my Aspens.

Miniature Hollyhock
Money Plant

I feel weird asking people especially when I don't have much of anything people would want to offer in return. But I'm willing to come pick them up or send an envelope or whatever. And someday I might have useful things to give back. (smile)

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I don't have any of them, but the tradition on DG is to send a SASE ( Self addressed stamped envelope) to the person with seeds to give away and they mail them back. You don't necessarily have to trade anything, though some people are more interested in trades.
In Denver, of course, people would probably appreciate your coming to get them and you just might get a garden tour!

Littleton, CO(Zone 5a)

I don't really want to ask total strangers, I feel really bad doing that. I've started to get to know you guys and was only asking if any have extras. Otherwise, I've seen the seeds at the stores and can easily go get some. And I really don't mind driving to "pick" stuff up from the Denver people. Because like you said, then I can see all their pretty flowers.

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

kTalia, you are welcome to have a "tour" any time in our gardens. They aren't all that spectacular now, because most everything has finished blooming. But if you want to see how it is done, we can oblige.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I strongly recommend a visit to GreenJay's gardens. Not only is she a great gardener but she is also an expert on HOA's. She might have some seeds for you, or she might not, but you will have fun. And if I understand Denver geography, she isn't all that far from you.

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Greenjay "does" seeds and is good at getting them from that form to bloom. You would be wise to take her up on the offer! Some of us are "seed challenged."

There is no right or wrong way for a gardener to share plants, seeds & bulbs (trades/SASE/??). It's a matter of individual preference (the stingiest gardener on forums might be giving away huge numbers of plants in real life). You will, one day, have to decide what works for you. In the meantime, your list is a great way to let others know what they might be able to share with a new friend in the springtime. I wish I grew some of those plants so that I could offer them to you for the digging.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Check out this list. It is all the people on DG who have candytuft for trade. You can look around and see if you have anything going to seed -- monkshood perhaps -- and offer to trade it to these people. Another thing you can do is dmail them and ask if they will send them to you for a SASE. This is not unusual on DG. I am currently preparing seed of anise hyssop and oriental garlic chives to send to a woman in Florida who sent me an SASE.

So, how did I get these names? I went to communities, then clicked on Plant or seed trading. Then inserted the word candytuft in the blank at the top of the page and then the search button. It couldn't be easier. TThese members have the seed and want to get rid of it. Perhaps they want something in exchange, but sometimes they just have some seed they don't want to go to waste.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

KTalia - I have been the recipient of the kindess of strangers! All my houseplants came from "cuttings for postage" and the tomato forum people got me started with all kinds of tomato goodies one year. Now that I have a real garden area and a dog proof fence, I am hoping to have seed next fall to give away. It's the karma thing, or the cycle of life, or maybe gardeners are just an abundant and overflowing type of people who want to keep the genetic diversity going :-)

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

And who want to have fellow gardeners to talk to. If you share some seeds or cuttings, you automatically have something in common.

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

Gardeners are the most generous people I have ever known. And many of them have things like iris for example that need to be divided regularly, or plants that proliferate easily like coreopsis. We all remember what it was like starting out with nothing, and try to pass some on to others who need them, or just admire them.

I have a LOT of iris right now, thanks to the generosity of a neighbor and mtnmama. kTalia you are welcome to some if you are interested.

Littleton, CO(Zone 5a)

Thank you all for the helpful links and advice! I haven't had a minute to sit down in the past few days. My husband just flew back from Florida (business) and he's been helping me finish up outside before the snow. I thought I was mostly finished, but then my father decided he could possibly use the bulbs I helped him split and gave me his two buckets full of daffodils, crocuses and tulips. I think I still have about 100 I just couldn't get in before the sun set today! I even planted them (the crocuses) in the lawn I had so many. Oh yes, not only did I have my own work, but I was trying to help my father with some of his as well.

Greenjay, I'm sure your gardens look nothing like they do when they are in their full splendor, but I'm sure there is still plenty to see and learn. I would love to come by sometime.

Pajoritmot, Thank you for the helpful links. One of the links wants garden stock which I already have collected some seed for. I may try and contact her. I'm just so tentative around strangers (that may be hard to believe as much as I talk). I managed to get up the guts to post here, so I suppose I should just get a glass of wine in me and go do it. :)

kmom, thanks for the encouragement. :)

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Sounds like you have an incredible bounty of bulbs! It took a ton of work, but lucky you! I am still planting bulbs and other plants as well. Tomorrow I will continue, but I am also supposed to visit my horse manure donor for another truck load. She just returned from a vacation in Italy and brought me some vegetable seeds. Boy, talk about incentive. I will have to plant early and get up to her house. As you have learned, bounty makes work!
As for contacting these people, if it takes a glass of wine, then go for it. Once you get started you will be able to do it with only water or nothing at all. As I looked up those links for you, I noticed that at least two people had collected the seed from public parks. It's not like it cost them anything! There are places -- like national parks, etc. where you shouldn't collect seed, but I am sure many public parks don't care. These people probably just kept it from going to waste.
Even Denver Botanic Gardens, where one probably shouldn't help oneself to seed, had a large wheeled box full of plants they had pulled up when the Rocky Mountain Forum was there. We were torn between the rule of not taking stuff from a Botanic Garden and greed -- and it did look like it was headed to the compost. So we asked. We were encouraged to take all we wanted -- so we ended up with lots of sweet woodruff and alliums. Sometimes a polite asking is all it takes to become inundated with goodies! Do not hesitate to ask DG'rs. They are used to it. The worst that can happen is that they will say no.
But you will be amazed at their generosity.
And congratulations on the bulb bonanza. I bet you will sleep well tonight!

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