What's up with this weather?

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Geez, it's October!!! Looked at the forecast - 89 in this area for the next three days and not a drop of rain in sight :(( Long range forecast however, looks like we might have conditions right for frost by the 16th of October - will be planning the major haul of plants indoors over the next week!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I am lovin it! We did get some rain early this morning.
Yesterday was just beautiful, I went on my yearly fall shopping bus trip to Holmes County Ohio, Amish Country. I think it was the first time we did not have to wear jackets, even at 5:00am when I had to leave the house to meet the bus. Ladies were buying tee shirts and changing into them to wear something cooler.
In the past we have had rain, very windy and cold. A few nice weather trips but not this warm. I was a wonderful day!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Hmmm... well, I'm not a fan. Low 70's would be better, imo. The ground is like concrete here, it's been so long since our last rain.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I was in Maryland the last few days (and half the summer) and the Baltimore Sun had a big article about the lack of rain. The state announced a drought watch, so watering bans might not be far off. The Susquehanna river is at 40% of its normal flow, not good. I haven't had to mow the lawn for weeks.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

We went by the Potomac here last night in Harpers Ferry, and you could walk across it by all the exposed rocks from it being so low. I saw people in a canoe headed toward this "rock bridge" and was wondering if they'd have to get out and pass the boat over.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I noticed that the Susquehanna R. up in NY was well below normal as well, but at least they've been getting a bit of rain. The landscape looked lush and green there last week.

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

Yes, what is with this weather *%&£!!!???

I trekked around the arboretum a bit today - orchid show and sale this weekend - and it was painfully hot! "Sweltering" might describe it!

It's high time we had some watering restrictions. I'm sick of seeing people watering the roads and the sidewalks :O

I'll have to remember to keep an eye out for first frost....

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

We had a large bare area of yard that we had to seed at the end of summer. I am so sick of watering just to get the grass to start. We always get some part of a tropical storm in Sept to give us a good soaking. Not this year! Parts of the existing grass not getting watered are totally brown and crispy, I don't remember ever having it this bad for 17 years here. When I water any beds, it's like droplets onto a giant sponge. Dries up so fast!.
I have one good thing to say- the long warmth has allowed my first ever daturas to recover and bloom , I think I'll have three open tomorrow. And moonflowers that I started late have been great.
I got my new plant shelf put up so I too better watch out for cold and fill it up. I just discovered that the outlet where I used to plug in a plant light got 'hijacked' this summer for some other purpose, so no juice!! And there's this puppy that will not be gentle to plants at her level. I'm going to have to be pretty selective about what lives, and creative about where to put them.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

93 degrees here today :((((( I don't mind these temps in July or August, but October???? I don't know if I'm just sick of the lack of rain or just miserable because it's been hot so long - come on, this IS October!!! I've got serious callouses (sp?) on my right hand from watering every day (sometimes over 4 hrs) and am developing either arthritis or carpal tunnel! With my watering responsibilities, I'm quickly losing my desire for fall gardening and I had so many great plans :( Good news is that by this weekend temps are supposed to plunge into the 70's - maybe I'll get some planting done next week? I sure hope so 'cause I've got a bunch of plants that need to see dirt SOON! Noticed the Mandatory Watering Restriction signs while traveling through Leesburg area this weekend - no wonder no one wants to plant anything if you can't even water it?? Even with the cooler temps there is still no rain in the forecast in this area for the next two weeks - maybe we'll get some in November? The last of August we were 9" below normal, haven't checked recently but figuring we must be at least a foot below normal by now!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

i do feel sorry for all the growers/ nurseries having to water constantly, must be so sick of it...

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

90 degrees here today. What a joke.

Let's everyone start reducing our carbon footprints... 1 - 2 - 3, GO!

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Greetings from NC
94 tomorrow. No rain. No tropical storm - afraid to use the well too much. No rain except for maybe 20 minutes once or twice..last two months and very sporadic and light prior to that. I never thought I would moan about the sun shining. Lake levels are low and we are getting close to trouble with the public water supplies. Lots of restrictions now in place.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hi,,, missingrosie- sounds just lik e maryland, same boat with thebrief tiny rains....

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

I keep thinking about Frank Herbert's 'Dune'

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

sally, "so sick of it..." puts it mildly - it's almost depressing :( There's nothing I like better than taking care of plants but since it doesn't look like any rain in the near future, the only thing I can hope for is frost to stop them from growing and requiring lots and lots of water!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

m- ha-- I did read Dune in high school - watch for the giant worms!! somewhat of a sci fi reader at that age

r- it must be really awful!!!! I have written off some things in my yard for th year, just common cheap things, can't muster the time or enthusiasm for them after the special things.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Sally - I read all of the Dune books as an adult (recovery time from surgery.) Anyway, at the time I enjoyed the book(s) as well written fiction - basically an interesting tale. But NOW with what is happening internationally and on the home front, I can see how brilliant Herbert was. How forward thinking. The acquisitive and expansionist "Empire" ... the "Fremen" --clannish desert fighters and their heirarchy, cultural beliefs, and social structure, and the environmental issues of the time (no water) the tug of war over the highly prized "Spice" (ie:oil) The worms are the least of our problems!!

This message was edited Oct 9, 2007 9:24 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

guess I wasn't thinking as deeply when I read it, all I remembered was the worms....Interesting points.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Chance of rain for this week is gone! Looks like we're right in the middle - rain to the south and north of us - but it's avoiding us :(( At least it looks like the cooler weather will arrive for the weekend but sure would like to see some rain. All those rainy day projects have been building up for months!!!

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

My problem is that all those sunny day projects haven't gotten done and I am scrambling for a plausible excuse to feed myself!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

you would think i could habe painted the back door by now.....not my fault i had emergency garden tasks..we didn't get one drop last night. but some around got a little.

(Zone 7a)

It rained for a hour or so here last night - must have been spotty indeed. Now, if only that 42*F forecast for Friday night here doesn't bring frost - certainly am not ready - grrr. Well, make it a gr with one r - I realize it's a low probability, but still...


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

We had a very brief drizzle last night too...I'm lovin' this weather today though....ahhhhhh

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

No rain here, grrrrrrrrr...but nice and cool - what a relief! Looking forward to a pleasant weekend at the State Arboretum - but sure wish I could be in the garden instead - now that this 'crisp' weather has arrived.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Hope everyone enjoyed the cooler weather over the weekend. Gearing up for major projects this weekend while Rick's away - bad news, fellow who was supposed to help me build stairs and erect arbor can't make it :( I'm determined that I'm still going to get the darned thing up...I'll keep you posted and wish me luck!

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