Pre-emergent grass control in the orchard

New Iberia, LA

Is there a good and safe pre-emergent that could be used in my orchard? My worst culprits are pigweed and Crabgrass. Round Up knocks them down but two weeks later it’s spray time again. I tried Preen in a selected area away from the orchard, but it just did not work. What do you use around your orchard?

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Your best bet would be to contact your local county extension agent.

Greensburg, PA

oldude, Just a question here. When you say pre-emergent, are you talking about weeds coming from seeds or trying to kill/keep down established weeds from coming up in the spring? Have you tried Round-Up and Preen in combination? Round-up to kill the established weeds and Preen to prevent seeds fro starting.

Round-Up makes a long term formula but I have no idea how safe that would be in an orchard and would personally be afraid of it in my orchard (if I had one)

For me, weed control requires lots of mulch and I do not know how practical that is for your situation. It's a long term proposation to get ahead of the weed issue here.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

It's not a good idea to use mulch up against fruit trees. I would go with round up for what you can see. If your up against lawn weeds check out weed be gone. I wouldn't spray it all over the place but a weed by weed spray might work. Problem is you need to kill the weeds far enough away from your trees that seeds don't blow back around the fruit trees.

Baltimore, MD

I also use mulch and it works pretty well for weeds. I also weed by hand, which the mulch makes lot easier. CoreHHI is there something you don't like about mulch? Some places the voles work through it in the winter and eat the bark, but I have never had that or any other problem with it here.


New Iberia, LA

I don’t use mulch on anything except raised beds and containers. I really would like to use it for weed control but it just rains too much in my area. Mulching just increases the chances of root rot for me.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I second the root rot and fungus problems. I'm not against mulch I just don't use it near my fruit trees.

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

I'm considering those pressed-rubber circle thingies that go around the trunk of the trees - for the small trees, at least.

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