How hot was your day?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

We had 34 degrees outside today. I spent the morning getting the washing out and a few chores done, then relaxed by the pool with a book most of the day. I even had a quick dip! Then I slept for a couple of hours before mowing the lawns after 3.30 when it finally cooled down. How hot was it at your house?

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Same here mate and the ^*%#* wind knocking my plants around grrrr

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bashing the life out of my beautiful honeysuckle

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burning and tearing up my early Angels....apart from that it was a great day ....summer is here

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Coffs Harbour, Australia

My Angel is growing a foot a week I reckon, and what I thought were seed pods are new blooms! I'll have to keep an eye on it to see what the pods look like.
Your plants still look lovely Chrissy, and what doesn't kill them only makes them stronger. Did they get the local fires out?

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Just went outside a minute ago and there is a coolness in the WET air Hooray it is spitting!
Hey Sue have you been into any of the forums yet?.....isn't it great not to be stopped from entering?...I look forward to hearing what your favourites are....cactus and succulents would be your first stop right? have fun!

Merino, Australia

Good morning all. It will be a while yet before anyone even thinks about those sorts of temperatures here. We have frost today and it may get to around18C, with NO WIND . Please remind me I said this when I start complaining about the heat.
You poor plants must be in need of a lot of sunscreen.
Don't worry. it;s only another 8 months or so until winter. HaHa
Have a great day anyway.

morning's a much kinder day today thank goodness....I took a picture of the triffid climbing succulent that I have sent to most of you....this has grown this high in only a few months and it was winter

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Have a wonderful gardening day everyone......I am off to do just that!

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Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Chrissy and Jean another hot day, but we spent it on the Clarence River with my Step daughters who are visiting, and sped around in the boat with a couple of inflatable tubes.
It has cooled down this arvie though with a drop of rain so hopefully we'll get a little more.
I Have been in the Bromeliad forum, Hippeastriums, and a few others, but people seem to just post a pic of much the same thing and not many reply. But I'll have a chat and meet some people. I'll get on to some other forums soon, but boy, it takes up some time!
Kooka on the shade house

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Go visit the tropical and recipes....and garden starts with plants and ends up talking about everything!.....and yes it takes up too much time but does any hobby.....I have learned about the world and learned that we share a lot in common with the lovely Texans and .....well almost everyone! glad you've had a fun was a lovely day in the garden....a huge relief after the terrible blowtorch winds of the last few days....but what about the big hurricane bashing the chinese people.....I feel guilty worrying about our wind after watching the scenes coming from Vietnam tonight....poor things.Back in China can you imagine evacuating a million people........I am praying for everyone in the path of the hurricane.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Chrissy. What would I want to look at recipes for! I hate cooking! LOL
It rained on and off all day and I only managed to get to one garden, and the little old lady who owned it said she was glad of my company today as she is sooo lonely! Poor old dear. I'm glad I can be of help!
I bought a 10 pack of Snap dragons from the local nursery and came home and pulled out scraggy Petunias and Pansies, which I then replaced with the Snappies and watered in with Charlie Carp. I pulled a few weeds and picked up some leaves and stuff.
I also planted out 6 Chicorium seedlings as an experiment, mainly to see if they are big enough to survive, and if theres any bugs around that might eat them.
I'm afraid I didn't see the news on China and am guilty of staying clear of current and world events/news as I'm very easily depressed by doom and gloom, so I listen to local radio and read local papers and thats it really. I must say though that a million people in China is a drop in the Ocean really, but I am with you when you say you are praying for all.

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No no you don't just go there for the recipes... it is the general banter....
memories that certain recipes bring back etc....but it does eat into your day....and is addictive.
The day was much kinder .......and you are right about the news makes me feel guilty .....fancy living in a Country where a million people is not a lot.....imagine if it were a million Australians.....yes you are right it does depress you.
On a happier note I love snappies! such happy little things and they are often perennials if you keep hacking them back....well here anyway.
Poor lady huh ...I can hear the beatles singing....."all the lonely people.....ah look at all the lonely people....." It is a lucky thing with our aging population that most of us have the computer now...sad that anyone is lonely.
Well have a great day/evening.....everyone

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Yes I love the snappies and will try not to mulch too heavily at the end of their season as I usually ruin any chance of them self-seeding. My favourite is the yellow. I really like that particular yellow in the garden. It also goes well with blue/purple salvinia, which i planted a few months ago and is starting to come good. Alot of my elderly customers are lonely. It's awful to think of getting old and frail and having family move away and friends drop off the perch. Also if you become too ill to get out and about, it makes it hard to keep up any contact. I reckon I'd miss hugs more than anything. I'll give her a big hug tomorrow when I'm back there (weather permitting) It'll probly scare the beegeezes out of her!LOL
I checked out the garden art and water garden forums last night. Theres 2 hours I'll never get back! LOL

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Merino, Australia

Good morning all.
I presume there is someone else out there that is up early.
We have another cold morning here but hopefully a nice day later.
There has been frost around lately but luckily it does not come here on the hill. I will probably stay in by the fire for a while as the weather takes until lunchtime to decide what it will do. My fingers are frozen and don't want to type but I will persist. Chrissy, I agree with you with regard to the huge amount of people in China and other Asian places. It would be a nightmare to move them . I'm glad we don't get those typhoons etc here. Hubby's friend in USA lives where the tornados are and that would be scary.
Hello sue. I used to do a few gardens for some of the older ladies down in town but sadly , they died. It was great to have a chat with them as they knew such a lot about gardening over the years. I was able to enjoy doing something I liked and also give a bit of company to some lonely people. The families gave me a lot of pot plants when the ladies died so I can remember them as I water. As you say , they love the company. One of my ladies was really into her garden and was disappointed when she saw weeds she wasn't able to get to , and while talking to the others at her day care centre, heard about me and so I got the job of looking after her babies.
Must go and warm the fingers.
Have a happy day all .

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Well it's cooled down here today after another really hot day yesterday! We have a cold southerly today, so its cold in the breeze, but very warm in the sun! Hubby bought me a garden cart, some potting mix, some tomato stakes, and an electric tap timer. Don't know what I did to deserve that, but I said thankyou very much and planted some tomatos, and dragged my trolley around all afternoon from shade house to garage, (where I am now set up for potting) and back again. I am a lucky girl!

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You lucky duck ww......ha ha ha I have to use a wheel barrow!....that is great!.....have fun with it....last night we had a huge storm.......lots of wind but at least we got lots of rain!.....I had just that very afternon been out with my paintbrush trying to play "birds and bees with my white and salmon Angels.....when blam ....most of the flowers were ripped to shreds!.....oh well a couple left.....I will let you know later if they are expecting or not!

Have a good one everyone!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hey Chrissy, have you tried striking a cutting of your salmon angel? My white one was stuck from a cutting by a good friend of mine, and she seemed to think it was easy. Does it have any scent? I can't say i have seen many Angels in Coffs Harbour. And none in the nurseries! Maybe they're not suited to the climate, although my white one is fine!
Today was a busy day with me digging up and relocating a large golden cane clump and doing all the edges and most of the lawns. Phew! It looks so nice when its done, but it only lasts a day or 3 and it looks a bit shaggy again. Oh well.

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Coffs Harbour, Australia

one more to go, (next week) That'll teach me for planting them so close to the house. Mind you, they were 30cm tall and cost $2 each about 5 years ago!

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Coffs Harbour, Australia

This is a pic of Oct 03. If you ignore my sister whizzing past and look at the planting along the veranda........ Wow I had a trip down memory lane digging out these photos!

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You have no doubt besides improving the way the home looks added thousands of dollars in value to your home well done....are you still checking out the house down the road?
Re my angels.....yes my white angel is the big white one with the beautiful perfume......and I find them almost as easy to strike as geraniums.....just need warm shade and a sandy mix......I have made dozens of cuttings that way.....and they grow like mad....over 6ft in a Summer ....I like to remove the side shoots and let them become a weeping umbrella shape ....that way you can sit under them ....and look up.......lovely! .Why don't you try it them.
Have a great gardening day is early this morning
best part of the day!

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Coffs Harbour, Australia

Crikey Chrissy, that is early! I was walking the dogs about the time you were posting I think. I've been out and taken a photo of the same scene as the one with my sis. No, we are not looking at houses at the moment. There is at least a years work here before it is Saleable, and hopefully we will win lotto between now n then so we don't have to sell! LOL

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Dawn is the best part of the day....2nd best is twilight time taken last night....your place looks great!

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