Gracious!! Why is it so hard to find a cheap bird bath?!?!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

And why doesn't anyone have them? Just a simple, small that too much to ask? Grrr!!!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Chantell, you need to treat yourself and head to Harper's in Harrisonburg some weekend - very reasonably priced and every combination you could hope for (i.e. pedestals and basins)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

How much did you want to spend, Chantell? The concrete ones at Lowes aren't that expensive. They have some that are resin too that aren't too high and are a lot easier to move. You might be able to find some on clearance this time of year.

For really cheap, try Big Lots - I've seen some there for just a few dollars - or you can't beat a large clay pot saucer. If you want a base, you can use a section of clay sewer pipe or clay chimney flue liner.

Or upended clay pots:

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

That one in hart's link , I think, is better looking than the other one I saw on Carol Duvall's show.
Guess I have to go add Big lots to my list today ...Lowe's tomorow and I let you know if they have put Bbs on clearance. After I get mine of course. I'm looking for one that my mom can handle, that the squirrel won't tip over. Sounds hopeless. I need to talk her into a stump with saucer type of arrangement.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yip - yip - EEEE!!! Didn't think to check the Lowes up here b/c mine in Stafford gave me the "What? A birdbath in fall?" look. As if they don't drink during the fall and winter...geez!!! Lowes in Wdbg had them...not clearanced but still a much better price then the others I'd found. Under $28 for top and bottom total!!!
Becky and I have decided, though, that Harpers is a must in the next few weeks.
And Diane that Michael's project...OMG, how cute is that!?!? Might definitely do that as well - maybe a gift for my sister.....

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Sally, I think the resin ones that have a stand allow you to put sand in the base. Or you can get really cute ones with a chain hanger that can be hung from a tree. I guess you could hang them from a porch too but then you'd have a lot of bird mess.

I don't know if you can use a heater in the resin ones in winter, though.

The concrete ones at Lowes are cheap - that's where I got the one I have in the yard - but they're really heavy.

As an alternative, a small patio pond gives the birds a place to get water so long as they have a place where they can stand. They drink from the rocks in our waterfall all the time. You'd probably have to bring the plants in for winter unless they're extremely hardy because their roots would be essentially up in the cold air.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Heavy?! I think I'm still sweating...LOL Most of a workout I've had in months! When I was returning the cart the gal outside (watering the plants, I might add...yeah Lowes!) - said " got that in there...would you like a job?" To which I smiled and said..."Couldn't pay me enough...I'd be in traction after a few hours work - YOU have my complete respect!"

Crozet, VA

Chantell, if you do decide to visit Harpers, please let me know. There is not a thing in the world that I need from there, but love it and would love to see you and Becky also. I am not too far from there and can easily ride over. Let me know. Thanks.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I'll tell Becky - maybe we can post a new thread and anyone wanting to join can...make a day of it.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Chantell, I'll lose out on visiting Harper's with you this fall - going there this weekend to pick up my door prize from their Open House back in August. However, if you're planning a road trip, why not make it the weekend of the 13-14th and stop by the Arbor Fest at Blandy? Would love to see you ladies again and we're talking about taking our new puppy with us for the last event of the season - you could meet the newest member of the family!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a) THAT sounds delightful!!! OHhhhhhh, Beeeckkkkeeee!!!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Ohhhhhhh I am heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere! Sure - that will be excellent :-)

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Looking forward to seeing you two! :)) Keep your fingers crossed for good weather, the last two years have been downright miserable - cold and rain both days - taking my gloves with me this year just in case!

Chantell, I meant to post this before when you were looking for the birdbath - something along the same idea as the one hart posted the link for. Used three clay pots and a plastic saucer for the 'bath' - spray painted the pots and base of saucer with stone texture paint and painted the inside of the saucer with a glossy paint for easy cleaning. Only problem I've had with it is I can't find anything (glue) that will keep the plastic saucer permanently attached to the clay pot - in the heat, it just melts and with the first wind the top is on the ground :(

Thumbnail by rcn48
Crozet, VA

Hey Ladies, what is The Arborfest in Blandy? Do tell. This might be interesting and maybe I will meet another member of Dave's for the first time, Miss Debbie.

Oh yeah, just thinking back to whenever it was that I signed up for Dave's. The very first correspondence on here was from RCN. She sent a D-Mail welcoming me on board. Thanks Debbie, this has turned out to be a very important part of each day for me. I feel as though I have more friends than I ever have before.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Rain? What's that?! UGH!!! Oh yeah...I's that wet stuff that literally poured on us when Becky and I hit the pottery last Oct. Beck, post a pic to remind us, please? LOL
As for glue - what about mixing up your own cement and attaching...or would that not work????
Ruby - it'll be fun - won't it!!!???

Shenandoah Valley, VA

If you don't want to mess with cement, try Gorilla Glue, Debbie. Just keep in mind it foams up and expands as it dries so put some bricks in the saucer or something else heavy until it's dry to keep it level. And watch for foam oozing around the sides if you put it on too heavy.

Chantell, you all might want to check the drive times to see if you want to go to the Arborfest and save Harpers for another trip. Blandy is up in Clarke County, probably a couple of hours drive for you? From there, you're going to be about another couple of hours to Harpers.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ewww....not sure about that then...will have to put my head together with Becky and decide what she'd like to do. I didn't realize they were that far apart.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

hey hey - heres my head :-)

Anyway - I am good to go either way - this trip is a total tag-along for me :-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Here's some other events that weekend so maybe you could coordinate to make the trip worthwhile one way or another. Mt. Jackson would be on the way to Harrisonburg along 81. Berryville would be close to Blandy. Front Royal would be just east of where you get onto 81 from 66.

October 13 - 14 -- Mt. Jackson Apple-Grape Harvest Festival
Festival: Come join Mount Jackson as we celebrate the Apple-Grape Harvest. Our quaint town will be filled with arts & crafts, great food, wine tasting from area vineyards, music, contests, and activities for all ages. Downtown Mt. Jackson, VA.
Fee: FreeTime: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Phone Number: (540) 477.3275

October 13 -- A Taste of Tuscany at Veramar Vineyard
Celebration, Food & Wine Education: Enjoy the adventure of exploring Italian food and Veramar Wines, not only a delight for the senses but also an expression of the cultural and traditional heritage. Advanced reservations required. $25/person includes Italian food taste, Italian music, food & wine tasting with souvenir glass. 905 Quarry Road Berryville, VA
Fee: $25Time: 6:30 p.m. Phone Number: (540) 955.5510

Festival of Leaves

Region: Shenandoah Valley
Locality: Warren County

Downtown Front Royal
Main and Chester Streets
Front Royal, VA 22630

Outdoor rain or shine festival in downtown Front Royal, VA featuring historical displays, arts and craft vendors, 10 a.m. parade, live entertainment, children's corner, living history interpretations, food concessions, and a lot more. Ivy Lodge Museum & Gift Shop and Laura Virginia Hale Archives will be open to the public as well as guided tours of historic Belle Boyd Cottage and Balthis House.

Saturday, October 13, 2007 (9:00 AM-6:00 PM)
Saturday, October 11, 2008 (9:00 AM-6:00 PM)

Children Welcome

Warren Heritage Society Business Office: (540) 636-1446
Warren Heritage Society Executive Director: (540) 636-0702
Warren Heritage Society Archives: (540) 636-9947
Fax: (540) 636-6078

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Actually it's only a two hour drive for us from Lexington to Blandy (Boyce) and Harrisonburg is half way - so an hour's drive from Blandy. We take the "back way" and avoid Winchester - up 81, across 66 to 340 and then not sure of the routes, but not that bad a drive from 66. Chantell and Becky, if you need directions, just let me know!

Awww, Ruby, it was almost two years ago since you joined! Arbor Fest is the VA State Arboretum's fall festival at Blandy, actually in Boyce, VA just east of Winchester off Route 50. It's a great family event, lots of activities and plant and garden-related vendors and also non-profit booths. Here's the link if you're interested: - just click on the link at the top of the page for Arbor Fest for more information :)

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

something i found out last year is that Nall's Market on rt 7 near Berryville has 50% off EVERYTHING on christmas eve....includes all statuary, pottery, landscaping stones as well as all of the gourmet goodies inside...they even have free food provided (i saw roast beef, homemade cinnamon rolls, etc)....only downside is that since it's their last day for business until spring there aren't any of their fabulous pies available....

it's a ways (at least a little bit) until christmas, but i picked up a very nice cement bench and a two piece ceramic bird bath and some very nice pots for a decent price

for those who went to weber's sale in winchester i think the pots at nall's start off a little cheaper so it comes out better

i believe some people got there very early as the workers marked items that were purchased....we got there before noon and there was a nice selection still available...

Crozet, VA

Thank you Debbie. I will check out the link for Arborfest. Gee, sounds like a lot is going on, all over. It is a wonderful time of the year to do some scouting. I have been enjoying the lower temperatures this past week or so. This is gardening weather, if you ask me.

I have loads more bulbs to get in the ground and a few live plants that got delivered this week. It won't get done this weekend, because we are going away. Come Monday, I will be ready to do some work though. And....I would love to see some rain.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I have a suggestion on how to keep the bird-bath tops put.

I have your typical 20" diameter, or such, bird bath top made of some kind of stone/concrete. I got it at Franks. Remember them? They always had tops and bottoms available-separately. I bought this top there many moons ago. It cost like $22! But it is glazed on the inside and I always take it into my shed for the winter so it won't crack.

I put one of those loopedy-loop, folding wire fencings around the bird bath. Mine fits very snuggly and keeps the tray in place. This fencing is about 24"-30" high and comes in white or dark green. It gives the birdies a place to perch also to dry their feathers.

I seldom have seen a Monarch in my yard. Then--I don't grow Milkweed either. Do they have other favorite plants?


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, do you have a photo of your birdbath arrangement? I'm having a hard time picturing your set up. Is the top sitting directly on the fencing or do you also have a bb base?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Will take a pic for you--later today.

Yes. The BB has a concrete/stone base. The "bowl" sits fully on the base. The top can be lifted off...emptied...cleaned...stored, etc.

I took apart the loop fencing and am only using 4 of the section. I think it comes with 7 or 8 sections. This way, it makes a tight square around the "bowl". Each of the 4 sides (of the fencing) snuggly touches the side of the BB bowl, thus holding it from tipping over.

Does this explain it better? Gita

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Meadows Farms has their's 50% I returned the HUGE one and got the cute little seashell looking one..sure the birds don't give a rip one way or the I like looking at it!! Hope they enjoy the water b/c with our water restrictions I'll have to sneak water out to it after today...ugh!!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Jeez, you've got me most curious, Gita. I kinda sorta think I get it, but I ain't that bright. *grin*

Wish I'd thought of something like that this summer because somebody (groundhog?) knocked over my 'bowl' and split it in half a month or two ago.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Here's a picture. A bit dark on my computer, but I always have that problem. When i try to fix it up, the recipient often complains that it is not 'right". I think I need a new monitor. Mine is at least 6 years old.

Anyway, I hope this gives you the "big picture" of what I am talking about. I have never had any BIG animals go to my bird bath, but before I put the fencing around it, a couple of times the top was knocked over. Don't know by who! Never had this happen again since I put the fencing around it.


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh! That's not at all what I was envisioning! lol I always think of that type of fencing as being too low to reach the top of a BB, but you have proved my theory wrong. Thanks so much for going to the trouble to post a picture ... and, btw, the quality is just fine!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


This type of fencing comes in at least 3 different heights. There are the itsy-bitsy ones--about 8" high. Then the medium ones about 18" high, and then the tall ones (like I used) that are about 28"-30" tall.
This is the tallest one. This is the one I use around all my Peonies and also some Flox.
To separate the 4 sections from the rest, just use a screw driver to pry the connecting links a bit looser and they come apart from the wire they were around easily.

Glad I helped you "see the light"......:o)


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

anybody who can keep one BB bowl alive fotr many moons gets my respect!

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