Plant bargains at Lowes

Shenandoah Valley, VA

The Lowes here had a bunch of plants on sale for 50 cents and $1. Lots of 50 cent mums that were bloomed out but would be great for next year. Some of the others were annuals but were things that could be easily overwintered. It included some sun coleus, which I know some of you were looking for earlier.

Not on clearance but they had some really nice, large perennials for $3.33. I got a gorgeous chocolate Joe Pye weed. And some very nice shrubs for $5.98, including some pretty crepe myrtles.

There were also some shrubs on half price including a double white rose of sharon.

Chantell, they had butterfly bushes but I forgot to go over and look at the price on them.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Lowes (Glen Burnie) is my new favorite for clearance plants. Ever since my cheap black runner EE that was popular here...
I can sometimes stop in early weekdays, -you know, when you've dropped kids off at school and you have a choice between grocery shopping, Walmart, and Lowes for plants, gotta choose plants. I went last week. They had put some roses on the clearance racks at the back but no new tags. So I find the guy in charge and he says "If you get rid of all of them for me, you can have them for a dollar each!" So as I stare dumbfounded, he says OK, just take what you want for a buck each. Give'em to your neighbors! Get em outta here! So at a buck, a half alive rose is OK by me. 3 Blushing Pink knockout, and Salsa, Whisper and First Prize. Last three may be problems with black spot etc, I know. If I just get a few blooms from the last three its OK. I have high hopes for the Knockout as a clump in front of the house.
I am really hoping that next time I go they have put the last caladiums and EEs on clearance. Had some great ones. Would they be worth taking in and letting go dormant ot would they have had too hard a summer in the store to make a decent bulb?

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

On Friday, at our Lowe's, I got 1 gallon Black and Blue Salvias for a dollar, and even Snapdragons for $2. Both of which will bloom for me here for quite a while longer and be back next spring! Cool beans. :)

Oh, and Sallyg, the EEs would certainly be worth getting, IMHO. You could sure overwinter them dormant if they're protected. Caladiums, ya never know how they will do after being stored over the winter - but if they're cheap enough, why not? ;> (I am a shameless enabler.)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Deb, Deb, Deb, you had to go and encourage me.......I'd love the B and B salvia too.
GB also had a bunch of orchids , some really fried but some in nice pots. But hanging on for weeks and charging $10 for those. Too much for me, even for the pot. Now, if I see that guy again, might try to get them cut again...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a) I HAVE to run by Lowes...because I NEED more plants...UGHHHHH!!!

Crozet, VA

I am gonna get Hart for starting this. I have heard so much nagging about having too many houseplants in the past couple of months, that I am afraid to bring any in for fear of wrath. ha-ha
I do sneak them in sometimes, but I have to agree with John, we sure do have a lot of them at the moment. I still haven't finished bringing them in from outside yet. The ones still on screen porch are ones that are too heavy for me to lift. He has promised to help get in some later today.

Well, here is my most recent Lowe's story. I was there yesterday because I needed the clear saucers to sit under the houseplants. First off, their greenhouse is almost full of Christmas stuff already. In the very middle of the floor there were a few shelves with their houseplants on them. I almost missed seeing them at all. But I first saw what they have labeled as a Magic Money Tree which is considered a Bonsai. I stopped to look at it because last winter at some point, at a different Lowe's I was able to find one for fifty cents also. Gee, the ceramic pot is worth more than that. I have babied it along and have it sitting on the top shelf of my kitchen garden window. It seems very happy.

Okay, back to yesterday.......I stopped to inspect the Magic Money Tree and saw that it was full of water instead of soil or bonsai pebble . Sitting beside it were two other small plants that I cannot remember what they were now. These two plants were bone dry. I proceed to use the water that plant number one had in it and watered to two plants. I felt so bad for them sitting there and being that thirsty. As I walked to the other side of the shelves is where I got a really sad eye full. This particular Lowe's whole selection of house plants were ALL sitting there dry as bones. I became upset and went to the garden shop check out where there were two lanes open and no customers at either check out. I reported to one of the clerks that there was a whole display of dried out plants sitting there in the middle of the floor. She just shook her head and said, "we are short of help."

That really made me mad. Why couldn't one of them close their register, let their supervisor know that they were going to show some gumption and water those poor plants. When I was leaving I thought that I might go home and call back to the store and ask for a manager and report what I saw, but until now had forgotten about making a call.

Should I try calling now? Would I be wasting my breath? Let's take a vote.

And John just asked what I was typing and I told him we were discussing house plants. He said to tell you all that he wants me to try and become a vendor for Lowe's. He wants me to take some of my plants to them. ha-ha I guess I should ask here, since he was giving me ideas yesterday of places to send spider plants. Does anyone here want any spider plant babies? I have mostly the solid green, but might be able to come up with a few varigated ones. I will wrap appropriatly and mail out to you, if you wish. Let me know.

Oh yeah, he also reminded me that I did buy plants yesterday. They are just not houseplants. I bought 4 colors of pansies and also had forgotten about them until now. Will be going outside shortly and get them in their new home.

Thanks for alerting us Hart. And oh yeah Hart, several months ago you suggested an Encyclopedia of Day Lillies Book for John. Sunday was his birthday and I gave it to him. He comes in during his breaks and is devouring the pages of that book. So, thank you for suggesting that I get it. He loves it.

I love this group of chatters. I also miss all of you. I suppose that I can hold out till a seed swap or whatever the next get together will be. In the mean time i will just enjoy reading about everyone's plant finds and such.

Take care and have a good week.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Well I was just at Lowes and thankfully they didn't have anything good clearanced....mercy, the bird bath was enough...although they had the best stand up trellis there - it had 3-4 "hoops" here & there for 4" pots. I wish it had been marked down. I would love something like that to put my broms in next year...kinda to show them off.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

I'm staying away from Lowe's - too many temptations, I have enough already to take care of! Silly me, bought two Rex Begonias to add to the collection last weekend at the sale in Warrenton - like I needed them! Couldn't resist, one of the other vendors is great - we always end up trading plants instead of 'buying' them so it's like getting free plants :)

Not sure if I mentioned this before, but I did go to Lowe's last month and buy a new arbor. I was so frustrated because two days before the saleswoman had told me they were on sale 50% off - went back to pick it up and there weren't going to give me the "sale price". I persisted - it took 45 min. and talking to 3 different people - all the way up the ladder, but the 4th employee, the Manager, finally gave in, said if the saleswoman had quoted me the sales price, they would honor it! Yippee, got a wonderful new arbor for only $99 :))) Persistence pays! Planning to install it the weekend Rick goes away as a surprise!

Crozet, VA

Debbie, you are the type of shopper that I am. I would have done exactly as you did. It will be a very nice suprise for Rick.


Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

rcn48: Yes, ..Well done! I'd have wimped out. I'm a lousy shopper. :)

I'm going to Lowe's at lunch time today to see if they've marked down anything else interesting. (Addicted? Moi?)

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

LOL Deb, other times I might have "wimped" out...let's just say I was a very determined woman that day! I was very cordial but I may actually have whined just a little :)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey, my feeling is...if you want it bad enough...go for it!! Esp. when promised a lower price!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Glen Burnie had those caladiums on the clearance rack but again not yet marked. The young guy in charge at the moment said 50 % off. I took two nice sized pots for $3 each. They had some bigger pots like 3 gal, that were originally 21 $ with Illustris EE, but I didn't want to go to ten dollars so I left them. A couple of Black Magic EE in smaller pots. I decided to justtake the two; maybe the rest will be there next week and marked cheaper? I also took a canna tropicana half off, at $6. Not fabulous cheap but I'm happy.

Crozet, VA

And do you know what Sally? Your being happy is the name of the game. ha-ha Sounds like you had fun picking and choosing which plants to buy. You have my interest up in the black EE. I am going to have to keep my eyes open for one of them.

John and I are going out of town this weekend. He has already told me that he didn't see a lot of sense in going to the same stores that we have around here when in other areas. I disagree and am hoping that maybe I can find some things at VA Beach that I haven't been able to find here.

It is fun to hear about the good buys that people are finding now that things are winding down for the season. Keep the stories coming.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ruby - I'm with you!! I've visited other chain stores in other locales and most certainly have found things that I couldn't at my local stores. Good Luck!!!

Crozet, VA

Hi Chantell - I thought of you a bit ago when I saw the area where earlier this year I snatched plant seeds. We are sitting on the balcony at the Ramada and about six or so blocks from here is about a block wide area of City maintained gardens. I am very envious of City maintained gardens and want to have their budget to garden with. ha-ha

Anyway, me and the trusty baggies will be venturing out later today about sunset to see what all the gulls have left. I guess that sea gulls eat plants. Don't know for sure.

If any of these seeds decide to live, if I get them planted, they will definitely be a surprise mix. Volunteers and surprises are sometimes the best things in the garden. ha-ha


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

wish I was at VA beach this weekend! Enjoy. I can't believe it's October!

Crozet, VA

Sally, people have been swimming in the ocean all day today. A hotel that we visited earlier today still has the pool open and there were people in it too. Things are hoppin' down here despite it being October.

We just had a delicious dinner at a seafood buffet. We both ate just the right amount, so we are neither hungry or too full. Did I mention that tomorrow is our wedding anniversary. Thirteen years now. And...what a long strange trip it's been. Jerry Garcia


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

well, if I can't be there, at least you are! Enjoy! Happy Anniversary!!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Happy Anniversary Ruby and John! It was our 5th anniversary yesterday :)

Crozet, VA

Thank you both very much. Congrats to you too Debbie.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

I forgot - especially liked the "Jerry" comment - Rick is a diehard "Jerry" fan :)

Crozet, VA

Yep, my John is too. I just spent the weekend in the car listening to The Greatful Dead. This particular CD that he played was a good one. Some of the things they have done, I could leave with no problem.

He is wishing everyone a good new week.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Some of the things they have done, I could leave with no problem.

LOL Ruby!! I know EXACTLY what you mean :) Was never a fan when I was younger, learned to tolerate it and now can actually say "some" of their music I actually enjoy! Guess it's a good thing because Rick has a massive collection :(

Crozet, VA

Same here, my dear. We just HAVE to get together so that I can meet you and bring the guys along to talk about the shows they have to. ha-ha

Have fun with that pup!!!


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