Artabptrus Hexapetalus/Ylang Ylang vine seeds

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)


These seeds are very rare.
I have seeds for SASBE. 2 seeds per person. Please send $1.00+ in stamps.
If you are interested, please Dmail me for mailing particulars.

This plant is classified as a 'vine'. This information is from the Rareflora site:

Artabotrys are very interesting, medium sized vines from Asia. They are quite sturdy and easy to grow. Any location from full sun to filtered light would be good. Good drainage is important and the soil has to be moderately moist. Artabotrys are vines that can climb on a trellis fence or on top of other shrubs by special structures on the stems that resemble hooks. If left by themselves, the vine will grow on top of itself forming a mound.
Most people that expect large, colorful flowers will be disappointed with the Artabotrys. The flowers appear during the warmer months and are greenish/yellow and very often hidden by the leaves.
These beautiful vines with shiny green leaves are not really grown for the flowers. People like them for their the unusual fragrance. They are also called "juicy fruit vine."
Artabotrys are tropical vines and have to be protected against freezing temperatures. They can also be grown in containers with proper trimming and brought indoors during the cold spells.

This message was edited Sep 28, 2007 1:05 AM

Thumbnail by bedouin
Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

Thank you for the wonderful information about this plant! Have sent you a dmail.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Me too!


Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

I have enough for 7 mailings. Tetleytuna and Xeramtheium I've replied to your emails. Thanks for responding.

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

This is probably a very stupid question, but does anyone know how to move emails into 'FOLDERS ' one sets up? Its probably terribly easy, but I obvious am missing a link somewhere along the line! :) Thanks.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Check the email you want to move then scroll down and you should see a box that says move this email and click on the box and choose the folder you want to move to.


Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I got this as a A. hexapetalus this winter, and it is growing fine, but it doesn't look like a vine. It just keeps growing upward with regular branches-no tendrils. Is this the right plant-is this how they grow?

Thumbnail by tigerlily123
Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Yes, tigerlily, its certainly the Art. Hex. As it matures, you'll see the 'thorns' growing off the main trunk; these will modify as its matures to the stems of the flowers. This is a strange 'vine' as its actually a shrub as far as I am concerned. Left alone to grow as nature would have it,cascading outwards beautifully, with children using the inner area as a 'camp'. The width of one I've seen was at least 15 feet if not more; all stems drooping over each other in a most attractive 'umbrella' shape. Beautiful, but it takes a huge amount of space. I have trimmed the tops of all of mine which are in very large pots (have to move them around prior to a hurricane). The result is of course, much sprouting out at the top into many stems. I've trimmed the trunk to keep the lower area 'open'. If I recall correctly, the main stem was fairly thick, coming out of the ground. Not tree-like of course. This plant may overhwelm your attractive deck, given time.

I can just imagine a lovely Brunfelsia Gigantica, or B. Americana, or B. lactea in that area. Exquisite night fragrances, but of course nothing is perfect, as the flowers would drop onto the deck after each 'flush' of blooming.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Bedouin (love the name!). When/if possible, could you show me a picture of yours, that will give me an idea of how you have cut it back. Also what is the smallest size cont that you can get away with and totally stunt the plant. As you know when you are carrying them-smaller is better.

I do have a lot of fragrant plants on the deck! Michelia champak and alba, about 10 or more different jasmines, nightblooming jasmine (that is going off now-love that smell!), some taberaemontanas, 5 or so different brugs, plumerias, aglaia and others-can't remember!
I do have two brunfelsia ( I remember that you really like them!)-one (YTT) is in the ground-actually came back from the winter-didn't expect that, and another that is in a container elsewhere. When it blooms, I will bring it up on the deck. Am I missing some good plants ??? lol I need to know! lol

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

d-mail sent

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

d-mail sent

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

tigerlily ( l love your name as well) some pice of where I lopped the top off and the resulting regrowth. I was not exactly 'delicate' but just topped it off where I felt it would suit my purposes. I believe, in retrospect, I should have topped it off much lower! but thats ok, as I can do it another day....

Thumbnail by bedouin
Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

A p[ic of the massing of the pots. I use them as 'screening' for privacy. The huge, long stemmed, large leaved plant is Artabotrys Siamiensis. Its not bloomed yet, and I impatiently wait for this blooming. I saw and appreciated one in Miami in full bloom. It was trimmed back enormously, and the fragrance was just unbelievable. After seeing that beauty, I hunted till I found one. These plants are certainly for the 'faint of heart'! At some point, I'm going to have to hack this one down!!

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Oops, forgot to add the pic. A few glasses of wine later..............

Thumbnail by bedouin
Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

tigerlily, Ah, you too plant for fragrance! I'll hunt around and see what seeds are ripe when I receive your SASBE. I may have some other Brunfelsias handy: Just depends on whats ripening at the time! I have a few seeds of Cestrum Diurnum - beat the birds to those - (fragrance of milk chocolate)
North Carolina temps! Winter freezing now and then, right?

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Bedouin-thanks for showing me the pictures-as far as I can figure out-your shrub/vine looks very similar in shape to mine? Is that gloriosa blooms or the A. hex blooms? lol they look like gloriosa!

I have C.diurnum-or maybe the diurnam x nocturnam-which doesn't smell, though I have yet to go out at night and try to smell it-I should, I have a few out in the gardens.

Is that the A. siamensis or a ylang ylang? Looks just like my ylang ylang=the leaves and the shape of the plant. If it smells that good, then I think that I need to hunt it down and get it!

We do get freezing cold weather here-and I don't like it much! I moved here from Hawaii and I prefer the temps there (was that an understatement?? lol)
You would be surprised at what grows here in the ground and survives through the winter though. A lot of different tropicals. I also have 3 grhouses that I can store my tropicals in over the winter.

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

tigerlily, Ah, thank heavens for heat, greenhouses and humidity - all helping our loved plants to survive all of our strange climates! Now if the hurricanes can just stay away, I'll be very happy this end of the world!

Yes, I have gloriosa vines in many of my pots; hopefully when there is a lull in blooming of one, the other will flush out and give colour!

The Cestrum Diurnum I have had the fragrance of milk chocolate. The other plant that has a similar fragrance is the Portlandia - but its expensive and as far as I've experienced, blooms very seldom. Certainly if one has a choice the C. Diurnum is the winner! It also provides shade (so necessary in our hot climate) and is a nectar plant for butterflies. I've not heard of a combination of C. Diurnam x nocturnum! They are absolutely different types of plants! have no clue how they can be hybridized! tigerlily, if you have Cestrum Diurnum, you'll Know It! The fragrance is well appreciated 2 doors away during the night. The Cestrum Diurnum is only fragrant during the day. The C. Nocturnum would be 'headachy' if you had it growing anywhere near your bedroom window. And that reminds me of another plant with similar attributes! You know the common old Corn Plant? I never knew it had any flowers. Well..........if I ever visited a bordello, I imagine the fragrance would fit in there very well! Talk of strong!!! No subtle hint of perfume with this one! Its full out and overwhelming, also only at night with no day fragrance. I'll post a pic of the corn plants flowers.

By the way the Collages are from Picasa2. A free Google photo programme which I use for all my Collages as well as when I need to hunt for a photo folder!

Thumbnail by bedouin
Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

all seeds accounted for. Thanks for responding.

I removed the juicy puter flesh as they were blackening; seeds are now clean, ready to plant. No need to send the really Large bubble envelopes.

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