Have you tried propagating Heather (or heath) ?

Franklin Grove, IL(Zone 5a)

I have a few pieces, not plants. As the stems are so woody, I don't know if rooting is even possible. Any ideas will be appreciated.

Castle Rock, WA(Zone 8a)

GreenAtHeart - haven't done it yet myself, but happened to be looking at this earlier today. Hope this is helpful.

I noticed that the preview of this message did not include the entire link. Make sure to include that which follows...users.zetnet.co.uk/heather/propagation.html


Franklin Grove, IL(Zone 5a)

Larrys_Gardens - thanks for the quick response and the wonderful site. I'm sure going to give it my best shot. (The link works just fine).

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

My uncle does cutting of heather every year. He uses sand as the medium. He says the smaller the cuttings the easier they root. He usually does his tiny cuttings 1-2 inch tip cuttings. It takes a long time for them to root, but they do.

He also does seeds. Cuts the spent flowers and dries them in paper bags. Then spreads the seed and barely covers with sandy soil, waters good and waits. These he does outside in a shady spot. I think he said they take up to 6 months to germinate but his usually germinate within weeks.

If you do not have plants but just the branches, take tip cuttings. They will probably take.

Franklin Grove, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the good information. I'll try the sand and the peat. Always did like experiments.

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