Where is the canna seed

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

A few years...(lol) ! Planolinda, I don't don't know about direct sowing but some cannas can go from seed to a blooming plant in 3 months under the right conditions. Why not nick and soak them for a couple of days ?

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

Frans530 - THANK YOU for posting those pics!! I'm new to Canna also, and was wondering what exactly I was looking for in the seed pods. :)))

For those of you starting seed, I found an absolutely awesome thread about starting seed in baggies/coffee filters that I'm going to use next season - http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/757998/ - it's seriously worth the read.

Plano, TX

it just seems like the bulbs of the canna i have are large and so i think of a seed starting out and making a bulb and it seems like so much work!! can't imagine it all taking place so quickly

Jefferson, GA(Zone 7b)

While on the subject, does any one know if Bengal Tiger puts out seeds?

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