Help! Propagating by the Moon?????

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

Planting by the Moon & Signs

I know that the
~BEST Time to plant flowers & Veggies that bear crops ABOVE ground is during the LIGHT of the MOON. That is from the day the Moon is NEW to the day it is FULL.

~BEST TIME for Flowering bulbs & veggies that bear crops BELOW ground should be planted during the DARK of the MOON: that is, from the day after it is FULL to the day before it is NEW again.

What I'm not sure of is, at what stage of the MOON is BEST time for PROPAGATION???
Tomorrow (26th) being a FULL MOON, sure hope someone know more than I do!

Any input would be greatly apperciated!

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Did you know there's a gardening by the moon forum now? Maybe someone there knows

This message was edited Sep 26, 2007 12:53 AM

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, thank you so kindly claypa

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

You're welcome - sorry, that was the wrong link. I fixed it but I see you found it anyway

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)



Landisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Now that we are coming into Oct when would be the best days to take cuttings?????

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