sale at hydrangea . com

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

there is a small sale going on at!.live&customerNumber=HOME34804553698997669112
there are 4 different varieties for sale. i picked up Hydrangea serrata 'Komachi'. 3-4'. Zones 5-8.

debi z

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

debi - the 'Komachi' is beautiful and is the one I would have bought also. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I too hope to find something 'different' so that I will be able to propagate. And jeanne take a look at the description under each sale hydrangea and there is one there that will grow in full sun :-)

Cordova, MD

Thanks for the info! I'm going to look it up now!!

Cordova, MD

Hey Deb_z!
I tried to catch a peek at the sale items, but the site wouldn't go there! It now shows it's under construction... am I doing something wrong????
This is my "luck"- a sale and I can't get to it!!!!
Arumpf!!!! =:0D))))

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

jeanne I went to the site to give it a try and this time was not successful - 'under construction'!!! Maybe they are doing just that and making this site even more gorgeous!!

Cordova, MD

I hope so... nothing like getting this old girls hopes up for a SALE and can;t GET IN!!! Talk about teasing!!! They betterhave a plant left for me!! I had my charge card out and all ready to "go to checkout"!! LOL!!! Or.. maybe I should just save it and wait and get one of those gorgeous ones they had on their home page!!! Drool!!!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Or maybe debi will allow us some cuttings next year when her Komachi is big and beautiful :-)

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

debi will gladly give you some cuttings next year when it is big and beautiful. positive thoughts ladies. :-) this will be my 5th hydrangia. 3 i got at plant ranch.
they will re-open in september.
they have white pee gee, and blue nikko hydrangeas for 12" $3.00 and 1-2' for $5.00 bare root.
you don't have your choice and you don't know what it is until it blooms. well maybe you would by the leaves but i don't. :-)
so if you want to take a gamble. they are doing well and i hope to find out which ones they are with blooms next year. keep your fingers crossed. :-)

you certainly can't beat their prices. :-)

i also planted a verigated red mop, i purchased at home depot and now i'll have this lace cap pink. i loooooove hydrangeas. i hope to have even more in my garden.

they are soooooooooo pretty and they bloom for such a nice long time. what's not to like :-)

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

debi will gladly give you some cuttings next year when it is big and beautiful. positive thoughts ladies. :-) this will be my 5th hydrangia. 3 i got at plant ranch.
they will re-open in september.
they have white pee gee, and blue nikko hydrangeas for 12" $3.00 and 1-2' for $5.00 bare root.
you don't have your choice and you don't know what it is until it blooms. well maybe you would by the leaves but i don't. :-)
so if you want to take a gamble. they are doing well and i hope to find out which ones they are with blooms next year. keep your fingers crossed. :-)

you certainly can't beat their prices. :-)

i also planted a verigated red mop, i purchased at home depot i hope to have even more in my garden.

they are soooooooooo pretty and they bloom for such a nice long time. what's not to like :-)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks debi and like I said I shall be only too happy to provide cuttings. The red mop sounds lovely!! I tried to find plantranch a little while back but couldn't locate him so thanks for the link and I shall try again.

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