Received at summer swap

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

started out like this

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Acting like this.....

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

What is that gorgeous thing?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Looks like blackeyed susan vine without an eye.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Wow, that's some spectacular growth! It does look like a BES vine -- Thunbergia?

I had a hummingbird vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) that behaved like that last year... started out as a spindly little thing, not much growth for weeks, and then Bam! Pow! It took off and grew up the hummingbird feeder shepherd's hook, then jumped over to the next shepherd's hook, then did its level best to completely overgrow the adjacent boulder. :-)

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

It IS a Thunbergia - which one I am not sure - I have found tons of others - just not one with a white eye - it is "prolific" to say the least :-) I am sure if it self seeds I will have TONS of it next year :-)
It didn't do much for a month or so - then one day it just exploded - taking over that entire corner :-)

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Becky, I took some blackeyed susan vines to the swap last summer. If you got it from me, then I wouldn't know why it doesn't have a black eye. I grew them from seeds and all the ones I have have the black eye. Maybe the one you have is "special".

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Aha - I knew someone would admit to giving it to me - yepp, it is special!

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Just like you! Glad to see it did so well for you, it looks great.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww - thank you she says - blushing :-)

Crossville, TN

I would love to have some seeds of this....even the one with the black eye.

I planted a few but made the mistake of planting Tithonia in the same place....needless to say the Tithonia smothered out the little vines....if I can trade Tithonia Seeds for some I promise to plant them seperatley next year!! Jo

(they are more orange than this pictures shows...Hummers and butterflies love them)

Thumbnail by roadrunner

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