My first Hibiscus!!!

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Well I think that is the beggining of spring here as far as I know. But then again what do I know I am a yankee from up But that is when I plan on starting mine.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I started some in March one year. They didn't take a long time to germinate. It was fun. Course, I'm a "yank" from up north ;) . I don't know what your lowest night time temps are there in Pensacola in "winter" but you may be able to direct sow them..... either way, I would allow them 6 weeks in frig - don't know if that's necessary, but some seeds require a "cooling off" period to germinate... once they were about 3 inches tall I put them into a larger 2-4 in. pot. then once the ground warms up, out the go for good.

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Hey AuntB,

Thanks for the imformation on them I did not know they needed a cooling off period I will put my seeds in the fridge then for 6 weeks. It is suppose to go down in the 40's sometimes it may frost here. I hope not this

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I'm still trying to figure out what James's plant is... If it's not Bon Temps - I thought maybe Simple Pleasures, but it isn't ruffly enough to be simple pleasures.......

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

They will do fine outside, once established, but the baby plants would not make it in a freeze. They need to have a good healthy root ball. I'm NOT sure the seeds need a cooling off, James, but they won't mind being in the frig, even if they don't need the cold period.

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

I am new to these so this one I have not a clue as to what it is I am watching the Hibisus forum and I am slowly learning what they are as far as their species.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

If we are speaking of the Texas Star, it won't need a cooling period. I am holding these until I am positive they are dry. If I package and they are not....they will mold and that is the end. I leave the plant in the ground.

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Hey LouC,

Can I plant my seeds directly outdoors that you are sending me?


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I would think so. I would wait until it is the beginning of spring. When the ground is cool they stand more of a chance of rotting. I usually wait until the nights are consistently around 60 degrees. Now I am not a master gardener nor anything close. I have learned an awful lot the last two years from DG but I am still a novice. I have tried the peat pots and have nothing but damp off and that is very frustrating. I garden sort of helter skelter with the seed. Buy lots of packages....mix them up in the same bowl add cornmeal and broadcast like feeding chickens over a well prepared bed. So much fun. I get a thrill watching the seed germinate. Of course, keep them damp...not wet. Have learned that there is not short cut ........must have a well prepared ground or you get very poor results.

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Well thanks LouC I will do that then I can see how that should happen. I will wait till the weather stays around 60 * then.

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