Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Yes, an upper limit. 100? 200?

How about 200 packs as the limit, and no more sign ups unless the person can provide a link to a Cottage Garden Forum post s/he made before Sept 25, 2007.

The thing is, if 30 people sign up, I will only received seeds from 20 by Oct 31. And seeds from 22 or 23 people by Nov 3. Already we had one person drop out, so I'm thinking the people who are actively talking on the thread will get their seeds in, and the ones who signed up on the first thread, may or may not. We'll have to see.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ROFL. I think I can manage to keep mine to under 200 packets.... ;-)

You're right, you probably won't end up with everybody participating, but I think there are probably folks who are lurking on this thread and just not joining in the chatter... and they should jump in! LOL

(Cathy), MO

Still planning on sending mine in! :-) I want that catnip! LOL!

Me too!! Planning on sending my packs for sure, of less than a hundred!!Today, I see that seeds are developing on the lavender anise agastache, if anyone is interested, I can include some in the swap.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I'm interested in your lavender anise! It's on my list. Thanks, Rachel

You're welcome!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, yes please, any and all agastache are welcome in my garden! I'm hoping wrightie found some seeds on hers, too. :-)

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I did a quick check, Critter, and yes, out popped the seeds. However, I don't have many that are ready yet. I'm guessing that they need a couple more weeks. I'm probably heading up to NYS for a week or so anyway, so I haven't got much time to play in the garden this coming week.

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)


Yes, I'd love some double-decker coneflower seeds please. Will send a formal request to the Swap Goddess.


(Cathy), MO

I'll put your name on a pkg Maggie!

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

I've got Agastache foeniculum- the wands were so fat and full, they made an arch.
Porter Weed- red and blue
Four O'Clocks- fragrant flaming fuschia- the hummers love them
Marigolds- Pale Yellow
Hyacinth Bean Vine
Liatris- have tons of seeds.
Black & Blue salvia
Red Pentas- anyone know how to find the seeds?
Sage- Coral Nymph
Senna bicapsularis. This is pretty limited to the southern zones so this is an add-on for people who request it.

Blue sage


This message was edited Sep 27, 2007 10:18 PM

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I am adding these to my wish list: Sage- Coral Nymph, Black & Blue salvia, Vitex ABBEVILLE BLUE and Scabiosa!

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)



Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh, please, I'd like B&B Salvia, too Maggie, along with the Porterweed -- which one is prettier? I've only heard of Blue Porterweed.

There will be TONS of Coral Nymph Salvia, peeps -- Unless I miss my guess, every person will be getting a package back.


oh id love some porterweed in red and blue also the black and blue salvia
i would be doing well under 200 packets for sure


how difficult would it be to start vitex from seed?

This message was edited Sep 27, 2007 9:14 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hooray for the Salvia! The 'Coral Nymph' plants that SallyG gave me just started blooming, and they are really lovely! I love Salvia. I'll try to get some seeds from my S. lyrata 'Purple Knockout' next month, in time for the swap... The blooms aren't extravagant, but the dark rosettes of foliage make a nice border.

For anybody who lives where Salvia 'Black & Blue' isn't hardy, I've been told you can dig up the root and overwinter it totally dormant, then pot it up in spring and plant it out when it pops back up. I've got a nice one out there that I plan to overwinter this year.

This message was edited Sep 28, 2007 12:21 AM

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

Critter, thanks for that information about the B&B salvia, especially since I'm drying the seed pods but haven't had any luck yet getting seed. I love mine, and was hoping to share some seed. I'm glad to see others will have some to share.

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

Absolutely Suzy!

The red porterweed was really hard to find but I have 2 now and they are blooming but still early in the process. I'll be sliding in under the wire with those. The blue is quite pretty also, just doesn't stand out as much. The butterflies don't seem to care. I 'm not sure about the red one but the blue Porterweed gets huge. It rivals my pentas which have turned into a wonderful constantly flowering shrub.

I found the seed in the empty calyces of the B&B salvia but they are green. When will they be ripe enough to harvest? When the calyces are empty? Seems I'm not seeing any brown crunchy calyces so perhaps they fall off still green/ soft and require drying before getting the seeds out? I think I have seeds because I've had so many butterflies as well as other pollinators this year. Have been planting for them and the hummers.

I have this blooming & should have seeds. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/713/

PAMSUE- I'd love your frilly pink/peach hollyhock. It is the exact same color as a rose I fell in love with and the green center is perfect contrast.

PAGANCAT- I'd like some of your Zebrina please, that is so pretty!


Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

My list of must try plants keeps growing.
Anyone have verbena bonariensis or some verbascum seed?

Gardengus~ I have verbena bonariensis, and if someone would clue me in to obtaining the seeds, I'll be glad to send in some. Don't want to collect chaff thinking its seed! ;0)

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

hi yall, you all are so very kind and sweet. the dr. has me doped up for the pain. my nerve is pinched due to knocking my spine out of wack when i fell. have to start at the chiropracter today. hopefully he can give me some relief.
i love flowers and plants of all kind, i'm not fussy but am very greatful to all of you offering to share with me.
thank you very much,

OK..I just found my answer... I'll shake the dry seedpods to release the seeds, so I'll send some in!! ;0)

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Maggie, I would love the b&b salvia, the Vitex (have you ever started it from seed?), liatris and four o'clocks

kathy, don't be shy. looks like there will be tons of seeds here. at least say what you already have so you don't get an envelope of everything you have in your garden now.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

grampapa, i have hollyhock, rose of sharon. yellow brugs moonvine, cypress vine 30 rose bushes,more purselane than i can deal with,zinnia,mammoth sunflowers.dianthus, hibiscus- red and yellow hardt,and red texas star, amythest bean vine.gardeniass 7 mums. confederate rose.jasmine. what i don't have is fox glove and i love it. all mine died last year. thank you

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

Nope, never started it from seed. . As long as it ripens, I'll send a bunch. I have 2 plants.


Buffalo, TX(Zone 8b)

Can anyone tell me how to get seeds from butterfly davidi?

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Charlene, You're first because I didn't have my glasses on when I first read about the butterfly davidi, and then I forgot to go back and read. I still don't have my glasses on, but is this a butterfly bush? If so, youwait until they get crackly dry, really , really brown, but the flower petals will stillbe on(that's what's brown and crackly dry.

Then you take your hand, cup the inflorenscense and pull from the base out. The seeds will be in ther hand, but so will all the chaff. Toseparate them, let them dry inthe house for 3 days, and then put them in small bayches in a cottage cheese-sttle container and shake them. The seeds go to the bottom. Pull the chaff fout and pick the seeds one by one or just send it all. If you send it all, be generous &/or visually count the seeds to make sure you have enough.

I noticed when I just did some Salvia like that the other day, I had wet hands and the seeds stuck to my hands when I released the handful of chaff I had ontoi a plate, so I am going to see if I can refine that method.. Stay Tuned.

Maggie, The B&B Salvia is known for being stingty with seeds. Salvia has a "fake seed" at the base of the caylx that has to be very forcibly removed...that's not seed. (It has a botanical name, but I forget it) the seed will rattle around and be loose. I would be very surprised if you could get very many seeds, so if you want to package in lots of 5 seeds, go ahead.

Everybody else: If you actually send seedsmarked for KittyJo, please keep in mind she lives in Alabama. Maybe some of the things you grow thataren't hardy inher area will set seed -- things you haven't thought of (I am sending her Lantana seeds, one of the easiest-things-I-thought -would-be-hard that I grew this year.) JKJm What is your Zone?

I htink that's it -- I/d better get those glasses now!


Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

suzy, i'm in zone 8 i guess and i love lantana. ileft all mine when i moved
thank you so much everyone

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

Kathy, so sorry you're hurting. Get well soon - there's lots of gardening to do!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

peggy, thanks. i can't stand not being able to do anything and entrusting my plants to my hubby is really killing me

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)


There aren't many of us in the southern states. Unless you object, I'll send you my South of the Border (the Mason-Dixon Line) seeds for you to play with. What is an annual up north is frequently a perennial for us.


Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Maggie, thank you very much. would like that

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)



(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

This thread is getting long to load. Suzy sez, please go to the next page



This message was edited Sep 29, 2007 1:48 PM

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)


...so I can find the rules easily

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Suzy, did we say thanks youse enough? Even if I don't get one seed, this has been a lot of fun!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh, PC, You are so nice! Or did you want the big can? LOL!


P.S. Yes, you said your thank yous enough and I'm glad you're having fun -- so am I!

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Garbage can, heh.

As I mentioned to someone else, I've really not seen any of these seeds that I don't want. Plant piglet - snort snuffle snuffle snort!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

For anybody who still has this thread on watch status, I wanted to remind you that tomorrow is the last day to mail your seeds to me. We already have a LOT of different things in, so it would be well worth your while to send some things in, believe me!

If you will have trouble meeting that deadline, I have an alternate idea, and that is that you would dmail me a list of what you'd like, and what you're sending. I would then put "markers" where your seeds will go once they get here and an just pretend your seeds are here as I continue to sort. This would buy you time as long as you could get your seedsmailed by Saturday.


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Great, Suzy. I'm going to work on mine today, but if I can't get it together for tomorrow's mail, I'll post it here.

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