I took a lovely garden tour last week

Crozet, VA

Hubby and I have been away from home this week for a vacation that we didn't get to take before now. We have had a good trip and have caught up on lots of rest. I slept like a baby the first night that we were here on Cape Cod Massachusetts.

Driving from our house here would be too long of a trip for me to be in the car, so we always break the trip up by staying the first night in Mt. Laurel NJ. Before I left home, I had noticed that we had a "poster" on here who lives there. I contacted her and asked if she would like to meet during our travels. She very graciously said yes.

On Wednesday before we left Mt. Laurel, we called Wind and set up a time to visit her at her home. We drove by the driveway the first try and had to turn around. I looked to the left of me and saw this amazing yard full of plants every where an eye could see. I told John that had to be it, because there was definitely a gardener taking care of that yard.

Yep, I was correct. After meeting this lovely woman, she took us on a walk around her yard. You should have heard me oohing and aahing. It was truly amazing to me. I am not sure how many years work it has taken to get her yarden looking the way it does, but it looks fantastic. I embarrased myself with "what is this?" questions. I sounded like a first grader. What is this? What is this? What is this?

Anyway, Diana let me help myself to several sorts of seed that she had loads of. On my way home on Wednesday we are supposed to stop by again and get a few cuttings of some things. I am in heaven. Diana, the tour of your yard and the interest of all of your plants is definitely a hi-lite of this trip. I truly loved it.
Oh yeah, she has a gorgeous house too.

While staying with my friends on The Cape, I have scavenged around her yard also and collected seeds and root cuttings. So, all in all, this has been a very fun and productive visit. Don't ask how many elephants I have bought for my collection though. ha - ha .

Oh yeah, I also purchased something that I hope someone here can help me identify. I need to know the name of the fall growing plants that look almost identical to cabbage. I bought one solid green one and the other is mostly a very dark purple color. I have always wanted these plants but don't see them in nurseries at home. I am sure they live and grow in our area, because I see them planted in yards, just not at stores.

Does anyone know the answer to their names? I appreciate any help. Thanks folks. It is Monday again and I hope that every one will have a great week coming up.

Take care all.


Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)


Flowering Kale maybe?

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I agree with Dragonfly. Ruby, look at these images. If we're talking about the same things, then you should find them at any plant nursery in the fall. You are up North, so their cool season comes a bit sooner than ours down here. If I'm wrong, just remember, I'm still wRight.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby sounds like you got some much needed R&R. You have had some rough times this past year. I take it all is going well health wise.

I had grown some flowering kale a few years back, planted it out in the front garden close to the door, It stayed pretty through the frost and the winter, kept it's color. Then one warm spring day I stepped out side and was assaulted by this strange smell, you got it, rotting cabbage!

I had to pull it out and send to the compost heap. I wonder how many neighbors walked by and wondered what died or what I was cooking! lol

Crozet, VA

Thanks everyone. It is the ornamental cabbage. Thanks for the link wrightie. Thanks Dragon, Wrightie and Ladygardener. You guys are the greatest!!!

I am writing this from southern New Jersey where we are staying the night with my niece. We will be home later in the day. About a 5 1/2 hour drive home depending upon traffic. I am ready to get home, but this trip was much needed and appreciated.

Our car is jammed packed full of goodies. We have collected plant cuttings, gifts for family, some Christmas shopping done, a 25th Wedding Anniversary gift, baby shower gift and a lot of unusual elephants that we found at an antique store on The Cape. I bought sweat shirts for the whole family.

Before we pull out today we will be making a trip by Wind's house. She is supposed to have some cutting for me. Her garden tour was definitely one of the hi-lites of this week. So beautiful.

So, thanks again for giving me the name of the ornamental cabbage. I knew that I could count on you guys.


Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)


Have a safe trip! Glad you were able to get out and have such a wonderful time, you deserve it for all the past years problems!

Crozet, VA

Thank you so much. Yes, I truly needed to get away and relax. It has been a wonderful trip. I will be home about mid afternoon today.

Again, thank you for the well wishes.


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

aw shucks Ruby...you are so sweet! We had our own little swap, it was fun! It was really nice meeting you and your husband. I forgot to show you where I planted the lambs ears!! It loves its new home, THANK YOU. I'm so glad you could give a loving home to some of my homeless plants and cuttings too :)

The purple cutting is "purple queen wandering jew - tradescantia pallida" http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/1160/ , the rooted cuttings are "swamp hibiscus" http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/1872/ , the potted ones are "caryopteris x clandonensis - blue mist spiraea" http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/557/ , "climbing sweet autumn clematis paniculata" http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/683/ , and "callicarpa - purple beauty berry" which I thought was callicarpa bodinieri, but it may be callicarpa dichotoma! I can't figure out how to tell for sure. Sometimes they are miss tagged at the garden centers.

Hope you had a safe trip home!
Have a good autumn/winter season and hope to see you again soon and make it to a group swap someday too

Crozet, VA

Talking about sweet........you are the one who is so very gracious and kind. For any of you folks reading this, I have to say that this lady is great. I saw a vase sitting on her porch and said, oh let me see what this looks like, and she insisted that I take it home. How is that for kindness?

I feel badly that I only took you a very little bit of one plant, and we made out like bandits with all of the goodies from you. Another thing about you is that you had a smile on your face the entire time that we were at your place. That is a very welcome sight for the road weary. ha-ha

Anyway, thank you so much again for the fun yarden tour, I had a blast.


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