Ladies, please watch for parking lot/ car trouble scams

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I just want all to be wary, because I personally know two women who have been approached with this scam in the last month. It seems to be making the rounds in central Maryland at least.

#1- Senior woman leaves grocery store to go home, notices wmaon in car behind honking and waving. They stop on the side of the suburban street and get out. Scammer says- you scratched my car in the parking lot. , Cart boy saw it etc. etc. etc. Senior woman gives cash for repair, later gives more cash (called later that day, ) Was called again a week later( sob story, need cab fare...etc...) Scammer was well spoken and dressed (enough to appear honest) Finally reports to police and learns the scammer had ten reported victims, had just been arrested with a trunkful of stolen purses. Sometimes would steal purse when victim got out of car to talk. Scammer is drug addict.
#2- Senior woman in grocery lot (different county, diff store) is told by 'helpful' couple in pickup truck- something is leaking from your tire. Man goes down by rear tire and produces screw. Says he can do a quick fix...Woman is believing him, without really having an idea what is wrong. At this point, woman's husband comes out of store and tells the couple to go away. Car is OK. Sounds like they would have asked for cash for fixing fake problem, or stolen purse as she was distracted by the repair.

Well, some small consolation that neither woman was physically hurt or threatened. it is very sad to hear about these things happening. And I honestly had to think , would I have handled either of these situations correctly myself? I don't know, But after hearing about this I have prepared myself a little for it, and I hope you do too. In case #1, she could have stayed inside the car, listened, gone back to the store to verify the story OR driven half-mile to the local police station. (Surely the scammer would not have pursued it in the parking lot of the police station.) #2 could have been less trusting. Maybe say she had to go back in store for something, I doubt the couple would have hung around very long waiting.

Occasionally I get the emails warning about parking lot safety and I think 'urban myth' but these two incidents did really happen to people I know personally so this is for real. Please just try to be safe.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Sally. Did one of those incidents happen in my county, by any chance? I'm curious.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Southwest Baltimore Co and north Anne Arundel.(Pasadena/ Glen Burnie)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Agree...very sad...enough to make me want to take the dogs with me on errands....ugh!!

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

... And it seems all kinds of things like this increase before the holiday season. And yes, it's already that time of year. On my last visit to Lowes, the fake Christmas trees were taking over the houseplant area.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

So that's why my Lowe's was so rearranged...I hate shopping enough already without the too-early merchandise.

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