? about seeds from butterfly bush

Jacumba, CA(Zone 8b)

There are 2 pink butterfly bushes at the school where I work and I have never seen these pods on them in the past. I really want some seeds from these, are they well hidden or what?! I have tried to take cuttings several times and haven't had any luck with that so I really wany to take some seeds this year. Any help would be appreciated.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)


From Trudi's site:

another Karen

Jacumba, CA(Zone 8b)

Thank you Karen! Is that picture greatly magnified because I have never seen pods near that size on them?
Do you know how long after flowering it takes them to form? I'm in Zone 8, should they be forming soon?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

According to Trudi "The seed pods develop throughout the flower cluster. This is not a rushed plant, pod development lasts for several weeks, even a few months. "

I've never looked for them on mine, but it's sounds like it might be a late one.


Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi, just saw this thread. It can take a long time for the seed pods to develop/ripen...and no they are not nearly as big as they look in that pic! The pods themselves are maybe the size of a grain or two of rice...very easy to miss. They are much easier to find if you see them before they are ripe and still green. Just check them once or twice a week and you'll see the pods forming, then changing. Also, make sure they are ripe before harvesting. Seeds themselves are tiny, tiny, tiny and very easy to lose...but there are tons and tons of them per pod.

If you don't have time to keep checking and messing w/ the bush just put a bag over one of the blooms that's faded and leave it there. Of course do this somewhere that it won't draw attention...kids messing with it, etc. When you notice all the other seed pods have burst just clip off the bloom that's inside your bag and take it home...you'll have your seeds inside! Use a paper lunch sack or a bag made of a double layer of tulle/netting (easier to see the seeds inside the netting).

Good luck!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Knee high panty hose work really well, you can see thru very easily. I used them on my butterfly weed pods.


Jacumba, CA(Zone 8b)

Thank you both, now I think I know what I am looking for. I thought the pods were that big and I never saw any on the bushes! I'll have to be patient and keep a look out for them.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I am so confused on this one, too.

The petals have to drop off from the plant before the pods form, right?

Heathrjoy, Are yours ready now? Are they even close? We are in the same zone and it would be helpful to have a timeframe.


Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Would you believe that I have been growing various Butterfly Bushes for 15 years and this is the very first time I have seen seed pods on any of my Butterfly Bushes? The variety where I found them forming is Dubonnet. I have grown Pink Delight, Nanho Purple, Black Knight, some unknowns, and Dubonnet. When I saw them this year, there was no doubt as to what they were. Some are still very green but I did bring a piece of plant inside that had seed pods that were already turning brown. When it finishes ripening, I will collect the seeds as to the instructions above on the link. Now I'm going to check out the Pink Delight very carefully to see if any are forming on it. Thanks for bringing up this topic.


Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Okay, I have thoroughly investigated my butterfly bush chaff-seed mix and it appears the seeds are not really tiny, tiny, tiny. (At least what I was thinking, which was dust-like LOL!)

Would you say they are about the same size as Salvia seed, that would be about 1/2 way between a poppy seed and a sesame seed? Ovoid?

I need to know because I am trading some of my yellow butterfly bush seeds and I want to make sure I sent the right thing!

I was amazed this year when the BBes I started from seed (wintersowed spring 2007) bloomed in July (and are still blooming) Isn't that remarkable?


(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

WOW Suzy, you wintersowed them THIS winter and they were blooming THIS year??? I want whatever YOU were feeding those babies!!!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

That's what I thought -- a miracle, right? But then I read something by Lea, (LeBug) I think, and she said they always bloom the first year for her, too; maybe late in the year, but you can still see the colors you will have that first year.

My yellow one is over my head; the purples and whites are about 3 or 4 feet tall. I have no idea how to grow these to have a pleasing shape, I just wanted to see what colors I would get. And the answer is: I got the colors I sowed from swapped/traded seed. If the pack said "purple Butterfly Bush" I got seedlings with purple flowers. Same with the white & lavender & yellow. I wish I had sowed 'Dark Knight' and a deep pink one now so I could have a Royal Flush. :)


P.S. I don't feed anything except leaf mulch, and the beds get that in fall, so technically, they haven't even had that!

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok, I guess "really tiny, tiny, tiny" is in the eye of the beholder, lol! Here's a pic of the seeds from PlantFiles http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/94665/

My seeds are no where near ready now. The petals have just browned and the pods are still very green. If I remember correctly I harvested seeds in Nov. last year. It's usually good to leave the pods on the plant until they are dry and ready...at least in my experience.

I think one of the reasons there's so much confusion with collecting seeds from the BB's is because they don't actually drop their petals...they just kinda turn brown and stay stuck there...and it's easy to confuse that for a ripe seed/seedpod. At least that's what confused me when I first wanted to collect them.

Hope this helps!

Morgantown, WV(Zone 6a)

I'm so glad I read this thread. I have 2 BB & they are loaded with seed pods because I never had time to deadhead them this year. I was thinking it would take years to get blooming size plants so I wasn't so thrilled about trying them. But if they bloom the first year count me in!!! I planted 3 or 4 clearanced BB last fall & they didn't make it through the winter. So maybe I can try to trade seeds with someone to get the colors I lost?

My addiction to seeds just keeps taking different directions every day as I learn something new! Thanks!

Jacumba, CA(Zone 8b)

Pam, what colors are you looking for? I'm hoping to collect some from my sister's bushes and she has 2 or 3 different colors. I think I am going to have some of the pink ones soon and would be glad to trade.

Morgantown, WV(Zone 6a)

I have a pink & a dark purple with variegated leaves (gorgeous!!). Any dark purple (like 'Dark knight'), deep pink, lavender or yellow.

Jacumba, CA(Zone 8b)

I will check with my sister and see what she has, Pam. I know what you mean about being addicted to seeds, you just can't have enough.

Morgantown, WV(Zone 6a)

Thanks Karen!

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