rooting mulberry trees

Paxton, FL(Zone 8a)

My DH loves to root mulberry cuttings and has had some success (just luck I guess). The last ones did not do well. Just read that late fall/winter is the time and to use hardwood cuttings. Does anyone have any personal experience rooting mulberries that you will share with us?


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

No experience with cuttings... but I've been pulling up a zillion seedlings again this year! I'm guessing that "ordinary" black mulberry trees aren't what you're after, though... ;-)

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

i'm like crtterologist. if you have one tree they will seed everywhere like you will not believe. they are considered invasive here. But good luck getting to them before the birds! they will pick the trees clean the very day they are ripe.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Yeah, they're illegal because of their highly invasive properties as well allergen production in Arizona, too... do you like them for the fruit?

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

they must pagancat, i don't know what else they're good for. lol

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

They were here when we moved in, part of the "fence row" of trees at the edge of the field... but yes, I do like the fruit! And so do the birds... unfortunately, that results in technicolor bird messes all over, plus lots of random seedlings. But it's pretty much worth it on the days when I just stand under the branches, picking berries and eating my fill!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I've rooted many cuttings of mulberry. They are very easy to root. I usually take semi-hardwood stems that are slightly under pencil-size diameter. I do use rooting hormone powder. Of course, in South Florida, we can root them anytime during the year.

Paxton, FL(Zone 8a)

The tree we have is probably fifteen years old. Old enough I don't remember where we got it from, and I can't remember it having the name on it. It is a prolific fruit producer and yes we use the fruit for wine making and dessert making as well as just eating fresh off the tree. I put them in the freezer for future use. Of course the birds get their share because we just can't get to the top of the tree, but we really have more than enough even sharing with the birds. This tree has not been invasive at all. We may have dug up 3 or 4 seedlings, which don't seem to be true to the original tree. That's why we like to root them. This tree has leaves that are all the same and good sized berries. The rest of the year we enjoy the shade it gives as it has a canopy around 35 feet. I keep a lot of potted shade loving plants under it's canopy.

Thanks, Amy. I'm on the panhandle of FL right on the Alabama line.

Brunswick, GA(Zone 9a)

What kind of media do you use for the cuttings? I have rooting hormone. How deep should the cuttings be? My wife loves them and i enjoy picking and eating them under the tree. We want to try making pies from them. Making wine from them sounds interesting. When is the best time to root the cuttings and how long does it take for the roots to appear? Thanks anyone, rr

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