Brainstorming for future swap(s)

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Thought I'd start this thread as a place to chat about what we're growing, or wish we were growing, and to potentially coordinate with others before we get geared up for another swap.

Here is a list of seeds that I *just* ordered, so if all goes well, I hope to have some of these plants available in the Spring:

Yellow Fortnight Lily
Sedum Rock Garden Blend
Poppy 'Pizzicato'
Musk Mallow 'Pink Perfection' (500+ Seeds)
Lily of the Nile
Hen & Chicks (Sempervivum)
Giant Dracaena 'Purple' - Cornish Palm
Canna 'Marabout'
Canna Lily 'Tropical Red'
Orange Jasmine

I'll be propagating a lot more than what's listed above, but I just wanted to throw this up here while it's fresh on my mind.

I am currently on the lookout for elderberry bushes. One cultivar that I definitely want is 'black lace', but I haven't had luck getting seeds and I'm a wee bit put off by the prices that I'm seeing online. Am also on the lookout for herbs or edibles with blue/gray, black, or red foliage. I'm trying to landscape my place with as many "useable" plants as possible.

10SEP07: I just ordered 1 red currant, 1 black currant, and 1 gooseberry plant from Whitman's. I cannot wait to pick berries!

This message was edited Sep 10, 2007 8:27 PM

Thumbnail by wrightie
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Smart idea, wrightie...seems most don't need all the seeds in those packets...sharing them would be helpful to all!!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm accumulating bzillions of seeds, so a seed swap is a Must. Sheesh, what am I supposed to do with 500 Musk Mallow seeds? I'd like to get them organized into a spreadsheet, but that's going to be a BIG job.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Wrightie, we can do a seed swap for sure. I'll have a lot of seeds this fall. We can do a second one closer to spring too if that would help Critter. Wasn't it Critter who said she does her plantings in Feb. and March?

I haven't tried cuttings from them, but I have two kinds of mock oranges, Wrightie - the old fashioned kind and a newer variety that has huge flowers. Both are very fragrant.

You might want to get a catalog from this place or even visit - they're near Charlottesville.

For the seed spreadsheet, I downloaded a trial version of this garden software and it has spreadsheets for seeds and plants. It's not expensive but I never did get the paid version because I wanted something that would allow me to add in photos of my plants in the inventories. It might give you some ideas that you could use with Excel to make your own.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Hart. I think I've been to that website before but had forgotten about it.

I'm not sure if the "mock orange" above is what you're thinking of. This is orange jessamine, which is a tender perennial here like the other jasmines.

My neighbor just dropped his grandmother's recipe for Elderberry Wine through the mail slot. How exciting - it feels like Christmas! It's a photocopy of her hand-written recipe, so there are a couple words that I'll have to ask him to decipher for me. I see that the recipe calls for "1 cake" of yeast. Sheesh. I haven't even seen yeast cakes in ages, so I'm going to have to double-check that measurement equivalent. Anyone here ever make their own elderberry wine? Any other wines for that matter? That's something that has always intrigued me, so I'm going to have to give er a whirl.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ah wrightie - I had picked up an Orange Jasmine while in FL a couple of years ago. It didn't thrive for some reason - never bloomed for me either, now that I think about it. grrr!
FYI - WUVIE, someday101, & jacobstroud are showing seeds available for trade:

This message was edited Sep 10, 2007 1:33 PM

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Hmm... you should probably start another one from seed then, C.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Edited my post above - in case you want to do some trading.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ah, I thought you wanted mock orange.

Cake yeast and the stuff in little packets isn't the same thing. The cake yeast is active. I'm sure you could find equivalents but for making wine, I don't know if it would affect the process.

You might want to try Williams and Sonoma or anyplace that carries a lot of baking yeasts. There also used to be stores in the DC area that carried supplies for wine and beer making. They would probably have it.

My great aunt used to make elderberry and dandelion wines. Never got more than a sip but they sure were good.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I have a variety of yeasts here, but none of them are in "cake" form. I've probably got whatever I need, but just need to check. LOL, I'm envious of those "sips" of yours. I've never tried either.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'd be wary of using equivalents unless you don't mind having several bottles of elderberry vinegar if it goes bad.

We also had an old lady who made all the wine for communion at my church when I was a kid and boy was that good. Even my mom, who doesn't drink and never has, loved it. We used to laugh and say we expected to see Mom trying to sneak back into another communion line in her choir robes to get another nip. LOL

Dandelion wine sounds horrible but it was very good. You apparently gather the flowers and soak them? Good use for the flowers.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Methinks that cake yeast is fresh yeast. I'll definitely do my homework before my experiment. That's at least one year away.

I'm feeling parched...

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Yes it is. That's what I meant to write above when I said active. duh You know, your local health food store might have it too.

There's a bulk food store down in Harrisonburg that carries lots of bread baking supplies. They might have it since it's run by Mennonites. I won't be getting there soon but next time I'm down there I'll check.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

No worries, I've got baking products galore and I think I can hold of organic yeast just up the road from me.

Edit 1: I guess the thing that I'm most concerned about regarding the recipe is that I'm not sure what the volume or weight of "cake yeast" is. I'll need to figure out what the portion of a "cake" of yeast was around the turn of the 20th century...

Edit 2: Yikes... it looks like there are two different sizes of Fleischmann's cakes. I am assuming that the smaller one is what most households used since it's the equivalent to one envelope of dry:

"How do I use Fresh Active Yeast?
Fresh Active Yeast is the product that Fleischmann's has been manufacturing for over 130 years. It is also traditionally known as compressed or cake yeast. It has not undergone the drying process, so it does not need to be dissolved before use: soften the cake in warm water first OR simply crumble the yeast into dry ingredients (if directed by recipe). Fresh yeast requires two rises. Yeast is available in two different sizes: 0.6 ounces and 2 ounce household cakes.

How do I substitute dry yeast for Fresh Active Yeast?
First determine the amount of dry yeast you will need. One .6 ounce cake is equivalent to 1 envelope of dry yeast. One 2-ounce cake is equivalent to three envelopes of dry yeast. Follow the directions on the package recommended for the type of yeast you substitute."

This message was edited Sep 10, 2007 5:14 PM

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I wouldn't substitute. That's what I'm telling you. The amount of live yeast in a dry packet and in fresh yeast wouldn't be the same and I don't know any way for you to measure it.

There are plenty of baking sites online that can give you equivalents but that's for baking, not winemaking.

These places ought to be able to help either to find the right yeast or to tell you what you could substitute.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

lol, I'm not going to use the dry. There are two sizes of cake yeast, but the recipe does not indicate which size.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Unless the recipe makes a huge batch, I would imagine the smaller one would be what you would use.

Did you check out those links? They're all in Maryland.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Did you see my edits above? It gives the equivalents there.

I'm familiar with those places. Thanks.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

seeds, what seeds? ; ^)
all the brainstorming is already devoted to alcoholic beverage!!! that was quick!

This message was edited Sep 10, 2007 10:20 PM

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Yes, that's why I figured it would have to be a pretty huge batch to require the larger size. Can the neighbor who brought the recipe tell you?

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm not even going to worry about it for now. I don't even have the shrubs yet. I'll sort it all out eventually though.

Sally, it's important to be realistic, you see.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Just first things first I see.
critter has a black elderb. but I don't think it's lace. isn't there another? it wasn't all that black either, but sort of young and fairly shaded so , ?

I know I will be offering
peruvian daffodil Sulfur Queen
Black Runner EE babies

This message was edited Sep 13, 2007 8:21 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

My "fancy" elderberry is 'Black Beauty', and it's still very tiny. I think 'Black Lace' Sambucca came out the next year...

"Seeds? What seeds??" LOL

Despite my good intentions, I never seem to have my seed ready for swapping until after the holidays... but when it goes out, it's dried, dechaffed, and in little baggies with descriptive labels!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

If you all are interested in a seed swap via mail, I'd be interested it that. I order seeds to start in the spring but sometimes don't use all the seeds, some I just want to try so only sow a 6 or 8 pack.
I usually start planing & ordering in Jan and start sowing late Feb and into March.

One thing I want to order is "Spoon Tomatoes" or Current Tomatoes they are itty bitty tomatoes but soooo good. But don't need a field full of plants, so I only start a few seeds.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Lady, I can set you up with those tomatoes... I've still got plenty of 'Wild Cherry' tomato seeds that I saved last year, and I may save some again this fall. They reseed themselves each year at the edge of my lily bed. I'd never have the patience to pick the plant clean, but they are one of my favorite garden snacks!

If you save seeds, you should plant currant tomatoes far away from the others, as Carolyn says they will cross pollinate with abandon.

Want to come down to Frederick for Groundhog's Day? :-)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Thanks C. If they are the true current tomatoes 3/4 inch size. That would help me out. Save me some seeds for spring. Please!

Thanks for the invite but Groundhogs are not my favorite wildlife, long story, in fact I go into panic mode if one if near the house. 8

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL... They are a major pest around here, too! I just thought that with Groundhog's Day falling on a Saturday this year, that was as good a date as any to pick for a gathering of gardeners. :-)

'Wild Cherry' is indeed a variety of currant tomato... tiny (1/2 to 3/4 inches in diameter) and absolutely packed with intense tomato flavor! I don't even stake them, just let them ramble around the bed.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

So what plants are you kidz starting now? I have several flats going in my cellar, but I still have more seeds to sow. I'll come back with a list of what I've started and post here.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hi- I forgot all about this thread--

HA- I lost my previous seed space when we remodeled- it seems the outlet had to be repurposed. Nobody asked ME.
So, hubby just made some shelves in the new basement space, and I have staked a claim so far, to one flat worh. and have not started yet. although, if desperate, I am thinking of running the light 24/7 and alternating two flats....
I also have cold frame so I will be fretting over who goes where.
I will ask Gita for yellow datura and those will be inside. Also got bushel gourds which want 120 days, so thinking I should do those. Moonflower vine- I have started inside in hte past but if you don't time it right, they start vining andtt hen I don't know what you do with them. I was pretty productive last year....

Don't know how anybody around here get hollyhocks that don't look like they've been thru a war.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

What are bushel gourds? My hollyhock leaves tend to look awful, but they still flower ... mind you, I've never treated them with anything, just let them do their thing, so maybe there's a way to avoid all that rust and bleck.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

bushel gourds are a really big like maybe 20 inch diam, round, slightly squatty hard shell gourd. I have an urge to grow all my fall/winter decor for the yard. Or I might cut the top off and use it like a container in the garden for a season.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Okay, I posted this list in the seed starting thread, but this seems like a good place for it as well. I will continue to edit this list as the Spring Swap Season approaches. Anything with (no joy) behind it has not sprouted yet:

1) Adenophora, Ladybells – lavender-blue
2) Agapanthus – deep blue
3) Agrostemma githago, Corncockle ‘milas’
4) Allium purple sensation
5) Allium tuberosum, Garlic Chives ‘Shade Brightener’
6) Asclepias incarnata – pink
7) Astragalus
8) Beet ‘red cloud’
9) Borage (no joy)
10) Brussels Sprouts - red
11) Bloodroot (no joy)
12) Burdock
13) Capsicum annuum, Pretty Purple Pepper
14) Capsicum Thai hot chile
15) Centaurea cyanus, Cornflower – blues, pinks
16) Clematis: pink, violet, blue, purple
17) Cupid’s Dart
18) Dahlia – hot pink
19) Dahlia - coral
20) Dianthus – fringed rainbow loveliness
21) Dianthus ‘Russian Skies’
22) Digitalis purpurea, Foxglove – purple-lavender, cream, white
23) Elecampane
24) Eryngium planum, Sea Holly – blue
25) Flax
26) Foxglove – pink mix
27) Helenium ‘ruby dwarf’ – dark red (no joy)
28) Impatiens wallerana – white
29) Iris setosa, Wild Alaskan Flag
30) Iris siberica – blue Siberian
31) Ironweed – purple (no joy)
32) Kiss Me Over The Garden Gate
33) Larkspur – shades of blue
34) Lavandula angustifolia
35) Lemon Balm
36) Licorice
37) Love in a Puff vine
38) Marigold ‘cottage red’
39) Meconopsis Himalayan blue and violet poppies
40) Mirabilis Jalapa Marvel of Peru, Four O’Clock – Hot Pink
41) Morning Glory ‘grandpa ott’
42) Murraya paniculata - Orange Jasmine
43) Nicotiana, Woodland Tobacco – white
44) Nigelia – blue
45) Ocimum basilicum, Basil ‘Cinnamon’
46) Ocimum basilicum, Basil ‘red rubin’
47) Ocimum basilicum, Basil Italian Genovese
48) Ocimum basilicum, Basil Sweet
49) Ocimum basilicum, Basil Bush
50) Ocimum basilicum, Basil Siam
51) Ocimum basilicum, Basil Lemon
52) pimpinella anisum Anise
53) Pink Lily of the Valley – dusty pink
54) Polemonium caeruleum, Jacobs Ladder
55) Poppy – peony red
56) Purple Bell Vine
57) Rhubarb
58) Rosemary
59) Safflower ‘bursts of gold’
60) Salvia officinalis
61) Salvia viridis – pink, blue, white
62) Sedum mixed
63) Sempervivum – hens & chicks
64) Standing Cypress
65) Stevia (no joy)
66) Stock ‘Lucinda Dark Rose’
67) Tomato: Atkinson
68) Tomato: Brandywine
69) Tomato: Red & Yellow Pear
70) Tomato: Mortgage Lifter
71) Tomato: Costoluto Genovese
72) Tomato: Roma
73) Verbena bonariensis
74) Wood Betony (no joy)
75) Yellow Fortnight Lily dietes bicolor

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)


Central, VA(Zone 7b)

OMG Squared, Wrightie! You have some wonderful items. I have to look up your posted pictures. You must have a fabulous garden.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

NO! lol, Pam, my garden is only a work in progress! I've been trying to landscape our Fixer Upper using plants that I've started myself -- and swapped. Thank you for making that assumption though -- I hate to disappoint you! :)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Now there you go again. How do you think your poor plants are going to feel, being randomly insulted like that? And just because they were swapped or started?

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Wait til Zeb gets hold of them this year. There'll be nothing left growing! Not even their self esteems ...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a) go Girl Wonder!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Its so exciting to have the variety of different things, but when there's only one to lose-----makes it pretty frustrating~~~~
New psychic powers- I see lots of wire fencing in your future

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