Dietes Flavida

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Here is another NICE LITTLE close up .
Any Ideas on what it is ?

Thumbnail by ginger749
Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

ginger - that is most definitely as spider but couldn't tell you which one. I'll just call him Gerald. We have a baby huntsman living over our front door. His name is Harry. ;-)

On another note - Here is my Coconut Geranium. Growing like mad but no flowers just yet. Nice fruity scent. Not particularly coconuty though.

(the other is Pelargonium 'Mint Rose')

Thumbnail by khopton
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

That Coconut Geranium sure looks healthy .

And yes , It's a Huntsman .
Apparently every house in AUSTRALIA has at least one .
We have 20 . LOL

He looks like a huntsman....I like them because they eat the scary dudes and they are allowed to hang around at my place....outside I love the golden orb and the st john's cross their weds with the dewdrops glistening in the morning....prettier than any jewels.Love the smelly geraniums too.....lemon lime...attar of roses...peppermint....sadly the only one I have left now is my Pzzz Offf one (citronella) cause a dear little hubby pulled them all out and took them to the tip while I was away a couple of years ago...thought they "were Weeds" boo hoo......gotta watch him like a hawk....cleans up every now and then and like a lot of blokes kills things! The latest was a beautiful pink lantern that lived next to my orange and yellow lantern.....chucked paint thinner on it! "Oh just threw it out won't hurt anything" now there is an empty place where my pretty pink bells used to live and I don't know if it is safe t plant anything there again ...guess I will dig out a bunch of dirt and replace it and hope for the best.

Thumbnail by
Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

I was told that for every one huntsman you do see, there are at least a dozen more you don't!!! As long as they stay outside or in the shed, they are definitely welcome. I had one crawl across our coffee table one late evening and it was no baby!!!! It was gently and swiftly relocated outside!!!

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Oh Chrissy - how horrifying. I think you better start erecting police tape DO NOT CROSS in order to save your garden!! Or maybe create an area just for your hubby to destroy as much as he likes - well away from your garden!!! ;-(

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

As you can see , This Guy is no baby .
Good part is no webs .
That is my house key .
He has set off the Alarm .

Thumbnail by ginger749
Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Wow, don't want to cross him in a dark alley!!! Your huntsman seems much more grey than the ones I know. Our little Harry is cocoa brown and about the size of a 50cent piece.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

This ones body is that big .
Leg to leg 200 mm .

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

This is my pet 'golden orb'
I raised some of it's young for 4 months , and took daily Pic's .

Thumbnail by ginger749

MMMM love them and their visitors are horrified that I let them have their way...but if they weave one where it gets in the way I gently move out of the way saying 'sorry mate" and they seem to know and build it higher the next time.....but there was the time before I knew of them... and when I first moved into this country home .... the night I took the first bath here... I lay back in the lovely warm bubbles with my eyes shut....when I opened them there was this big hairy monster looking down at me ...right over my face!...Well of course I screamed! and it dropped straight away ...right into my bath and on to me...well you saw a few drops fly past as I ran shrieking down the hubby thought I was being killed and ran up the stairs ready to save me.Poor spider I needed a little port to calm down....ha ha ha
As for my serial plant murderer hubby I try to restrain him ...but remember coming from Italy ...if you can't eat it it does not count!

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hey chrissy - about your hubby - maybe if you plant a few herbs and 'edible' plants among the decorative ones, he won't be quite as tempted to ignore them!! Well it's an excuse to get more plants anyway!!!! ;-)

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Hey Chris,
I wonder if beer bottle trees grow in your area . LOL

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Golden orb weavers yeah! and Hunstmans too yay! I like spiders, and praying mantis too. A couple of months ago I saw the smallest mantis I'd ever seem in my life - less than a centimetre head to tail. It had to have only just hatched, but I couldn't find the egg case anywhere. I need an aphid eater, the nasty little suckers are starting to appear here and there as the weather warms up. LOL! KK.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

This was the Golden orb at 2 hours old .
Smaller than a full stop on a page .

Thumbnail by ginger749
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

This was at 3 weeks .
Still not visible with the naked eye .
Sorry, I should have reduced this .
But you loose to much detail .

Thumbnail by ginger749

Wow beautiful! hubby only has an occasional vino.....but planting edibles around the place in between the other stuff is a good idea I do that a bit already......thanks for the cute photos G

Coffs Harbour, Australia

OMG, when I lived in Katoomba, there were heaps of huntsmans in my house, and at night you'd hear a "plop" sound in the dark as they fell off the ceiling onto the bed because of the cold! SCREAM!!!!!! You know they say we eat about 8 spiders in a lifetime, imagine chewing on Gingers spider! LOL....... NOT!!!
This is a mummy spider and her spiderlings taking a dip in the pool. We removed her to drier ground when they'd all had enough. Hey Kell, taken with a sony cybershot 3.1 megapixel on full zoom. Imagine what I could do with a top camera! I'm gonna get me one, one day.

Thumbnail by weed_woman

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