Purchasing a used greenhouse- looking for advice....

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

The below greenhouse was listed for 150.00 and is all glass it is 10 x 10 I would only use it to start seeds in the spring and bring a few house plants out. It's really WAY too small for my needs but I do have a small yard and I think 150.00 is a great deal, but may not be if it can't be taken apart and put back together.

My questions have to do with removing it.
1. Is it possible by looking at the pictures to break it down and set it back up?
2. Is it worth the 150.00?
3. It is very solid and there appears to be no broken parts at all. There are two vents at the top and the door slides without problem.

Below is the pictures I snapped of it this evening.

Thumbnail by datdog
Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Another view-

Thumbnail by datdog
Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by datdog
Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Opps sorry for the double post-

Thumbnail by datdog
Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Picture of the clips that hold the glass. I took a picture of the maker of the greenhouse but it didn't turn out. I have NO idea if this company is in buisness anymore and I do worry that I won't be able to get the parts I needed if something did break.

Thumbnail by datdog
Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Very last one... Promise :) Thank you for your time in looking at this. Kristi

Thumbnail by datdog
Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

It would help if you could identify and locate the manufacturer to get their manual. At first I thought it was a Clicker Greenhouse, but the panels are put together different than the Clicker I used to have. With a Rion Greenhouse we had to put the completed roof on first, then install the glass/poly on the sides and lastly, the door. With the Clicker we had to put the side panels on first, then the roof and door. Before you take it apart, name the pieces and it's location on the house. One thing both manufacturers stressed is making sure that it's base is perfectly level and flat. If the house is built a little cockeyed, the glass/poly panels won't fit right, you'll have problems with the door and you will start having problems on windy days with panels blowing out. Good luck. It's a nice looking house and a great price too.


Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks Diana for all the advice. Thankfully my 11 year old remembered reading the faded label on the door and I contacted the company. They are out of UK- England and called Elite Greenhouse. I sent them pictures and they confirmed what model I have and they are going to send me a booklet on how to put it back to gether. I wish I could wait for the book before I break it down but the current owner wants it out and several other people were interested in it and can get is asap. I don't want to lose out on it. Keep your fingers crossed for me.


Fulton, MO

For $150 I'd get it.

Regular glass or tempered?

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

I'm guessing it's regular glass because it's older. How would I be able to tell?

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Broke it down yesterday and have about 150 panes of glass sitting in my garage. It came down easy. I'm hoping it will go up easy as well I will need to get some extra pieces and parts, mainly screws-clips-clamps. I'm going to phone the UK and see if I can purchase it from them.

Stressbaby- the glass is tempered and it is very strong as I stepped with all my weight on one of the pieces by accident and it didn't break. WOOHOOO>

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Datdog, That's a great find! Congratulations! While I like the energy efficiency of poly I love the look of glass greenhouses!

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

WOOOHOOOO!!! It's up and it all went back together as it should. Pictures soon to follow.

West Bridgewater, MA


Thats quite a find!!

Glad to here all went easily. Good you took Stressbsby's advice.

Good luck.


Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

It took two days to build and went up without much problem. I ended up hiring someone to build it for me he's a friend so I did end up helping a lot. I just pray he did a good job and the first strong wind that comes doesn't blow it away. LOL... I worry too much. He said it's solid but time will tell....

All that is left is landscape around it and build a step. It looked very stark/ugly out there by itself so I pulled some potted plants around the front. The glass looks frosted but it's just condensation on it.

Still no plans to winter plants in there- just me. I'm going to put a chaise in there to lounge this winter when I can't take being inside anymore. Going to look at little space heaters today.

I haven't put many plants in there because it's going to be in the high 80's this week. WOOHOOOO bring on the heat.

Front- close up because there is still so much junk around it... I hope to have it cleaned up and a better picture taken before it gets cold.

Thumbnail by datdog
Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Side View-

Thumbnail by datdog
Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Looking out into the yard...

Thumbnail by datdog
Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

WOw Beautiful! Those brugs look great beside it!

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

Congratulations! What a beautiful setting.

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