Houseplant Swap-September : ))

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

The taller plant with nice color??? Your guess is as good as mine . I got one in a trade early this spring. It is now 3 feet tall and puts long shoots off under each leaf axis , at the end of the shoot is a baby. I sent you a rooted baby.
The other two are both succulents. The rosette one is an Echeviera the cutting a Kalanchoe. Both like it dry and as much light as you can provide.
The Kalanchoe cutting will root laying on a paper plate, but I would remove the bottom 3-4 leaves and put them and the cutting in some damp potting soil with 1/3 sand . The blooms on this one are pink & pendulous .
I'm glad there was something you didn't already have.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Thank you Cinda.Now if I can just keep them growing happily I will be thrilled! Thanks Again : )

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

I got my box from Susan51 today.
Wow! Susan! Thank you so much!
I am so spolt. :-)
Susan you really out did yourself with this one. I counted 14 plants and cuttings. And these are just some of the most awesome plants too. Everything is new to me.
They were wrapped so well they looked like you just placed them in the box and handed it to me. Thank you so much, you really made my day.

I took pictures but I'll have to post them later. Can't find the cord right now.
I'll make a list of what I got too and post it along with my picture.


Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I just went around cutting...LOL The hoyas you will have to find out names as I am bad like that...Also all plants were outside and I did treat with a 3n1soap but do check to make sure nothing is living...LOL
I joined Dave's garden last November and I have had some wonderful people who sent and still do send me plants... I like to pay it forward if I can...
I am so happy you liked what you got... Hope they root for you well...

Irving, TX

I got my box today. How cool! I really like the transplant wizard. My wife is always complaining about potting soil on the kitchen table. : ) And is the box was something I have never seen before. It was labeled wandering Jew but its not like any wandering jew I have ever seen. It will be interesting to see this one grow. Thanks.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I got my box from cedarnest yesterday. It was two beautiful AV, Isabelle, and Annabelle. I will post a picture as soon as the have rested a couple of days.

Thank you so much Nancy.

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Here's the pic of all the goodies Susan51sent.
And the list...
String of bananas
String of pearls
String of hearts
5 different Hoyas
3 different Philos
an Arrowhead type vine
An interesting looking succulent

Susan, I think your soap and water bath did the trick. I haven't seen a bug. :-)
Thank you again.


Thumbnail by Joy
Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

What a wonderful bunch of plants everyone is getting! I enjoy the pictures of what you all receive so thanks for those!! I'll post my own when they arrive.


Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

I received the greatest box of plants ever , today!!! They were from Joy and I love them all. I received a blooming cigar plant, a walking iris, Begonia"Eye Lash, a goldfish plant, a night blooming jasmine, a lovely coleus, and starts for a red Orchid cactus. Thank you so very much , Joy! What a great selection -only one of which is a duplicate of one I have. (And I love it, that's why I had it)LOL. Lou

Buffalo, TX(Zone 8b)

Bmedel, your package went out today. I am sorry it is late. I have had a real dental prob going on this week. I finally felt good enough to gather, pack and ship today. I hope you like what I sent. LMK when it arrives. Confirmation# 0303 2460 0001 9076 6287 I went Priority.


Charlene, I mailed yours today, too. I'm sure hoping you'll get it on Saturday. I'm afraid Monday might be too long in that box, but if anything is messed up or in bad shape, please let me know (and don't feel one bit bad about it!!! LOL) and I'll send you another box to replace it. :o) I sure hope you like what I sent! :o)

Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

No problem Charlene, both of my daughters are dental assistants and between that and experience :( I know there is very little worse than dental issues!!

I'm excited to know they are on their way and I will let you know when they get here!


Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Lou, I'm so happy you like what I sent.
This trade has been so much fun.



Marion, WI(Zone 4b)

Char (red_princess_71 ) - You package was mailed out today - this is my first houseplant trade and I hope you enjoy the plants that I sent you and that they arrive to you safetly!

moretz - Thank you so much for the wonderful box of goodies - I love the coleous - it is just so beautiful - it is rooting right now - I never thought of them as a houseplant - I don't know why because they are wonderful! The impatient had a flower in bloom and it was so pretty! I planted the pregant onion - hopefully I planted it correctly - I think it is so cool!! And the cacti looks like it really can 'bite'... lol - that was cute.
And the seeds sound very interesting! Thank you so much for everything!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Char I got my package yesterday when I got home from work. What fun opening it. It couldn't have come on a better day either, as I got some news that we may be moving. 10 years on this garden and pond and I surely don't want to move..... :o(

Anyway Char, I loved the stuff you sent and it all arrived in perfect health. The only thing I already had was the spider plant and I have room in my pot to add that sweet little baby. The three blooming plants got a big drink of Superthrive water and they are perking back up. Are they kolanchoes? I don't know what the others are either. Love the little pink guy. Can you clue me in on what they are?

Anyway, thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. What a treat!

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

im glad that you liked everything i sent and i hope you can use it all and enjoy it too, i love the impatien because of the variegated leaves and the blooms are a bonus i think lol thxs for letting me know it got there alright,they did make it alright right?

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i got my box today thxs

(Cathy), MO

Susan505, I got my box today. Thanks so much! It felt like Christmas pulling everything out. And the gloves are perfect. This is such fun!


Buffalo, TX(Zone 8b)

Bmedel, Your package from me arrived today! It arrived in fair shape, but the strange thing was supposed to arrive at your house.

Our little country post office has done this before.

I will be gathering some fresh plants for you and this time, the return addy will be so tiny they will have to use a magnifier to get it confused.

I will be demanding that I don't have to pay postage again or for the confirmation.

I am sorry, but I did get it sent, and they delivered it alright. Just to the wrong person.

I'm kinda glad my kids were grown when we moved here as I am a little concerned about the schools here considering some of the boo boos they have made.


Buffalo, TX(Zone 8b)

Raingazer, did you get a confirmation # ? Since I got bmedel's package, I am wondering where yours may have gone as it should be here since you mailed it 4 days ago. I hope it is not wilting away somewhere in postal land.


Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

LOL Charlene, I went and checked the delivery confirmation number and it said my package had arrived in Buffalo TX on Saturday afternoon! I was wondering how that could happen! Scary! LOL

Whenever it gets here it will be fine, although I was kinda excited when it said it had been delivered on Saturday, I was going to head straight over to the post office........... until I saw which post office :))


Buffalo, TX(Zone 8b)

I will try to get it out tomorrow Bmedel. I am so sorry for your disappointment. I am a little worried now about my pkg. I got a pkg today that was shipped Saturday, so once in a while they do very good jobs down at my little country p.o..

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Susan505....did you receive your package from me? I sent it on the 18th but I haven't heard if it got there okay.

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Yes I got it Fri, and all the plants were in good shape, I got everything in pots, but was gone all weekend to a barrel race. I didnt have any of the plants. Is the mother of thousands the one that has seeds on each of the points of its leaves? If so I've looked every where here for one. I didn't know there was so many differnet colors of wondering jews, my grand daughter wants a start when they get going. Whats a pepermonia? I've never heard of one. And my orchid has a new leaf just starting. Thanks for all the wonderful plants and sorry its taken so long to get them listed. I'd include a picture, but my kids havent taughte me how to down load pictures from the digital camera. Thanks again. Susan

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Susan, glad everything arrived in good shape. I'm glad that you like the babies. The Mother of Thousands (aka pregnant plant) is indeed the one that gets babies on the leaves. You will have plenty to share! :o)

That's the fun of trading plants, If you need any more Wandering Jew, let me know. When summer is over, most of the outside plant is going to the compost pile.

I think I spelled that may be pepperomia, anyway, I just loved those varigated leaves and had to have that plant. It's done pretty well for me, hopefully it will do well for you, too.

Great on the new leaf. That orchid will take some sun. It was sitting in full sun at the nursery in Maui when I bought it. It was cheap enough and the bloom was so beautiful that I got it even if I couldn't manage to bring it home. I thought I could just enjoy it while we were there, but I took it to the airport and they certified it for me, so I was able to send it to myself!


Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Ok everyone here is the updated list of who has received so far and who is still waiting.If I have anything wrong please let me know..

begoniadude sends to bluepoppy
makshi sends to moretz----RECEIVED
susan505 sends to Cat64129--RECEIVED
bmendel sends to raingazer--RECEIVED
joycet sends to susan505--RECEIVED
dimmer sends to begoniadude-RECEIVED
moretz sends to kimsgardenheave- RECEIVED
bluepoppy sends to susan51--ON THE WAY
dispatcher1 sends to gardengus- RECEIVED
red_princess_71 sends to joycet-RECEIVED
raingazer sends to charlenesplants-RECEIVED
jordankittyjo sends to dimmer-RECEIVED
Cat4129 sends to jordankittyjo--RECEIVED
gardengus sends to cedarnest--RECEIVED
joy sends to Dispatcher1--RECEIVED
susan51 sends to joy--RECEIVED
kimsgardenheave sends to red_princess_71-RECEIVED
charlenesplants sends to bmendel-RECEIVED
cedarnest sends to makshi-RECEIVED

Looks like we still have 5 waiting to receive.I will send the senders of those still waiting to receive each a dmail to see if theirs have been sent yet.Hopefully we can get this wrapped up this week so we can squeeze in one more houseplant swap for October before the weather gets too cold to ship.Thanks to all who are helping to make this another fun month


This message was edited Sep 28, 2007 10:43 AM

(Cathy), MO

I'm already collecting for next months swap! This was fun! Thanks for hosting it Nancy.

Hi Nancy!

I dmailed Charlene this morning! Hers still hasn't arrived. We're hoping it will today. She's going to let me know if it's a mess, and if so, I'll send her another box. :o)

And you know, I posted what I got from Brenda on the AV board, but forgot about posting it here. So, I received my box from Brenda, and it was fabulous!! :o) Thank you so much, Brenda! :o) Here's a picture.

Hoya 'Krinkle 8'
Hoya 'Krimson Queen'
Hoya curtisii cuttings
Kohleria 'Mother's Lipstick' rhizomes

Thumbnail by RainGazer
Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Amy those are Gorgeous..must wipe the drool from my have received from you in the past and know how well you pack..hoping charlenesplants arrive in good shape ;)

Thanks Cat,I agree these are so much fun..I loved hosting and looking forward to next month too : )

Landisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Susan 51
Your package has been mailed today........Since I had your name before I hope I didn't send to many repeats........

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Look at the lovely AVs I rec. from cedarnest. Thank you so much. I wanted to post a picture of them.

Thumbnail by makshi
Marion, WI(Zone 4b)

Char (red_princess_71) - I see that you received your package from me and I was wondering how everything arrived. This is my first time sending house plants and I hope they all arrived in good shape. I took a lot of cuttings off of my 'outside plants' which happen to be houseplants in the winter here and others that I might not winter. Hope you enjoy them and you didn't get too many or actually any duplicates.


Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

So sorry i did not post earlier...this thing called "LIFE" has been keeping my busy and oh this little almost 2 yr old lil boy i babysit.
The plants you sent were lovely and i got them all planted up, you did a good job sending them. Thanks so much.


Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Makshi,It looks like they cleaned up really nice for you ! They must be settling in well.They look so nice.So happy you like them.Hope they grow and bloom oodles for you : )

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

So many plants I had to stack them to take this photo.
I received,several oxalis,sanseveria ,night jasmine,peacelilly,tricolor dracaenia,dragon begonia, and more.
Need to go pot them up.
Thank you, Lou, they all arrived in great shape.

Thumbnail by gardengus
Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I am so easy I don't mind that at all... If I can't use it I have a sister here and we share and there are always other friends... I come first ... :-)

Buffalo, TX(Zone 8b)


I got the plants today. I am blown away they are so beautiful and healthy. I love all of them, but the Espicia blue heaven is amazing and I really love the purple one also.

I am so happy with them all. I will try to get them photographed and post them. Thank you! very much.

Seriously, Charlene?! They're still in good shape after all this time? I told Nancy I was afraid you'd get a boxful of houseplant soup from the heat. I'm so glad they're all OK, but keep an eye on them, and if they start to go downhill, let me know. I'm so happy that you like them! :o)

Buffalo, TX(Zone 8b)

RainGazer, if they go down it will be my fault as they arrived healthy. I have been known to kill a plant or two LOL, but when they start out with almost no droop, it wouldn't be the fault of the sender for sure.


Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Thats wonderful news Charlene! See Amy..I told you..the way you pack..No worries..LOL..: )

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