Soil too rich??

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi there - looking for an answer. Planted the white echinacea and the leaves went black. The plant wasn't too healthy to start with, but wondered if my new amended soil was just a trifle too rich. I did ask the guy who brought the rotted manure and top soil (all mixed in) whether the manure was really aged and it certainly looked like it. Do you think the manure burnt the roots? No other shrub or plant seems to be affected - yet!! Thanks guys!

Elyria, OH

Could be, it could of been bugs too. I had an abundance of mealy bugs and my purple's leaves turned black. ?? Dont know if its close, but figured I'd jump in :-)

Lyndeborough, NH

There is a fungal disease, phytophthora infestens aka late blight that turns plants black,,

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks so much - I guess it has to be it then because we have had such heavy rain lately - not that I'm complaining!! Shame though because I loved this plant :-)

Would you like some 'white swan' echinacea seed? It's very very easy to grow from seed. I am an organic gardener & this is a disease resistant strain. I haven't havested the seed yet, but it's out on the plant if you want some. Just email me & I'll get a SASE from you.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 4a)

Byorn, could you describe this disease a little more and what can be done about it? I've been fighting something similar, may be the same thing. I'm especially concerned about a big pot of oleander. I've pruned it back very heavily, but some of the remaining leaves still have a few black spots on them. I'm into the hardwood part of the plant, the softwood stems had black spots on them, so they had to go, flowers and all. :o(

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