Best tasting low chill Peach?

New Iberia, LA

I planted a Florida King peach this past fall and from the start of spring it seemed to struggle. I believe that it has canker so I am going to yank it.
Should I avoid planting another peach in the same location? I am not sure how canker is transmitted.
I could sure use some recommendations on the best tasting low chill peach cultivars. Any suggestions or favorites?

Marin, CA(Zone 9b)
An article about the varieties of peaches and their chilling hours needed.

The rest I don'y know,

New Iberia, LA

Thanks mrs_colla
I appreciate the list but I was looking for a recommendation. It would be great if someone had grown a low chill peach and would say, yes I have grown this variety and it is a great peach.
My chill hours are very low, 300 to 400 hours. There are several peach cultivars that fall in this low chill category but I just don’t know if they taste good . A friend of mine grows the Florida prince, but in my opinion they just do not have a good taste.
I am growing LaFeleciana which is a higher chill (550 hour hour) peach than should be grown in my area. It did produce this year with outstanding taste but with the chill hour rating , it may not produce every year.
Thanks again Oldude

Marin, CA(Zone 9b)

I have little chill hours too, and my favorite peach that bears greatly is "Elberta", it requires chill like your Lafeliciana, but it does fine with less.
Sorry for the "non answer" I gave you!

New Iberia, LA

The Elberta does have a favorable review from many sources and the Early Elberta has about a 500 chill hour rating.
Maybe I am ok with the Lafeleciana. Even if they do not produce their maximum potential, I still would keep it since the flavor just knocks your socks off.
Thanks Oldude

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Few of have any experience with Florida (low chill) peaches. The U of Florida has pretty extensive descriptions including growing requirements.

Here are a few that have testimonials in the Plantfiles:

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