What kind of yield do you usually get from melon plants?

Mantua, UT(Zone 4b)

I have never done well with melons--but I thought it was that I didn't plant them where they got enough sun. This year they have plenty of sun, but the melons are small and I have very few of them. I know they need a lot of water so I have tried to be sure they have plenty. Maybe I just don't know what plenty is!!! I have a canteloupe called Hale's Best Jumbo---believe me, it isn't. HELP!

I know this isn't vegetable gardening, but I also only had 2 cucumbers on a plant. This is not worth the water I am using.

They are planted in raised beds with soil recommended in Square Foot Gardening.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Most cantaloupes yield 5 to as high as 11 fruits when fully healthy and fruitful. Cucumbers might yield 10.

Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

One problem that is becoming worse every year is the die off in honeybees.These are the main pollinators of melons and cukes.Melons must be well pollinated or you get few and small fruit.If you have the room,call a local beekeeper and borrow or buy a hive.

Houston, TX(Zone 10a)

wow you can borrow and buy beehives...that is awesome, i must know more...I've been upset because a lot fo the plants are flowering but not fruiting.... i thought we had enough bees..evidently not

Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

Most commercial beekeepers are always looking for places to keep hives.They usually "pay" the person, whos land they are using,with honey. The number of bee colonies have dropped drastically lately due to two kinds of mites which kill the bees.Wild hives are almost non existent.
There is a bee forum right here on Daves. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/f/beekeeping/all/
Your local extension service can put you in touch with local beekeepers.

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