Container Spillers

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


It may have to do with the number of hours of sunlight. There are a number of plants that need 12 to 13 hours of daylight to bloom. Or you may want to try fertilizing with a bloom booster formula.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Could be's really stange, but if they do start blooming based on the foliage, they're going to be amazing! I plan to fertilize this weekend also, maybe that will do something. Thanks!


Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Grammyphoeb: I'm always looking for some kind of spiller and thanks to you, for the first time ever I came across Bacopa in my local Lowes. Unless I had seen your photo's on here, I probably would have passed it by. Hopefully it will like Florida.

Now if I can just find some Dichondra "Silver Falls", I'd be in "spiller heaven"!



Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

joannabanana...I was at Lowes today and they had Calibrachoa and it was in full bloom! Foliage though, looked crappy. I'm going to take a photo of mine tomorrow. It's so healthy looking but instead of "Million bells", I'm calling mine "two bells" as that's the only blooms I have! I'm also going to fertilize it...this just might do something!


Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Haven't checked this thread in a while - grandson keeps me more than busy!! KatG - glad you found bacopa and hope it does well for you. Eleanor

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Eleanor - Planted it today in a head! hehe

Thumbnail by KatG
Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

In a few weeks she'll have a full head of hair!! Eleanor

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Shirley, I haven't read all the threads, but I love your container from 2007. It is very lush. I can hardly wait to get going.

KatG, Very elegant is your lady. Can we have another look now that she's had time to grow out her hair?

Pearl River, LA

Thanks Pam. It does not look as good this year. It has been much colder this year, and I have just not wanted to baby plants. I have my favorite fern and my favorite spiller inside. I guess you would call it a spiller it sure spills out and takes up a lot of space. I let it freeze outside two years ago and I still cannot believe it came back. I was elated. Here is a pic of it. Kat I love all you pics and your space is awesome. It must be great fun to live there. I really must have a head to plant something in. I need it bad. Aunt Bee my big ole fern is doing nicely in my bathroom. It has been called the fern that devoured the bathroom. People who have not seen it before laugh and say they feared for there life....Signs of Spring are all around here. I worked outside a big part of the day today. Hope it is getting better for all of you. shirleyt

Thumbnail by shirleyt
(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Shirley, just popping in to say that's a BEAUTIFUL arrowhead (syngonium podophyllum) plant! You must have just the right conditions for it.

Pearl River, LA

revclaus, yes it is a good place for it light wise. It gets lots of morning sun.. I am always on hand to properly water and miracle grow it..... so it is happy there... It is just inside a sliding glass door leading to the deck from my dining room. For the summer I will ease it right outside into the corner of the deck Only thing is it is a small space that we are willing to work around for the winter. I love that plant and have had it for years and years. Like I said I thought the whole thing was frozen and gone. One little sprig of the ficus came back and I had to cut off the original 8 ft tree. It has grown that much from a little spring from the root system in two years. So the thing to remember is give things a chance to recover. They just might surprise you. shirleyt

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5b)

Anyone have any experience with ornamental oregano as a spiller? I'm specifically looking at "Kent Beauty." Just wondering how well it "spills." Don't think it is hardy in my area, but I would be treating it as an annual in hanging baskets. Any info would be appreciated.................thanks!

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

I've had it in a container, didn't spill to the ground, but was sooooo gorgeous ( I am a big fan) it spilled 4 - 5 " over the edge if I'm remembering right (it's an annual here as well).

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

Mine does not spill at all. It just gets taller and taller unlike regular oregano that definitely spills.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

PamGarden...I've posted this on another thread and I'm sure people are getting sick of seeing it, but I love these heads....I'm calling this garden grouping "Three Sista's" hahahahaha.

You've got the Earthy One, The one who thinks she's a princess with the succulent crown on her head, and the Fashionista with the purple hat! I think they're adorable! Next time I have a party, I'm going to set them up on my outdoor bar and put a drink in front of them that is suitable! HAHAHAHA. Everytime I walk out on my Lanai, you just have to smile at them.

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

This guy just "cracks me up"...hahaha! He's either from Jamaica with his Dreadlocks or is in the day's of Julius Caesar???

Thumbnail by KatG
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Kim, yes to the ornamental oregano draping... It is lovely and smells wonderful when touched. Mine was not as full though.

Thumbnail by podster
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Eleanor...found some more Bacopa! Love it. Planted a large planter today with Persian Shield, Dolce-Key Lime, Heuchera and Bacopa. The thing about container gardening is you just never know how it's going to look when mature, but I think this combo might be good!

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Also used it in this planter. Oxalis in the back with Bacopa and pink wave petunias in the front? You just never know!

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Hopefully another spiller...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I hmmmd and hawwwwdd about doing this. But I had this cool fountain my staff bought me a couple of years ago. My goofy electrician rigged something up for me to operate it, but didn't put it on a switch, so everytime I wanted to operate it, I had to go outside and plug it in. (and unplug it!) The Pump wasn't working (until today of course!!!).So this morning...I dumped in the dirt and there was no turning back! I really think I'll get a lot more pleasure out of it as a gigantic planter!

I planted Sunpatiens in it and it's fairly sparse. These plants are great though as I found them for the first time last year at Home Depot and II still have some growing in full sun. They grow about 2 feet tall and a foot wide!

I still have some room to add some spillers in the bottom. I added some asparagus fern on top but still need something on the lower tier. This is a very sunny, hot location.

Any suggestions would be appreciated...

Thumbnail by KatG
Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

KatG - loved the containers. I can't wait to start planting mine but we still have about 2 feet of snow on the ground!! Eleanor

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5b)

Thanks all for the info on the ornamental oregano. I think I'm going to try it this year. I'll hopefully post some pictures later. I'm SO jealous of you Florida folk planting. Yesterday, we did get up to about 55, which caused some melting of our 58" of snow - most of which is still here. Overnight the temperatures plummeted and we had freezing rain changing over to about another 2" of snow - very icy this morning. Spring can't come soon enough here - it's been a very long, snowy, icky winter! Linda

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

KatG, I just wanted to reach in the screen and touch your plants, so lovely. What is the bright green feathery plant to the left of the rectangle planter? I have to have it!

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks all! Sorry about your weather guys! I sure don't miss that.

Cathy4 - Those are foxtail ferns which are in the asparagus fern family - I just love them and they really grow quite fast and large. I've had those planted for nearly a year and they've tripled in size with no decline.

Thumbnail by KatG
Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

I love the fountain as a container - especially if it was a pain anyway. Beautiful!

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi Kat! That fountain is wonderful and so are your newest planters of goodies.

I was thinking several of the coleus are spillers. You can ask the folks on the coleus forum which ones they are. I don't know which ones to tell you for sure. Those would be beautiful, tucked in between your sunpatiens.

Seeing your plants makes me want to get outside and "un-clothe" my own plants. I know though that I need to wait just a bit longer. We usually get one last hard cold night around Easter. I will be gone during that time so won't be able to make a mad dash to protect them. I'm getting the itch though. HAHAHAHA

I feel for those of you that are still in the grips of major cold weather. It was 73 here yesterday. It's supposed to get to about 35 tonight though, and I'll be shivering. And therein lies the reason I live in the great state of Texas! HAHAHA


(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Good idea about the coleus, Janet. You can see many of them at Rosy Dawn under S-T. Go down to the bottom of the page and you'll see Trailing Burgundy. All the ones labeled "Trailing" are good spillers.

Thumbnail by revclaus
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5b)

I had some of the trailing coleus last year - don't know if I'll use them again this year. They were very pretty, but choked out many other plants. So, if you use them, I'd use them sparingly and prune if they get too aggressive. We took a 2 week vacation last July and that's when they seemed to take over - while unattended (except for watering).

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Yes, you do have to pinch and prune.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Thank-you Redtootsiepop. I think it's going to be beautiful when it's get's going.

Janet, that's a really great idea...I have never seen any trailing Coleus around here, but I'm sure I could order some. They would probably do well with the Sunpatiens. Have you tried these Sunpatiens? They aparently don't get into the stores until May, but I guess they've been bringing some into the warmer climates earlier. They're very limited and I'm hoping they'll be stocking more soon. Very interesting info:

Revclause...that is one Gorgeous container of Coleus! Oh my, just beautiful! And thank-you for the link. I'll check it out.


Look at this crazy stackable planter! I was going to replant it but don't have the heart to pull things out. I guess the parsley has gone nuts because I'm constantly picking it to cook with. Still have Rosemary, oregano and lemon balm...There's a good clean-up coming up though! Come to think of it...Parsley would make a nice accent/foreground plant in a container!

This message was edited Mar 5, 2008 2:34 AM

Thumbnail by KatG
(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Kat, those Sunpatiens are just New Guinea impatiens. I've used them and they're very nice. They can take a lot more sun, but they don't have to have it. Here's a pic of Light Orchid Harmony I planted a few years ago.

Your planter is going berserk!


Thumbnail by revclaus
Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Janet, I'm so glad to hear you say we'll have one more freeze around Easter. We always do. I thought I was the only one who noticed. Everyone looks at me like I'm a nut, which I am, and just go ahead and plant and then their stuff freezes!!

Plano, TX

i'm kinda hoping our winter all took place last week!!

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)'s an update on my 3 girls! Thank-you so much for introducing me to Bacopa - I think we might need a haircut soon! haha.
I've also got it planted in some of the new pots I planted a couple of weeks ago and is just gorgeous and doing so well! It's possiblle I just may have bypassed it at our local HD in the past not knowing the potential, but after I seen yours I just had to have it! Thank-you so much.


Thumbnail by KatG
Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

KatG - the bacopa looks beautiful. The girls look a little "stoned" LOL!! Just kidding, they are beautiful also!! Keep up the good work! Eleanor
p.s. - I'm still waiting to get rid of snow!

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

The girls are darling, thanks for sharing.

Pearl River, LA

Hello everyone... Just wanted to show you my right now containers. Kat I love the girls. I ask you how cute is that. It is a must copy that look...shirleyt

Thumbnail by shirleyt
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


Those are gorgeous!!. Still get freezing temps here, so it will be end of May when our containers can look like that.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Shirley, I want your pots! WOW!

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