"The Project"...3 years going...building our Paradise

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I would love to see HI but the only way to get me on a plane is to knock me out for the whole trip.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL! I see that perfectly!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Gosh...wouldn't it be FUN!!!! We don't have THAT much room for civilized hosting...but sleeping bags on the floor of a storehouse....that works!!! It would be such fun!!!


Edited to say that there ARE places on Oahu and on Big Island where it IS Hawaii. Maui is different. Kauai is probably like us. We have cruise ships here but we never see them...not even in downtown Hilo (which is like the smallest town you know of where you live. The whole population of the BI is a little over 100,000...). We consider that we live in a small town in the South Pacific and just FORGET IT if you want US standards!!!! It ain't gonna happen!!! TG.

This message was edited Aug 31, 2007 8:07 PM

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Carol, I almost choked when you called 100,000 "small town"! I'm lucky if we have 1500 people here now! But I do know what you mean. That's the way I felt about Kauai....lots of acerage but small town attitude....friendly - the smiles went all the way to the eyes - not just a showing of teeth.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My little town has less than 500 people.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Actually, I meant that the whole Big Island has a tad over 100,000 people on it! Hilo is about 40,000. I really haven't a clue as to where all these people are - lots of them from the Kona side are back on the mainland shopping, probably.

Actually, HNL has some beautiful Botanicial Gardens and a nucleus of good plant collectors. One has to navigate the clogged highways, roads etc. to get around....but like Las Vegas, once every 20 or so years isn't bad!!!

We have a daughter on Maui and we used to love a tiny town of Paia....now it is on the map of 'MUST see' and for me it is ruined!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Like all the islands, Maui has its contrasts. We consist of two large (presumed dormant) volcanos, with a flat wide plain in between where most of the sugar is grown.

On the lee side where I live, we have some of the most beautiful beaches in the world - that being said, we also get the tourists, but nothing like Oahu. Even with the tourist season in full swing we have many "secret" beaches that we keep quiet about and are mainly "local".

Our island is somewhere between Oahu and TBI. Many people are part time residents, rather than tourists, and come here to escape the winter from the mainland. Our weather in Kihei is almost always dry, sunny and warm. We have just enough of an infrastructure to find a job and make a living, which I believe is more difficult on some of the other islands in Maui County.

On the windward side, we have all the lushness one would think of on a tropical island. Maui is an older island than the BI, so our landscape is more soft and rounded, less dramatic than some of the islands. We are also rather tucked away in the curve of the chain, with outer islands that tend to protect us a little from bad weather.

All our islands are beautiful, each has it's own character, and each is different. We are trying very hard in Maui not to be built up like Honolulu with sky scrapers, but we are seeing a boom in houses being built, unfortunately money talks, and we are starting to see huge homes being built in what was once pristine wilderness. It saddens us terribly. I understand this is happening all over the islands, even on the BI where land prices have doubled (at least) in the last few years. As more people with money retire they are comming here to get their piece of paradise too....

Each of us in Hawaii thinks our island is the best according to what our needs are. In my opinion they are all beautiful, and all worth a visit!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Always wished to talk to someone that really knew the islands and not a travel agent. Maybe next year or the next we can plan a trip. Promise, I won't tell your secrets. You both have given such passionate views of beauty.....can hardly wait.

On the Texas forum there is a thread dealing with developers buying a ranch in the Hill Country and building 3500 homes that would destroy some of the most pristine land in Texas. Lots of people are really dismayed. As the lady says, probably a lot of palms have been greased. We are our own worst enemy.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

We are our own worst enemy.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I agree.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I think that all of the islands have their special and unique charm and the more 'discovered' the more special those charming places are!!! Hana on Maui is one of my favorite places... I believe a book has been written for each island labeled "The XXXXX Revisited' or something like that. Just stay away from places where they wear matching shorts and shirts!!! LOL

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Matching? You mean people actually match? Can't seem to convince JB that checks and plaid is NOT a fashion statement! He would walk up to "matchers" and say "Here's your sign". LOL

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Well, some of us are compulsive.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

K - its an island thing....no insult intended to any present company.... :-)

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I know what you mean by matching......seems to be a tourist, retired couple thing. I really don't know who manufacturs mens and womens outfits that are exactly alike. How in the world do they ever do the fitting. The men either have on dark socks with white canvas shoes or sandals with dark socks......the women desperately need a pedicure and they are in sloppy sandals. Only thing we ever had was when we were about 30 and made DH really angry. I bought two t-shirts....same color.....one said "STUPID" and the other said "I'M WITH STUPID". Of course, you know which one was the larger of the two.
Used them to clean the car...

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I make it a point to never match if possible. My favorite combo is lime green sweater with black jeans and a pair of red cowboy boots. Don't get much more shocking than that. lol

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Pep. I think Carol means not for couples to match each other......such as husband and wife. We are longtime RVers and it is just awful to see a man and woman dressed alike.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That too!! lol.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Just realized that when I say "palms have been grease".....another instance where words could mean various things. Meaning to say someone has been paid money in order for a particular event to come to fruition. Trying to be more careful of my phrasing. We all have different definitions.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


I think what Carol is refering to is that certain stores (like Hilo Hatties) sell aloha print shirts for the men and matching aloha print dresses for the ladies. Usually they are not very attractive! I have yet to see a local couple in matching outfits, although most men wear aloha shirts to work rather than a shirt and tie. Some of the prints are very bright and garish....

Carol mentions a book called XXXrevisited. This book is HATED by us on this island. It has information such as "If you wish to see a waterfall take the path to the right - take no notice of Kapu (keep out) signs". What ends up happening is that people who cherish their privacy have tourists walking through their land at will, it is especially a problem in the Hanna area. Some people who perhaps grow questionable herbs, or simply wish to live "off the grid" are resorting to guard dogs....and rifles. There is another problem with liability, and we had one case where the homeowner was held liable for an accident, despite posted signs written in both English and Hawaiian. It is simply wrong in my mind, and an invasion of privacy.

As you can see I feel very strongly about this awful book!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I guess it takes all kinds. I have never been far enough away from home to actually be a tourist. Would hope that I have enough sense to not invade anyones property.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

BHM...actually...I was speaking not from experience, but from heresay...something I shouldn't do. But any fool who walks thru a Kapu sign and a keep out sign deserves what they get!!! LOL.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

We have similar problems on some of the other islands out here. Not on Kwaj - no tourists - but for example on Kosrae. There is a quite unique collection of ruins there, that are fascinating. Unfortunately, the land these ruins are on now belongs to 2 or 3 different families, who argue about who is responsible for maintaining the ruins....consequently no one does. Archeologist and anthropologists will go and clean up the ruins, place signs as to what each area was used for, etc...and two months later everything is overgrown and littered again. But...sorry - I digressed there for a moment. The point pertinent to what you were saying....when you walk out of these ruins - you are smack dab in someones backyard! They must hate it! The island government promotes tours of the ruins, but these poor folks have strangers parading through their property...and from the tourist's point of view it isn't very nice either, because you come out of these thousand year old ruins, and run smack into a towering pile of refuse, nekid babies, and mongrel dogs....just the thing to finish off your tour! No signs there though. The last thing I would do is ignore a Kapu or keep out! Too dangerous in this world!

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Ooooh, that is bad, BHM. I was amazed the first time I went to England with DH and son. We would go for a 'walk' and be going over stiles or through gates and they had to keep reassuring me that the owners were OK with it (no signs). But there is respect built in to the privilege, which I hate to say is often sadly lacking elsewhere. I'm generalizing here - I'm sure there have been problems, but it's a system that has evidently worked for a long time, as country walks are a way of life there.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Kaperc, yes you are right about the right of way in England. These paths have been used from further back in time than we have records of, and everyone who walks in the countryside respects the farmers (usually) property and stays on the old paths and does no damage what so ever. In fact there is a right of way through the Prince of Wales property which the secret service tried to have shut down because of percieved security problems, they were unable to however, as it has been used for so many centuries. The country walks in England are one of the things I miss the most....

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Carol, when I read back over the posts I think you are very modest! Clearing land such as you have is extremely hard work. In fact doesn't the vegetation just grow as soon as your back is turned? I know it does in my little garden, I no sooner get all the beds weeded and within two days I have weed seeds popping up again! I swear the trade wind brings them!

You have taken on a huge task and have made yourself a true paradise through much hard work, no wonder we are all in awe of your place!


By the way Pep - great outfit!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Sometimes I am just downright ashamed of Texas. We have always had an ancient law on the books that if one posts a "No Trespassing" sign....you have every right to shoot to kill. As of Sept. 1, 2007, addtional law makes it ok if you have an intruder in your home.....shoot to kill. No sign required.

Thank you for the detailed descriptions of the islands. Wish I were there this very day.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Wow Christi, thats a very strong statement as to how Texans feel about intruders! Have the break-in numbers gone down since that law was passed? I guess I am in two minds about your new law - part of me says that a person has every right to defend hearth and home, the other part says what if you make a mistake? However I expect if I was a little old lady living alone I would probably pack a pistol for security. Wait a minute - I am a little old lady.....!

I have only passed through Texas a couple of times and I thought it was a lovely state, in fact I remember thinking that it felt like two different states because the east and west were so differen . I mostly remember how very polite and friendly the people we met were.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Law went into effect last Saturday so don't know. I don't want a pistol in my house because as you say....might do damage to a loved one. DH used to be a hunter so we have rifles but they haven't been out of the case in years. (Have I just said too much again)

Since I have lived here all of my life I really don't know how to compare. Everyone is friendly and sometimes our transplants take offence that we are being nosey. I just tend to think everyone I know becomes a part of my family......as in DG. We still say "mam and sir", please, thank you, your welcome.....no matter how old the parties are on either side.
I am 65 and try to be very polite to the grocery package boy. How else can he learn to pass it on.

This message was edited Sep 9, 2007 11:49 PM

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

I would guess that when those laws were first enacted, there were strong reasons for them - remember the rustlers and land wars? Don't have guns, but if someone broke into my home I would try to beat them senseless with whatever I had to hand. Self-preservation is a strong motivator. With all the home-invasion killings, I'm not surprised at the change in your law, Christy.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hello, everyone.

Gail and I have just returned from a caribbean cruise this morning. We are both whipped. I also managed to catch a cold.

Well, we won't be going towards the hawai'ian islands before 2009. While on board during our cruise, we became aware that the Grand Princess (Princess lines) was doing a transatlantic sailing in April 2008 that leaves from Fort Lauderdale and goes to Rome by way of Africa: Dakar (Senegal), Agadir and Casablanca (Morocco). The price was steep but reasonnable for the itinerary. We reserved it.

We will be crossing the equator twice and sailing for 20 days. We'll also see Casablanca, Nice, Florence and disembark in Rome. We managed to get a wheelchair-accessible cabin in the upper decks with a double balcony. I tell you, we pounced on the occasion.

We are very excited. As soon as I extract my pictures from my digital camera, I will be posting a few choice shots here, if you don't mind.

Keep well, all.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Sylvain,

Would love to see you pics of your latest adventure!

Your April voyage sound great, Florence is a wonderful city (one of my favorites) and Morocco is delightfully different with all the bright colors, sights and smells! You are going to have a fabulous time!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Carol
Well done! I'm glad I got to see the photos, and even more sorry I missed the visit early this year, but I will get to see it in person at some point! Seeing your garden, is inspiration, and it is a happy place!
It's wonderful that you that much room too!

Shari told me about this forum a couple weeks ago, and I was thinking she mean the tropical forum, and found that I needed to update a few things...

Well, I was bad a posting photos this summer..so busy....so I'm going to post now.

Wonderful...can't wait to see it some day!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sylvian...when you get to Tangiers...you MUST go to the public market and walk thru (in or out, doesn't matter) the short tunnel into the market where they sell the MINT! It is not to be believed...a total sensory experience!!!!! Also, drink the mint tea whenever you can....too good to belive!!!

I envy you!!!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, all.

Carol, we are not stopping in Tangiers. We are doing Casablanca. No matter. The mint tea in that part of the world and the great outdoors markets are not to be missed. I made mint tea almost every day when I still lived in Montreal. Mint is an invasive perennial and I kept at least 8 or 9 nine varieties from pineappple mint to peppermint.

It got into the grass and when the grass contractor mowed the grass in the back yard, a minty freshness pervaded for a couple hours. I also got some stares from other nieghbours that were getting it into their grass also. Mr. Kritchley, our back yard grumpy neighbour often told me about it. One day, I told him if he didn't leave me alone, I would plant a hedge of bamboo right at the property line. That shut him right up because he knew I could find it cheap and I'd do it in a flash.

Take care.

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