Who's Going to be at Harper's on Saturday?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

We're going down Friday after work, but won't get there until late. We're going to go to the sale in the morning and check out what they will auction at one.

A friend just bought a trailor. It needed tires, inspection and tags before it could go on the road. We bought the tires, so agreed to get it road ready for Friday, so we now have a way to return our bargains to Baltimore!

Yeah! We're really looking forward to the fun.

I wonder if there is a way for us to hook up and say hi?

I keep thinking about that wonderful pond in the back corner before all the pond displays. There are lots of benches and shade. Is there a time before the auction that we could all meet? That might be a great location.

Blessings on your garden,

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Elf, sorry I'll miss you - I'm going to be there bright and early tomorrow morning and I can't wait! Only one item I'm definitely going to pick up, but who knows what else might tempt me :)


Crozet, VA

I have it written on my calender, but haven't really put much thought in to it. Hubby will be away today, so I should stay at home and let the dogs be inside where they can sta cool. There is a heat advisory for today. Those dogs are way too pampered. ha-ha

Please report back with any good finds. And....have fun.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Probably smart to stay home with the dogs Ruby, it's going to be a hot one today - not exactly pleasant for browsing around Harper's. I'm glad I arrived early yesterday but I paid for it later when I came back to water at the nursery - hot, hot, hot! Picked up my "Easter Island" head, a piece of bluestone to finish a garden path, a copper dragonfly ornament for the gardens and a metal frog playing a saxophone to "accompany" the other frog I have playing the guitar - still need one more member of my 'frog jazz trio', but the only other frog they had was one playing the drums and I really didn't like him. As soon as I get Mr. Easter Island placed in the gardens I'll post a pic!

Try to stay cool today!

Crozet, VA

Yeah Debbie, I was wondering what the Easter Island head was? Please do tell.

The only thing that I know I want to purchase at some point at Harpers is a cement bench. They have such a good selection and I am going to have a hard time narrowing it down to only one that I like. I think I remember one of them haveing pineapples on it, and that might be the one I end up with. I love pineapple decorations.

For those who might end up at Harpers this weekend, please report in with us.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, a nice choice, Pineapple is a symbol of Hospitality. Here is a web site I found with probably more information on the subject then you need but an interesting read. http://www.levins.com/pineapple.html

I love the Christmas decorations in Colonial Williamsburg they use a lot of pineapples.

Everyone have fun at Harpers and post pictures of your finds.

Crozet, VA

Hi There Chrissy Baby - Yeah, in my kitchen I have alot of pineapples and also lots of grapes. Didn't start out to be that way, just turned out that way. haha

Thanks for the link, I will check it out shortly.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, I have apples, a whole border of them at the top. So that proves we are just a bunch of fruit loops. LOL

Crozet, VA

You said it, not me. ha-ha I love it and agree 100% with you on that. ha-ha

Chris, you always lighten my mood whenever I read your silly posts. You go girl!!!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

So??? How was it? What did you get??


I was in Pittsburgh, not that I wanted to be anywhere other than standing up at our new niece's baptism... but I definitely need to hear all about the sale and auction!!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Ruby, sorry, I haven't even got Mr. Easter Island out of my car yet! Purchased a new printer and foolishly carried it by myself into the house - bad mistake :( For now, until my back settles down "he's" going to have to stay in the car until I'm in shape to get him placed in the gardens. In the meantime, here's a link to the pictures I posted of them on my Harper's 'tour' http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/p.php?pid=2883514. Wow, looking at this I now realize that they've increased the price by $10.00 this year! Oh well, I was fortunate to get at 20% discount, so still pretty reasonable.

Just wanted to come back and let everyone know I got a call from Harper's today - I won one of the door prizes! Have no idea what it is, other than some sort of sprinkler? for a water garden in the shape of a flower from what the girl described on the phone. Not sure what I'll be able to do with it, but still exciting to win! Now I just have to figure out a way to make a trip back there to pick it up.

Crozet, VA

Hmmmm.......interesting picture. Is that Mr. Easter? and where did that name come from? ha-ha

Sorry to hear about your back being out. My older son had to stay home from work all last week due to bad back. I have known back pain in my life, and it ain't no fun!!! Get well soon.

Congrats on the door prize win. I recently participated in a Round Robin here and I won the contents of the box at the end of it. I should be getting the box this week sometime and am looking forward to seeing what is in it.

Have a good week all and take care of yourself Debbie.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Finally have a photo of "Mr. Easter Island" - thinking he really needs a different name :) He sat in the back of my car for three weeks, took three people to hoist him onto a dolley and wheel him into place! This is what I see when I walk out my front door. Planning to get some moss growing on him so he'll "age" a little and plant some tall ferns to the left as a backdrop for him. He's sitting in a new planting of Heucheras so should be quite happy when they're blooming in the spring!

Now if we can just coax Elf to post a few photos of her Harper's purchases - Elf, where are you???

Thumbnail by rcn48
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Mr Easter is so cool ! " What am I doing here and why am I buried up to my chest ?" Look on his face.

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