Hummers are crazy today

Marion, WI(Zone 4b)

Hello I got home early this afternoon and the hummers by my house are crazy - there were at least 6 that I counted when I pulled up and as I have sat at looking out my living window a coupl of time and there were at least 8 of them. Must be a perfect day for them here. I have see as many as 4 at a time but not at least 8 - that's a lot for me too see at one time and this is all in my front lawn... haven't check out the back yet. Is anyone else having that?

It just so cool to watch... it's non stop action out there one chase another here and there and then another joining on the action or taking a break on my begonia or fuchia - or taking a drink and chasing a hornet.

Also does anyone have a good way of getting rid of the hornets? I can't find their nest but they are happily drinking at my feeders.

Have a great day!

p.s. sorry about picture (that's the best mine would do) - hopefully next year I will have a camera that I can actually capture these little beauties!

Thumbnail by kimsgardenheave
Marion, WI(Zone 4b)

Also if anyone has some recommendation on cameras for someone that would like a nice camera but not too expensive for hobby bird photography :) - I would appreciate it!

I think this is the best my camera can do but I have to be close

Thumbnail by kimsgardenheave
Marion, WI(Zone 4b)

wow you can't even see it... sorry everyone.

At least this one is right by my kitchen window so I can go close up to them. :)

Thumbnail by kimsgardenheave
Marlton, NJ

Thanks for posting the pics Kim; that must have been quite a site!

Marion, WI(Zone 4b)

Yes Pelletory - it is so cool. I hear them still every once in a while. Wish I could of had a video camera... I couldn't believe my eyes that there were so many at the same time :)

Do you have a lot of hummers by you?

Marlton, NJ

I don't have as many as last year around 36-40 but still enough for taking pictures and enjoying them.

There was a lot of chasing going on today here, too. One time two clutched together and fell 20 ft from the branches above the feeder. They fell to within a foot of the ground and then let go and flew opposite ways. One seems to be always hiding and watching in the branches above the feeders.

Cedar Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Lots of chasing here too but not swarming (and sharing) the feeders like they do when they are fattening up for migration in a short time. Perhaps this is pre-swarming.

When they do this it is feels a little dangerous to sit out there. Never been hit but they certainly come really close at a high rate of speed.

It's fun to have someone visiting who has never experienced this.


I have never heard of a hummer hitting anyone. Visitors do a lot of ducking. I was getting a pic of a baby anole crawling up a pot full of mothers-in-laws tongue under the feeder this morning when I heard a buzzing by my ear. Sure-nuff, it was a hummer acting like he wanted to look though my viewfinder.

Cedar Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I wear a white, braided, forehead sweatband that they like a lot, even more so than the bright flowered rayon summer dresses I work in. BTW... these dresses are like wearing nothing. I took a bunch down to the jungle for my friend.


Marion, WI(Zone 4b)

It was neat earlier today I was watching them through the living room window and they are just a chasing each other but one would come to one of my feeders that is right be the living room window and it would eat and then come up to the window and look right in at me.

Yes it is funny when people stop over and they have never experience seeing hummers - always fun to watch them duck.. think they are going to get hit... which I have never heard of before either.

I think yesterday they thought I was a huge feeder - I just went outside quick in my pjs (bright fuschia) and they were coming to see what they could eat.. lol

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Crazy here too! They start about 7-7:30am and go all day chasing each other off the feeders. I started with one feeder and now I have three. lol

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