propogating plumbagos

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Can anyone tell me how to propogate a plumbago? Thanks for any advise.

I root everthing in "River Sand". I just take a cutting about 3 inches long stick it in damp sand and it normally roots in a week or two. Plumbago is very easy to root. You must have some fresh water rivers around New Iberia too.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the input. We have bayous around here. I asked this question for a friend of mine who was visiting here last night. I'll tell her what you said. Thanks Gloria and God Bless You!

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

What kind of wood do you use for this cutting??? The soft new green growth, or the harder woody growth?? my pet bunny was hiding under mine this evening. We are able to have a rabbit loose as we are tightly fenced to the ground...such fun and wonderful to see this form of life in the garden!! Here in our FL garden, we have a jungle, so plenty extra for him to eat:) Sue

I had to think about that question. I believe I just used the green cuttings because my plants were young.

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