Fig leaves drying up

Perryville, AR

I have a young fig tree just planted this past spring. I,m in zone 7 in Arkansas and we are on our 5th 100 degree plus day.
The leaves started drying up and browning from the outer edge in. I try to keep it watered, but is in full sun on a south facing side of the yard. Do you think it is to much heat and sun or should I look for something else?

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I have two very large fig trees that have been producing for me steadily over the past ten years. Every year about this time they begin losing leaves. The browning starts at the edges and the leaves begin dropping. Right now about 1/4 of the leaf cover is on the ground and I need to start raking. From my experience this seems to be a very natural occurence. Some few leaves will hang on until first frost. If your tree continues to have small green tips at the twig ends, chances are it is just going through a normal fig tree stage. Since it is still young, you should perhaps wrap it ahead of heavy freezing. My trees handle low 20's with no damage. Yuska

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

I have two large figs that were started from cuttings off of 20 year old trees and are now about three years old. They are also losing leaves but not all. They produced lots of fruit about three weeks ago ( squirrells got most of it) but still have some small fruit that might ripen.

It did the same thing last year but the hot weather without rain here this summer has the leaves curling and they are not as bushy as they have been. I dont worry about watering them because they are very hardy and I know they will survive and I'd just be providing supper for the squirrels anyway:-))

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