New Hosta garden

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

There are so many coloured pictures these days, that most of the newspaper wouldn't qualify if I left them out. I don't make it a habit to eat my Hosta flowers. LOL

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

I think most newspapers are now using vegetable ink for both black and colored parts of the paper. I know the reason you were not supposed to use the colored parts of the papers was because the colored ink had metals in it. I think most of that was phased out when recycling of newspapers, magazines, etc. became the norm. But, I probably wouldn't use it on a veggie garden unless I was certain of that fact. Just my .02. :)

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Thanks Ann, Ticker. My info on that is probably way out of date :-)


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Thought maybe I should give you an update on the progress of this garden. I had sunk a few Hostas into it for the winter. This spring I dug them all and put them into pots. Sandy came in to town and spent some time with me and we plotted out where some would go and moved Regal Splendor and a couple of others.

As my new orders arrived, I placed them into the garden. I've also moved quite a few of my older Hostas around to give them more space or just because I like the way they look better.

I bought a broken lot of left-over pavers - not identical to the ones by my driveway,but close enough that most people won't notice the difference. Initially, I just set them around the edge of the garden.

Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

This is looking east across the entire front lawn including the new garden.

Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

DH couldn't wait and spent part of this weekend getting the pavers set in place.

Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Looking up at the new garden.

Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

And the lower part of it.

All that's left is to finish planting some snapdragons for colour in the part of the garden closest to the street and some Sedum at the edge. I think it may be a bit too sunny for some Hostas. And when that's done, I'll mulch everything.

This message was edited Jun 29, 2008 9:05 PM

Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

Wow...just beautiful!!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Dorothy. Don't see you often over in Hostas, but it's nice when we do.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Lookin' good Ann! I like the edgers that you've used too. Very nice.


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

It's lovely Ann. What a good job you did!

Greentown, IN(Zone 5b)

Great to see it this year. You guys did a bang up job!!!

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Ann, it did turn out very nice. :) You should be proud of yourselves. :) However, I really never thought that all that snow you had in your yard would ever melt. That was amazing. :)


Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Beautiful Viola Ann.
It is so nice that people can see your "babies" in front as they go by.
Do you show them and tell them all their names as you give the tour?

Just you have Hostas in your back garden too?

I bought a new one this year. I really like it..
Emerald Ruff Cut..


Thumbnail by Starzz
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Carol - Emerald Ruff Cut is on my wish list and your picture reinforces that. I have some Hostas in the back yard, but it's sunnier, especially in the afternoon; so it's a bit more challenging for Hostas. I give tours to anyone interested. I'm afraid most eyes glaze over, LOL. I am on the Ottawa Horticultural Society July tour in mid-July which provides a date to try to finish.

Ticker - I sometimes wondered about all that snow too, but when it decided to go, it went really fast and the Hostas actually came up earlier than last year because we had little ground frost this past winter - just lots and lots of snow.

Thanks, everyone else.

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Thank you Ann.
Oh what an honour to be on a garden tour.
You have such a fabulous collection of Hosta.

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Looks fab and the edging stones really set everything off! Great job!


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Sandy. Come see it in person next time you are in town. And thanks for your help.
Since DH pitched into set in the stones, it just might be ready in time for the tour, even with a week away.

Carol - I think I'm on the tour just because I've tried to cram so many different types of Hosta into one garden and a friend is on their executive. It's a challenge anyway.

Greentown, IN(Zone 5b)

Congrats on the garden tour! You do have a wonderful collection in your garden and of course a good eye for design!

You are lucky to be having the tour next week. Ours was on June 21st and it was so much work getting everything in my garden ready for it!!! Good luck with it all. I would suggest wearing good shoes and taking the night before to be quiet and calm...I did not and paid dearly the next day. Many people had tons of qestions and they all want to ask the owner about it. It really is an honour but it is also a bit unnerving!!!!

Good luck and I will be with you in thought, I wish I could come help you get ready!!! Although I am sure you will be!!!


Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Ann, do have someone designated as the picture taker! We want pictures of folks touring your gardens. That way we can participate vicariously! Please. :)


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Dove - I could have been on the JUNE tour - the 19th, but that was the day of my handbell group party and we were touring the SW USA and attending a Viola Congress between May 23 and June 9. There's no way it could have been ready.

As it is, I will have my DGTwins (6yrs old) in residence for the entire week of the tour. They will be in a day camp, but ...

Diann - good idea. Never thought of that. Maybe I should invite Sandy - she's good with a camera, but she lives an hour away. I really have no idea how many people go on these tours as it's not a charity tour and I couldn't go on the earlier ones they had this year.


Greentown, IN(Zone 5b)

Ann, ours was a charity tour and it is a once a year event in our small town but I would think the coordinator would know how many to expect. Is it a whole week then? Ours was six gardens from 10-3 on a Saturday.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

There are two gardens, both in the same neighbourhood and the tour is for members of the Ottawa Horticultural Society. One night only - July 17.

BTW, what should I visit in Vancouver next week?


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Wow Ann. 6 year old grandtwins to watch. How long do they stay?
Is the tour just one day?

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Just one day for the tour - Thursday. But Amy & Nolan are here from Monday - Friday or maybe Saturday. We signed them up at Camp Awesome, aka vacation Bible school at our church. Their parents are working; so we will fetch them after the first day and keep them for the week. Looking after them is easier when they are gone roughly 9-3 each day. LOL


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I"ll bet that you really enjoy them. I put my grandkids in day camp while they are here with me too. What a blessing that is!

People are going to be so happy to visit your new garden. It's so lovely.

Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

I just saw this thread...Ann I love watching the progress!!!

I made a big decision over the weekend, to find a new home for my horse. I see all of these great projects and have so many ideas for my own yard...once the horse is in her new home (hopefully in the next month or two), I too can expand : )


White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

It's already on my calendar! I volunteer to take some pics - it'll be fun.


Greentown, IN(Zone 5b)

Ok, I would see Van Duesen Gardens....a must see.

Then UBC Botanical is a close second choice and there is a Japanese or Asian garden up at the university grounds, as well as, an Alpine one too! Both are great to add to the main one. I think it takes about half a day or more to see all three.

Of course in China Town, or just outside it, is Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden a true chinese garden which is interesting it used to be free I would do it only if I was already doing Chinatown which is fun!

Lesser known gardens include Thomas Hobbs' Garden I am thinking it is North Van but could be West Vancouver & Darts Hill Garden which is in White Rock or Surrey a suburb of Vancouver. Park & Tilford Gardens are nice, as you can see there are so many it is hard to list them all or remember them all. It all depends on what else you are doing and what your focus there is.

Minter Gardens is way out towards Hope if you are travelling up into that area it is worth it!

As an obsessive garden person I spent many a day hiking through all of them at all different times of the year.

I suppose I am biased as I volunteered at Van Duesen as part of the master gardener program. It is a garden where one can see so much and take old people or young alike. Even non-gardeners love it!! UBC is also up at the top.

I wish I could come and give you a personal tour........but perhaps this will be helpful anyways!!!

Susan (missing home already)

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