FYI Metor shower this weekend

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Should peek Sunday night, as many as 60 in an hour and no moon light to interfer with the show. I'll try to take a nap Sunday noon.

(edit) Sorry the link is not working, Thank you, Happy for posting another that works.

This message was edited Aug 12, 2007 8:53 AM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I am glad you posted this. I have the clipping alll cut out from a paper last week about this. DON'T miss it, Folks!
According to the article, the best time will be Monday night/Tuesday morning from 1AM until 5AM. Who in the dickens is up at hose hours?????

Besides the Meteor showers, there is to be some red star that will settle into the constellation of Taurus--giving it a second red eye. THEN---a total eclipse of the Moon later on and something to do with one of the moons around Jupiter being really, really bright.

All kinds of good things going on! Take your kids outdoors, turn off all your lights and enjoy!!!!! Have a midnight picnic!


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ohhh...I'm gonna be at the cool will that be?! Hmmm.....will telescope fit into van?

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

You must have a big telescope.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I will definitely look for this - I am one of the few that are actually working (more than likely) at that time of the day (nite) - I get my best work done at night so I will be up - making sure I have the blinds up in my office! :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

claypa...LOL No not really...just cringing thinking of all the baby related items that will need to be added to the van....ugh

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Telescopes aren't any help for watching meteors anyway... but it's supposed to clear for a couple nights.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

my bad....I know nothing about it...guess I proved that eh? LOL Ok...I'll just enjoy them with a NAKED eye

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

Yes I agree...that is the best way to watch them...naked on the beach...or did I read that wrong? ;-)

For a while I lived far away from city lights in Weidman Michigan. The views of the stars were amazing! The Milky Way was so clear. I sure miss that here in the Northern Virginia burbs.

- Brent

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

wow guys. We did stay/get up late for meteors a few yrs ago but in November? it was cold but 'cool' too. At least this would be temperate!
Born and raised around Baltimore. When I saw real stars in Wisconsin, Door County, I was truly amazed.
How is the surfing in Weidman Michigan? No sharks right? ha

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Here's more info (I couldn't get the first link to work, so I went hunting):

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

haven't spotted any yet. somebody want to give us a wake up call for four AM?

the Nasa link refers to
"rustling the legs of your pajamas", guess they didn't talk to Brent.......

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We had patchy cloud cover last night... I checked a few times, but I could only see through to stars in a few places, and only a couple of bright stars were visible... didn't catch any meteors, but I didn't stay out very long looking either . Today looks clear and less hazy, so maybe tonight's show will be a good one! :-)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I was going to set my clock to get up at 4AM (a HUGE sacrifice) to see if i could get a glimpse of the Meteor Shower.

Well-last night, I got involved watching something on TV until 10PM. Instead of going to bed, I went out and got in my car and drove to a nearby recreational park to see if I could see something early.
NO WAY! There were huge posts with bright lights all over! I was NOT going to wander off by myself on the hiking trail to get into a darker area. NO! Nada!

Next I drove to the end of a road that really goes nowhere--there was a Townhouse Development there--same thing! Glary lights all over.

On the way back from all this, I took a curvy, winding road that ended in the parking lot of an American Legion Hall's parking lot. I have been there many times. Well! No one there--BUT--it was all lit up like a Christmas tree! Another lost cause!

Next, I headed back home, but since I live 4 houses away from a HUGE High School, I figured I would check that out as there were not too many trees in the way. HUH! No go! All the HS grounds were all lit up. SO! I drove back home--the darkest place I could find--as we do not have any street lights where I live and parked my car in the driveway and looked all around. Then i decided, that it was too overcast an it was not worth it. Came in and went to bed!

HEY! I tried!!!! Won't do it tonight! Gotta get up at 4:30AM to go to work at 6AM. I may just sneak a peek as soon as I get up and see it I can catch a glimpse of at least ONE Meteor. I really want to!!!

No one can say that I did NOT try!!!!!


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Don't feel bad Gita, and Critter I ran into clouds too!

Set the alarm for 1:00 am got up, and went out side. I wasn't going to drag the lawn chair out in the driveway which is the most opened area, and besides hubby was on Ambulance call last night so sitting in the driveway was not a good idea, don't want to be ran over. ha ha. So I sat in the deck step and starting getting a pain in my neck. I think I may have seen a small one ???? but then it started to cloud up so I went in and slept till I had to get up for work.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Got two kids all set up around 11 pm on loungers,pillows, bug spray,... then one tipped off and bumped his elbow and decided it wasn't worth it. So the other came in too. I woke up at 2 AM and gave it another shot but saw nothing, just too light around here too I am afraid.
Gita you really gave it a good try. It seems kind of a shame all the electricity going to that, but it must be for security.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Best view I ever got of the Perseid meteor shower was during the summer I spent at Penn State. A bunch of us got into the habit of "camping out" on the roof of the dorm... high enough above the campus lights that the star gazing was really good. The nights of the peak meteor shower were crystal clear, and it was absolutely amazing... continuous sightings, all over the sky. :-)

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