6b zone seeks advice on raspberries

Lansdale, PA(Zone 6b)


the time has come to quit thinking about fruit in my school garden and move on already. I know there is lots of info out there, so I would appreciate it if you would just give me one or two nuggets of wisdom..... advice on varieties, mistakes to avoid, planting advice, sources of plants.... thanks and I am sure the students and staff at my school will appreciate your time.

Greensburg, PA


By all means, get the everybearing varieties. You'll be able to get a spring and fall crop. Get a good red and yellow variety, as they taste different but complement each other. I'm growing fall gold, which I like a lot and Heritage, which everybody seems to like, but I do not. (Flavor not as good as some others)

A couple of tips that I wish someone had told me:

1) Don't mow your everybearing raspberries, like is usually recommended, at least until the patch is strongly established. I had a good patch of Fall Gold for years without mowing, then decided to try mowing one year. I had a lot of trouble with the weeds outcompeting the raspberries, which created a lot of work, as well as losing the spring crop. Mulching did not help a lot.

2) Here is southwest PA, we have a wasp that likes to feed on small fruits and they do a lot of damage to the gold raspberries. They bite the berries to drink the juice, and move from berry to berry. Some years they don't hurt much, but this year was bad. I started trapping them, which helps a lot.

3) Full sun if you get regular water. Hill sides work well as wet feet are not good.

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