Rabbit's Foot Fern

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi folks...I'm new to the group and am an avid propagator. To the extent that I want to start a business selling the gazillions of new plants I have or will add when I get going. I have a Rabbit's Foot fern in a hanging basket that has just been used by a morning dove for her nest. Now that the baby is gone, I want to divide up the plant and make lots of new ones. Any advice as to how to go about this, size of cuttings, etc appreciated.
Sue in FL

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

here's some info i found on this site: http://www.uri.edu/ce/factsheets/sheets/indoorfern.html

Ferns can be propagated by division. Early spring is the best time to repot or divide a plant. Remove the plant from the pot and carefully cut between the rhizomes. You want to keep as many leaves as possible on each division. Repot in a good sterile potting soil. Do not feed a newly repotted plant for at least 4-6 months.

Ferns may also be propagated by spores. During the warm months of summer, ferns produce dot-like structures called spores on the underside of the leaves. When the spores ripen and turn dark remove the leaf and place in a dark container like a paper bag. Let the plant dry out. Once dry you can shake the leaf and thousands of spores will fall free. Place the spores in pot containing a peat based seed-starting mix. Work carefully as the spores can blow away with the slightest breeze. Water the container from the bottom up. When the soil surface is damp, place the pot in a plastic bag. Place the bag in the sun and keep it warm, at a constant 65 to 70 degrees F. You will first see a layer of green goo on the surface of the pot. This is the primordial soup that will become new ferns. This can take a few days or several months. Next, small fern like structures will appear, when these fronds are about 1 inch tall remove the plastic bag. As the ferns are very closely packed they will have to be transplanted in clumps to small pots. Once they are two to three inches in height they can be transplanted to individual pots. Fertilize lightly at this time.

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