Anyone know about Reliance grape??

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

Hi I ordered a candice grape this year but the company sent reliance cuz they said candice was out of stock. They told me that reliance is like candice but a newer hybrid. Has anyone grown reliance yet?? How does it compared to others??

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

At the taste testing that the state agriculture dept. experiment station held I thought Reliance was one of the best tasting and had a very nice shape to the bunch of grapes.

Hope this helps ya.

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

Lani, that totally helps.. I wasn't sure if this grape was worth growing out.. Now I'll treat it better since it's getting raving reviews from you.. :)

And it was great chatting with you in the Chat Room last night.. This newbie is meeting lots of nice people in there.. Have to say there also seems to be a lot of mischief in there too.. :) Definitely makes the chat room more fun and interesting..

BTW, did you get that job... "At the taste testing that the state agriculture dept. experiment station" That totally sounds so cool. :)


Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

It isn't a job. They have a yearly field day to show fruit producers and Master Gardeners as well as the public the fruits that they are working with at the experiment station and they have samples of all the fruits that are ripe at the time of the field day. I love to sample all the different fruits and keep notes on the ones I am the most interested in having in my own garden or possibly in the future planting in our fields for commercial production.

Yes there is always some mischief in the chat room and sometimes people who are new come in and are distressed by it or by general talk instead of talking about gardening but it is a way we keep the community spirit alive because you have all types of things happening in the community as well as in the chat room.

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

Ponditis, I love it in there.. I've met so many nice people in there.. I wish they'd leave the chat room sign on all the time..

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

It is open on Tuesday evenings and Thursday mornings each week. I don't get there as often as I would like to because of family ( and critters) but it is fun when I do get to participate.

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

LOL.. I know what you mean.. Some of us on the DL forum go in at other times though.. Whenever we find ourselves chatting between different threads, we usually just go in there to socialized.. Beats cluttering up another person's thread. :)

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