peaches taste funny

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 9b)

We have a bumper crop of peaches this year from our dwarf peach tree. Unfortunately, they taste a bit acrid and the skin is bitter and a bit thick, very fuzzy. Does anybody know what might have caused this? I mulched with rice hulls and composted chicken manure this year for the first time and also dormant sprayed for the leaf curl it normally struggles with. The tree is looking much heathier and the peaches are huge, no leaf curl this year. We've ahad a particullarly dry year so we are on water rationing. Any ideas?

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Well, it certainly sounds well fed. Maybe it was the lack of water. My mother in laws peaches came out tasteless one year but are fine now. Maybe one or the other of your fertilizers is flavoring it. You might just try one or the other of them next year. My mother in law never fertilizes hers at all. It just gets water from the lawn sprinkler and lawn fertilizer.
I have one that has small peaches and I definitely suspect the water and poor soil as being the problems. But I do put two wheelbarrows of manure on it each year and mulch it with pine straw or grass clippings and it isn't a huge tree. I also have drip irrigation but perhaps I need to add more. But our soil is really bad. I enriched it when I planted it, but It has spread way beyond where the original enrichment was.

Marin, CA(Zone 9b)

My Elberta peach has the same thing, very fuzzy thick skin. She had enough water, I was wondering myself what I did wrong!

Thumbnail by mrs_colla

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