Are they duds or buds?

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Of the new plants you purchased either last fall or this spring which ones are turning out to be duds and which ones are turning out to be favs, budding up a storm or setting out perfect foliage? What perennial, annual, shrub or bulb will no doubt be feeding worms by next spring and which makes you smile with pride every time you walk by them in the garden. Top winner here so far is a new clematis Venosa Violacea. Just a baby and is over 6' high and has been pumping out pretty purple flowers almost from the start. The biggest disappointment so far is campanula lactiflora 'Prichard's Variety'. Started out okay, kinda lack luster but cute little blue bell shaped flowers. Has now flopped over and looks kinda weedy. Could replace with something else that gives a lot more bang for your buck. How about you all, any hits? Any misses?

North Augusta, ON

A coreopsis!! I am putting this guy everywhere, nice tidy clumps of bright yellow double flowers that blooms all summer!!

Thumbnail by threegardeners
(Zone 4a)

That coreopsis is just beautiful. I have the moonbeam one and it too did really well - just so pretty!

My mom bought me these short daisies...I think they are about a foot high and they petals are all ruffled almost like white and yellow balls - very pretty.....I hope that one comes back nicely next year.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Beautiful coreopsis, threegardeners. What is the name of it?

I'd say my biggest hits are lilies: Yelloween (now in bloom and pictured below), Ginza (finished 7/29), a great new yellow Asiatic, a white one that's ready to bloom, Red Hot Lily was gorgeous, a dark Oriental (still have to get a photo) and the rose trees did nicely but not as pictured by Jackson and Perkins but they won't be trashed either!

Wolverine hosta is wonderful and new.

Caladiums have been spectacular and so have the begonias - the flowering ones and the ones for foliage (Rex).

Rainbow Knockout Rose from Park's was the biggest disappointment so far.

Thumbnail by pirl
North Augusta, ON

Not sure of his name is another pleasant surprise, a blanket flower, stayed in a nice clump and didn't get messy like others do....

Thumbnail by threegardeners
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Nice and neat.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Oh, gee, I can think of a million plants that didn't do well, but maybe that's because they came to me sick already. If I leave those out, my biggest disappointment has been MYOSOTIS Palustris Semper-florens; aka, Forget-me-not. Bleah. My monarda was fabulous, but I think my favorite was the tulips this spring.

Thumbnail by Sofonisba
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Gee, I wonder why?

(Zone 4a)

that is another great plant threegarderners - I would love something like that!

North Augusta, ON

Thank you!! I have so many far as daylilies go, I love them all...but Rosy Returns is the all time winner...started blooming a few weeks ago and will bloom right up until frost. Here is one of her flowers, will try to get a good clump shot tomorrow....

Thumbnail by threegardeners
Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

The gaillardia is Goblin or Arizona Sun I would say.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

my big miss this year is the Mexican shell flower - Tigridia pavonia.... as you can see a bad rain storm last weekend beat the foliage up and not really standing up the way it should be.... the flowers last LESS than a day.... i see buds going to work... come home and they look like this picture... I have only caught three nice blooms so far... don't think this one is worth it

Thumbnail by onewish1
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

here is a shot of what it should look like

Thumbnail by onewish1
Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Pirl, I think I'm just a lazy gardener. I'm so embarassed. I didn't water the forget-me-not often enough. The other plants by it, especially the sweet woodruff did so well. The sickly plants, I received from a co-op, and they needed to be planted immediately upon receipt, well, perhaps first after a good soaking, they might've survived.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Funny! Harper, I meant that with that gorgeous shot of your tulips I wondered (in jest) why you loved them so much, not about the forget-me-not's. Sorry about them.

Onewish - for you it's beautiful in theory, not practicality. When storms hit they can ruin the best of our plants. It's the "less than a day" that's the heartbreaker.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

ThreeGs looks like you hit the jackpot on a lot of things this year. Good info.Need to find that coreopsis.

Harper your bulbs are very pretty, great color combo. Forget-me-nots can get icky when the dry weather hits.

Onewish don't ya just hate it when the hype doesn't match the reality. Every failure however is an opportunity to try another new little gem.

Pirl lots of nice lilies,is the one in pic a stinker? It looks so nice with all the dark purple foliage. I think I will be looking for more bulbs this fall. :)

(Zone 4a)

here is just a quick overhead shot of my coreopsis...I love her!

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

here are the daisies I mentioned...I like the fact that they are compact and don't flop over

Thumbnail by DawnLL
Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Okay luv the daisy. Do we have a name? Is it that new short one that I have seen in catalogs, white and yellow, double petals.? The name of the one I have seen is Leucanthemum 'Goldrausch'. If that is the one, it is on the list of must haves.

I should also mention a new shrub, a paniculata hydrangea that is very impressive so far. 'Pinky Winky' holds large flowers upright and has one on every branch. It is just starting to pink up on the bottom of flower panicles.

Thumbnail by ngam
Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Here is a pic of the clematis I gave the big thumbs up to. Venosa Violacea.

Thumbnail by ngam
Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Biggest thrill - the oriental lilies!!!!! Well, actually lots of stuff . . . red poppies, garden phlox, petunias, impatiens, etc.

Biggest disappointment - green wizard rudebeckia (sp?) Well, it's only year 2. I will give it one more year, then I will toss it.

(Zone 4a)

ngam what a beauty! I just love clematis. I only have 9 of them right now but I wish I had room for much more!!!

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Too funny pirl!

Thanks ngam. What's the meaning of your username? ...just curious. I love that clematis. I just bought it this spring along with 11 other clematis, so it's nice to see it doing so well for you! I know I planted that one somewhere....

Dawn, I have that same threadleaf coreopsis. I love it too.


Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Dawn, clems are like everything else, I have noticed, I want every one I see. LOL.

Harper, ngam is no good in the a. m. I really used to be a horror if you had nerve enough to even look at me never mind talk before at least two cuppa. Everyone knew better, DH, kids, people at work. I'm oh so much nicer now. :)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

ngam - now you have me really curious. Did you give up caffeine or do you take it via intravenous transfusions?

Seandor - how often have you move your Wizard and is it in full sun?

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I wondered if Ngam was Vietnameese.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Pirl I have always been a night owl since I was a kid and figured if the rest of the world thought I should get up early they would pay for it. LOL. Actually never could get to sleep at a reasonable hour but this has all improved with age, getting up at the same time every day and one of the great inventions of the 20th century...the auto shut off for the tv. I do still need my two cups every morning to get moving but have not done damage to friend or foe for many years now. :)

LOL Dave small "n", but you are the first to say that. :)

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I'm with you on the auto shut-off for the TV!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

We don't have a TV in the bedroom so I guess it's our own automatic shut off valve that works for us.

I'm glad nobody was hurt in your caffeine days!

(Zone 4a)

ngam sorry I don't have the name for the daisies...I am so bad for keeping tags. However I do know it doesn't grow very high at all but it is so cute! I don't really care for the tall ones...shhhh

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Dawn is this your daisy? I have been drooling over this one but wanted to be sure it was as good as the hype.

(Zone 4a)

Yes ngam that is exactly what it looks like!!! So far so good! It has oodles of flowers on it and they are really lasting a long time! Definitely a good purchase.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I might give the shell flowers one more shot next year.... the bulbs might be better the second year.... but wow i love those shasta daisy dawn & ngam.... I picked up a pinky winky myself this year.. just a tiny thing though

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

I don't remember what these tulips are - and the picture on the label when I bought them were a very light pink - when they bloomed they were such a pretty magenta pink - though the true color doesn't show up in the pics I took - but loved them!

Thumbnail by debi_k
North Augusta, ON

First, I'd to say how I appreciate you all letting me hang out here on the Northeast Gardening Forum.

Back on topic...I had one major disappointment this year.....mignonette.....I read so much much about how nice they smelled that I jumped at the chance when offered some seeds.....well...long story short....they smelled bad!! Maybe it was weather related, but I ripped them out and put some nicotine there, they never fail to make me stop and smell the flowers, especially at night.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I've never smelled mignonette. Is it a dahlia?

If you want stinky try Houttuynia. Very pretty and the MOST invasive weed ever! When pulled out or dug out (useless waste of time and energy) it smells like the plant was in the Blazing Saddles scene after the bean fest.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

It's a very strange smell for sure. I like the plant though. I'm disappointed in Lavatera. Was spectacular earlier but the heat has really done it in. Ditto for some Centaurea too.

3G's, you're certainly welcome here any time. If you're northeast of somewhere, you qualify.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Victor - try the Lavatera in dappled shade.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes, that what I was thinking too Pirl. Thanks.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I'm very pleased with the hardy Hibiscus planted last year. They have all been spectacular. 'Luna Red', which is a maroon or cranberry in color, is full of huge blooms right now. There must be at least 12 blooms at once.

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