Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Oh my! That's so awesome to feed deers for BREAKFAST! lol...

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I know people who feed deer (not at a table from a plate!) they are such beautiful creatures, it's hard to think bad of them eating our greenery, but a herd that big (they all appeared to be youngin's, to me, imagine the herd size with the adults) could wipe out a whole yard of our pretties in one meal! That was very entertaining Linda, thanks for sharing. (can you believe it, she petted that one like a cat or dog). I don't think I could be as accomodating. lol
Joyce, I'll be sure to check out WE the next time I'm through Lawrence. I live 35 miles outside Topeka, so it's a trip for me to go almost anywhere, besides Topeka. But I like traveling and I LOVE plants, so it's a double pleasure! The problem is making time. Looks like we may get some rain today.... it's cooler than yesterday, but if it clears off, it will probably be very hot and humid... I'm with you Joyce, saddening that our growing season is dwindling down... but I'm sure we'll busy ourselves with horticultural related projects until we start the whole circle again next Spring! (now, that's enough about the end of the season) lol

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

AuntB--- They are not young they all look like full grown Does. all of them will give birth the following spring and a good percentage of those births will be twins. Anyone who is silly enough to carry on that close with the deer should have his head examined. They can be aggresive. When they are they do not use antlers they raise up on their hind hoofs and windmill the front one and can stomp you roight into the hospital in the plastic surgery ward.

I would bet all the does in the picture will be giving birth in the spring and a fair percentage of those birth will be twins.

I have a deer problem and i am not going to spend a lot of money on high cost sprays. I am going ot bait them into the yard and set back about 30 yards and let them have it with a 410 ga shotgun in the rump. At that range and the low volocity of a 410 it will not penetrate,but it will give them a very sore tail for sometime and they will never ever return to that area and nbeither will any that are with them.

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

My husband said the same thing about them being full grown deer. He watch the video twice and still can't figure out how in the world they have them coming to the table and eating and petting them. He said they were crazy for doing that. Because the following year the deer will double in population if not triple. We have our share of deer. I have had them stand in the yard and watch me water my flowers, but once Eddy (Pug) spots them they run like crazy.

Hi to all.. can I interject an observation? They must have a good immune system as well, I was grossed out by her feeding the" rats on four hooves" and then eating out of the same hand..Maybe those rats don't have ticks nor lice either!.... But on the other hand, the girly pumpkins thought Bambi's friends were adorable!... It is lovely with the cooler weather and I'll shall return to the garden to enjoy the welcomed breezes.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

I think those people have been doing that awhile and they know when to come in. Petting them is what got a woman here stomped a few years back. She was in and out of the hospital for sometime. She had a pet doe that she had been feeding and petting and the doe came in with a fawn one day. Even though the fawn stayed back and was mostly hidden in weeds ,this lady looked that direction. That was all it took.

The thing with the 410 shotgun was recommended to me by someone from the state. It works but you have to use a light powder load and light weight birdshot are salts. Believe me they are going to get it around here as soon as I get a 410. They ruined my yard this past year.

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

I would never use the shot gun only BB gun will helpfully...
Use very strong salt into the empty bullet... That will help to stop coming by and never touch place again...


Use firecrackers! lol...

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

The firecrackers won't be a permanent solution like the shotgun will. All firecrackers do is make noise and maybe give them ringing in their ears or a headache for awhile. But the birdshot or salt will burn and sting and they won't forget that discomfort.

My computer isn't big enough to download the video. I think deer are prabably very clean animals so I wouldn't worry about their mouths touching my hands but I would be concerned about the possibility of them dropping off a few Lyme Disease infected ticks while visiting.

I used the new Fire Dragon this evening. First I torched the seed heads really well then I torched the plant so it would die and not make more seeds. It will be interesting to see how well it worked. It may be a few days before I know much.

Anyone else having company over the holiday? Our son J.D. & his wife Kerri from Springfield and our daughter Kris & her 3 children Cindy and Shadoe are coming in over the weekend. I think J.D. & Kerri will get here Sunday afternoon and stay until late Monday and Kris and the children will get here Monday for a few hours.

I got some aqua baskets of tulip bulbs and some other mixed ones planted today. I feel better now that I have those in the ground. The soil is still so terribly dry and hard. I used mostly well fertilized used potting soil I have brought home from PG. At least they have a good chance of making lots of roots in that.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Eva May---- You are right. I could go into a lot of explanation on here about muzzel volocities in foot lbs of pressure etc and the weight of what is being used as a projectal, but the bottom line is a 410 has a very week load and bird shot has no weight and therefore looses all of it power at a very short range.

Rusty---- actually salt is something that could cause more damage than a 7 1/2 size shot because it weighs more and it also may not fly a straight course. so I will be using the bird shot from about 30 yards on their rear ends. I should not have to do except on one are two for a for awhile. They will warn the other deer in the herd off the yard when they are close by.

Speaking of wildlife I got a Racoon coming in here at night that I have the box trap set up for. I have not seen him yet but he must be big buster. He managed to tear open a metal bird feeder by bending some pretty stiff metal and he managed to turn over a trap last night with a full concrete block on top of it to get under it after the bait. I figure if I can keep him coming and can keep the trap anchored well enough I will trap him. I am sure he will go in if he cannot turn it over. Two concrete blocks tonight.

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

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