sun room/greenhouse.

Hereford, TX(Zone 7a)

Thats what I use it for and it works very well for that.

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

Thanks Danita! I love this sun room and spend most of my time out there already. I'm going to keep most of the tender stuff back along the wall where it is stone. I'm hoping the stone will absorb enough heat during the day to keep it from getting blistery cold out there at night. I do have a space heater "just in case"

I like that Brugs to bloom most of winter would be nice. I tried my hand at them for the first time this year. The yellow is blooming now but the white and pink have not got a bud. The leaves are yellowing from the bottom up. Maybe I brought them in the sun room too early. One night it was forecasted to be 38* so I brought them in. Never having then before these ones are my experimental plants.

Crozet, VA

Hi Woofie and All - The hubby just went out and measured and is saying it is approximately 11 1/2 x 11 1/2. Drsaul, so glad that the greenhouse is working out for you. I am glad that I have mine, despite some of the draw backs with it. It is being used, that is for sure.

I think that hubby and I have decided against using it for greenhouse purposes this winter too. We will bring house plants inside again, like last year. This year there will be one change at least. In a few weeks I am having a contractor come and install a sliding glass door where a window is now, in the spare bedroom. I figure that by sitting most of my plants on the floor in front of it, they will get enough sun to stay healthy. In the mean time, I will bring them inside and put them in spaces temporarily.

I might actually begin bringing in a few today and over the next few days. A person never can tell when the night temperatures will get down to a point where some frost damage is done.

Not sure if I mentioned here or not, but I was on vacation last week and had the privilege of meeting another of Dave's Gardeners who lives in the same town where we spent one night. I was able to take a lovely tour of her cottage garden and was so excited to see so many unusual plants. The tour of her yarden was a definite highlight of my trip. This wonderful lady also sent me home with as many seeds as I wanted and several live plants that need to be put in the ground today.

I also stayed with friends in both of the towns that we visited and I brought home clippings and rooted pieces from their homes too. ha-ha I had a great time gardening on vacation.

Well, thanks everyone for the input. I will try to take pictures after I have the room set up to accept all my houseplants. Out to be very interesting. ha-ha

I hope that everyone will have a good day today, and a great week coming up. Take care.


Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

That is so exciting!! It's fun to meet other DGers! And see their gardens..although when I think of having folks here all I can think about are my weeds. Perhaps I should just label them and pretend they are supposed to be there?

I am thinking about bringing in a few plants also and did a "bug check" yesterday. I had to treat a few pots to hopefully gid rid of stuff before I bring it inside.

I love your new room and I think that this winter you will get a good idea of whether or not it can be used for plants. My parents have an unheated sun porch that they keep plants in year round. It is sheltered on two sides by the house and that might make a difference though

Crozet, VA

Hi Jazz, thanks for checking in. i hope that you will have a good week coming up. Take care.


Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

THanks Ruby.. you too

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