Just a Few from Today!!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Boy ..this forum has been terribly quiet..I know yall are out there and there hafta be some Clems blooming for you somewhere in your gardens!!..So, I'll post a few that I took pics of recently...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Being that I planted Climbing rosa "Polka" and Clematis "The President" & "Mrs. Cholmondeley"...I am quite please with the union so far..there truly is a "Mrs. Cholmondeley" in there..she just isn't blooming right now..I hard pruned "The President" and he thanks me by producing a few more blooms...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Clematis "John Huxtable" is on round 2 and I was pleasantly surprised to see that clematis "Pink Champagne" had weaved a vine through and put out a bloom to join him...Love this combo..

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Clematis "Piilu" is three years old now..I hard pruned her the first two springs of her life here and this is my first bloom of the season..rather disappointing as I had hoped for a double :(

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Double or no double..she's still sweet

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

One of my "Huldines" is on round 2 and blooming..I must run out and get a pic for you...but right now I leave you with a close-up of "Pink Champage"..hope yall are having a great weekend...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
(Zone 4a)

Thanks for posting more of your fantatis clematis. I was missing them! I am especially happy to see that you posted some of pink champagne...I purchased one just over a month ago and I don't think it will bloom this year but after seeing your pics I am so happy I bought it - the colour is so pretty!!!! Do you have more of your pink champagne you could post for me???

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Dawn..thanks..My flowers are like my children and I have tons of pictures of them as I am daily in my gardens, camera in hand...I planted clematis "Pink Champagne" aka "Kakio" in the Spring of '2006 and after her first florescent pink bloom, she quickly stole my heart and became one of my most favourite of all...Here ya go..isn't she breathtakingly beautiful?....You will be so glad you added her to your gardens ..I have her planted with a DA rose called "Tess of the d'Urbenvilles" on one side and clematis "John Huxtable" on the front side....Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Jeanne, when you say hard prune, do you mean cut to the ground or thereabouts? Your pics are gorgeous, as usual.

My watsonias didn't do much. How about yours? The watsonias at our county extension demonstration gardens were totally awesome. At this point I can only hope for a good show next year, sigh.....

(Zone 4a)

I am so happy I added pink champagne as well - I just can't wait to see her bloom! Thanks for sharing another photo!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey ..Voss..my Watsonias did ok..the white ones were the only ones I noticed that bloomed..I think they'll be better next year?
No..Hard Pruning doesn't mean you cut to the ground...it means you prune RIGHT ABOVE the 2nd or 3rd Leaf Axil...for that is where they new vines will grow from..if you prune to the ground you are hoping more vines will emerge from the crown..
here is an pic of when I hard pruned my clematis "Venosa Violacea"...see the green starting to grow from the leaf axil?..Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

More beauties, Jeanne! I especially like the combination of Climbing rosa "Polka" and Clematis "The President".

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the explanation. I've made a mental note of it.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Voss..you're welcome..well went out this morning and shock shock..I saw a bloom on my Montana "Mayleen'!

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

"Huldine" is starting up again on round 2~~!!

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Round 2 on this one "Avant-Garde"

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Gorgeous Clematis flowers! Love all your combos, vines growing up your trellises and planted together with Roses.

I only have a few blooming right now, 'Confetti', 'Picardy' and 'Rosea'. I think it's sooo hot (in the 90's) that they reserving their energy for cooler temps.

(Zone 4a)

Hmmm I think I need MORE huldine photo's...I think that will be my next purchase if I can get it here....gosh it is such a pretty white flower!!!! Jeanne? Got any more to share?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Anymore pics of "Huldine" or just more pics of any clematis that I own??

Denton, TX(Zone 7b)

Jeanne, they are just beautiful as always! We'd like to see more...even if they're not recent. The purple clem and orange rose look stunning together. You've given me the idea to plant my The President with my Pat Austin rose.

Maybe it's the heat but not much blooming right now for me. Betty Corning has made an appearance....just love her! Will try to get a pic. Also ordered Bonanza, Regency, Mikelite, and Galore....anyone have photos of these?

(Zone 4a)

Hey I don't mind at all if you post more lovely photo's of any of your clems but I was hoping for more of huldine!!! She is a beauty!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Rose..If I'm Not mistaken hon "Pat Austin" is a shrub rose..and in time clematis "The President" might overwhelm a shrub..I've got mine planted with climbing roses because they can take it..
Dawn..just for you hon I went out and took these pics this morning before the sprinkler system came on..more "Huldine"..I truly love this one..but then again..I've not met a clematis that I don't just love!!..Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Rose I have "Bonanza" and "Galore" but My "Bonanza" hasn't bloomed yet since I only planted it a month or so ago..I think Shirley has that one and could share a pic??
Here is "Galore"

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

This is how little baby "Galore" looked on her first bloom period in my gardens

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

If neither one of you girls have clematis "Venosa Violacea"..let me do a bit of enabling and show you her...any clematis fanatic in her right mind would most definitely have to have this vigorous pruning group 3..I'm such a nut about this one that I have two and probably will get a 3rd one before it's over..it's just too fabulous!!...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Denton, TX(Zone 7b)

Jeanne, thanks to your enabling... at the start of this addiction, I already have Venosa Violacea. Also was enabled to get Solina, Rhapsody, Huldine, Mr President and climbing upwards to almost 50 clems! LOL, not complaining...just want more. :)
Your're right about Pat. Maybe a shorter growing clem with her. How about the blue Integrifolia? Or, what's another good short one? Maybe The President would like to grow with my huge Phyllis Bide. She has a lot of pretty peachy orangey colors. No, wait, the apricot blend Noisette Crepuscle would be gorgeous!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Sorry, I don't have 'Bonanza' or 'Galore' yet in my garden. I need to remedy that!

rosethyme: "Venosa Violacea" gets the top vote from me because it is a viticella (Group 3) and therefore resistant to Clematis Wilt. Careful with Group 2 Clematis, unless you are willing & dedicated to spraying them a lot.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh Shirley..sowwy, I thought you had that one..hmmm..who's pic was it that made me buy it??...Rose..an integrifolia would be just the ticket for a shrub...they love to scramble up them..."Phyllis Bide" or "Crepuscule" would love something blue or red..I have two clematis planted with my Climbing rosa "Crepuscule"..Cleamtis "Ville de Lyon" and "Guernsey Cream"..Jeanne

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

Jeanne, how high is your Venosa climbing? I'm looking for a purple for my tree and that one is gorgeous, but the stats say it doesn't get very high. If it does, I'd get it in an instant!

Denton, TX(Zone 7b)

Jeanne, I don't have Guernsey Cream yet but I will as soon as one of the vendors has it back in stock...it has been on my wish list. Do you have a photo of yours?

Shirley, yes, I really like Venosa Violecea. I have some other Viticellas as well....Kermesina and Palette to name a couple.

(Zone 4a)

Oh Jeanne thanks for the photos.....the huldine flowers are very impressive! If I find one this year I will certainly get it......actually I think I would LOVE to have all your varieties! they really are impressive. I will try to find that Venosa Violacea as well. Oh gosh I could have three new clems by the end of the week including that yellow one.....when does this addiction stop? I am seriously running out of room LOL

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Rose..I bought My clematis "Guernsey Cream" from Murray Rosen over at "Chalkhill" a few months ago and it's busy growing it's little heart out right now and hasn't blessed me with a bloom yet..but, from pics of my other clematis Co-horts convinced me my life would not be complete without her growing in my gardens...
Digi girl..Generally I "hard prune" my VV after each flush of blooms but this year I decided to let ONE of my VV's grow just to see and that baby is HUGE..she has grown to be about 12 + feet tall and has grown over to my Pergola and is starting to climb on her...but remember..she is a hard prune/pruning group 3 and you can't leave her that tall or she'll only bloom on top..NOW..My other monster..clematis "Polish Spirit" has grown up my Apple Tree...what a site!!..this one is such a thug....Jeanne

(Zone 4a)

Here is my multi-blue which only has one flower on it right now but this would be the third time it is blooming this season. It was blooming when I purchased it this spring...then it bloomed again later on...then I cut it down halfway and here is another flower!!

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

Jeanne I just wanted to say I think my pink champagne just might give me a display this year...it is really taking off even though I just planted it about a month ago - wow!!!!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Dawn..most probably hon..please share a pic when it does!!..Jeanne

Liverpool, NY(Zone 5a)

Does anyone have problems with critters eating their tender shoots on their clematis???
I have grown clematis for years, and this is the first year I've encountered this problem on new plantings.

I just purchased some hardware cloth, and I hope this remedies it. I have Little Nell planted all season, and each time it reaches 2 feet or so, the deamon snaps it off, doesn't eat it, just SNAP!!!! Aggrevating.

This hasn't happened with my older plants.

Thanks for any help.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Do any bunnies live in your garden? They may enjoy the tender young shots.

Liverpool, NY(Zone 5a)

Yes, I do have bunnies, many of 'em all of a sudden. Never had this problem before with Clematis, always have had bunnies. They ususally dine on my lilies, roses, or whatever their little bunny heart desires. I have three new clematis to plant, so I will use hardware cloth to prevent anymore of this. Most annoying. Thanks for your reply.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Bunnies are so darling, but they have a voracious appetite! Bet to protect tender young shoots. Best of luck!

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