Sept. 8 Plant Swap: Organization and Logistics

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Fall Plant Swap at Critter's home in Frederick, Saturday Sept. 8, noon to 6.

I'm delighted to be hosting a Fall Plant Swap, and I'm looking forward to seeing some people from the Spring Swap as well as meeting other DGers from the area. We're going to have a blast!

This thread is for organization and logistics, for keeping track of the details and who is planning to attend, and for answering any questions that might arise.

Please do post in this thread if you are planning on, or thinking about attending!

There will be a separate thread for food and a separate thread for plant trades. Please try to keep those topics on those threads, and please really limit chat on this thread, or it will be hard for people to find the information they need.

This message was edited Jul 26, 2007 3:20 PM

This message was edited Jul 26, 2007 4:51 PM

Thumbnail by critterologist
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Reserved for organizational details

... scroll down a couple of posts. somehow, all the details ended up there!

This message was edited Sep 6, 2007 5:58 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Reserved for list of people planning or hoping to attend. I'll be Dmailing directions to everyone on this list, so please check to be sure your name is here

Wrightie -- definite maybe
Theresa (my friend)
Snowrose (hopefully)

This message was edited Sep 5, 2007 3:08 PM

This message was edited Sep 6, 2007 1:01 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Reserved for links to related threads

Initial "interest" thread about this swap,

Food thread:

Plant trades thread:

This message was edited Jul 26, 2007 3:15 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Here are some initial thoughts I had about this swap....

PARKING: We live at the end of a short cul-de-sac that's not well designed for parking a bunch of cars, so I'm thinking that I might ask folks to drop off & pick up out front but to park during the day over at the community center, which is a short distance away (not more than 2 city blocks, I'd estimate).
edited to add that I don't think we have enough cars expected to create a problem... go ahead and park on the street, but don't park on the driveway unless you plan on staying late. :-)

FOOD: (see food thread link) As people have already commented, there was an overwhelming (but delicious!) amount of food at Hart's this spring. I'm thinking that rather than having a designated meal time for lunch or dinner, we should think more in terms of appetizers and finger foods or sweet goodies so we can just "graze" all day, having a nibble here and there whenever we're inclined. I have a long island counter in the kitchen that I think will work well for setting out goodies, and it's pretty convenient to the back door leading to the deck. We could set up sweets on a separate table, and maybe we'll put a cooler just outside on the deck for drinks if it looks like we'll need more than we can easily fit inside or next to the fridge.
edited to add that there's a new fridge out in the garage, so we'll use the little "dorm" fridge that's just inside the patio door to the deck as a place for sodas... Lemonade will be in the main fridge, top shelf... and Becky and Happy are your bartenders for all other concoctions!

BRING BUG REPELLENT. I've got a couple of kinds that I'll put somewhere handy, but if you have a favorite, toss it in. We finally had rain around here, and the mosquitoes have been fierce the last couple of weeks! edited to add, NO CITRONELLA, please.... it gives me an instant migraine. Long pants & a long sleeved shirt might be good to bring along, although it's supposed to be "unseasonably hot" yuk.

SEATING: Although I have a few chairs and a bench on the landing on the deck, as well as some big "sitting rocks" by the patio, I think extra chairs will be needed... it worked out pretty well at Hart's to have people bring folding chairs and tables for their plants, so I thought I'd ask people to do the same. If you don't have chairs to bring (or space in your vehicle for them), no sweat, just let me know and I'll round up a few extras.
edited to add that we're probably in pretty good shape for chairs. I've got a few "inside" ones that we can move out (or back in again) as warranted.

SMOKING: We'll ask smokers to please go out front... As many of you know, I get nasty migraines, and cigarette smoke is one of the worst triggers for me. There's a grassy "island" with a maple tree in the middle of the cul-de-sac that might work as a smoking corner depending on how many neighbors are out and about... if it's a day when everyone is out on the street, then we'll set up some chairs in my front yard (I don't think any of my neighbors smoke, either).

PLANTS: please label your trades (plant name and your name too) as much as possible ahead of time. I know all about last minute additions, but it really will make things smoother for you... it especially helps to organize any trades you've arranged in advance.
edited to add Becky's famous line... "Plants? What plants??" LOL Bring 'em if you want!

This message was edited Sep 6, 2007 5:57 PM

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Drama Queen checking in to say that I will be having surgery on both of my hooves in August, with the second surgery taking place on 8/31. Consequently, I will have to play it by ear regarding whether or not I will be mobile by then and able to attend. I know, I know, I'm just doing it for attention - just like with the last Swap.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I definitely will not be able to attend. (Sorry!)


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

At this moment it looks like I'll be able to attend :-)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I plant to come and will be riding up/down/over with Sally again.
She is away for the better part of August but I can tell you she is coming.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Karen, we'll miss you! You and I will just have to find another way to do a little houseplant/episcia swapping... :-)

I've reached my daily edit limit, so I'll add Becky & Gita & Sally to the list tomorrow. As I said, making sure your name is on the list is only important shortly before the swap when I'm Dmailing directions to everybody, because I don't want to miss anyone. Then again, my address is in the exchange, and Mapquest knows where we live!

Wrightie, don't worry about walking to/from the community center... we'll either find a spot for you to park, or we'll ferry you over and back... same goes for anyone who might have trouble with that distance.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Sounds good Critter... In the process of a little trading right now, so give me a few weeks for more stolons to develop, and you're definitely on! I'm sorry I won't be able to make it.


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Critter. I will have two bad feet at that time, so doing anything other than keeping them both raised and elevated ~may~ be a problem for me. Will have to wait and see. Happy promised that she'd give me piggy back rides, so I'm all set there.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I have a wheelbarrow! :-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Hooves, huh? We always suspected Wrightie was a little devil. Now we know. LOL I hope your surgery goes well and you're able to make it to the swap.

Critter, I still don't know if Joyce and I will be able to make it but I'm sure going to try. If not, I think Lynda is planning on coming and perhaps I could send some plants along to everybody with her.

We'll have the same problem with Joyce not being able to walk so far but I can drop her off with the plants and park the car and walk back.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I can attach the dogs to the wheelbarrow...LOL Becky's coming too!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Gosh!!! And I'm going to miss the rotties pulling wrightie around in a cart???


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

It's not that there's zero parking available... but even if we fit 2 or 3 cars in the driveway and a few more in the street, that probably won't take care of everybody since it's a short street that just doesn't have a lot of parking along it... so how about if we plan to leave the driveway clear for coming & going, and we'll save the spot in front of the mailbox for Joyce or Wrightie..... and everybody else can park further down the street if there's room (some of my neighbors have cars on the street too at times), and if/when we run out of room we'll park at the community center.

I edited too much last night and hit my limit, so I won't be able to add people to the list for a few hours yet.... but I'm keeping track! :-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

yes, i'm planning to come and bring Gita like the last one. (checking in from sisters place in florida- I must show off Atlanta Arboretum pictures when I get home) I'll be happy to let Gita out at the house and park -n- stroll. Pretty positive neither of us is carting twenty tons of plants this time..

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

Critter, sorry, Pawling is way too far (it's north of NYC) for me. Maybe if this was 5 years ago when I lived in Alexandria, VA.. C'est la vie. Maybe next time if I'm in the area..


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hey, with your travel schedule, maybe you and DH can arrange to be "passing through" that weekend! ;-)

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

LOLLLL Critter, you crack me up.. Luv ya for that. I needed a good laugh there. I was already scheming as soon as I saw your email. Unfortunately, we already have meetings in Hartford on 8/8. So we will be in CT instead of VA. Nice try though.. I had the exact same idea.. :D

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm thinking it would be really fun to have a sort of raffle where everybody brings one "special" item, an unusual plant, or a nice larger specimen, or something in a pretty pot, or... We'll put them all on a table, and everybody will put their name in a hat. Then we'll draw names, one at a time, and as your name is called you'll come up and take the plant or item of your choice off the table.

If you don't have something propagated or extra to share, you can buy something, but let's put a price limit on that -- maybe $10?

What do you think?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

This sounds like fun, but my personal vote is to keep everything as low-key as possible. My disappointment at Hart's swap was that there was so little time to just sit and chat, because there was so much to do. Also, I'm not going to have much time to prepare for the next swap because of vacations, etc., so the less on my plate, the better -- I'll probably only have the morning of the swap -- and come to think of it, I may not have that either because soccer will be in full gear. Another problem with doing this is that based on how things went at Harts, some people will leave early, and others will arrive late, so it might be logistically challenging. It seemed that people were constantly arriving and leaving at Harts. That being said, it still sounds like fun, and I'd be happy to bring something (hmm, but what?).

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Late? Who arrived late? *ducking head and running* ROTFLOL

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Somebody suggested earlier that we could have door prizes, and I thought that sounded like fun, but I didn't want people to end up winning prizes they couldn't use (like a rose bush for somebody with a shady yard).. so that's why I'm trying to think of a system for picking what you'd like.

We could do the raffle table like door prizes, rather than as a single event... When you arrive, you put your contribution on the table and put your name in the hat. Every hour on the hour (or thereabout), we'll pull a couple of names from the hat, and when your name is picked you get to wander over to the table and take your pick from what is there.

I think I like the idea of drawing a few names every so often as the day goes along... it'll make it less of an organized event, letting people continue to mingle and do whatever they're doing... you just have to check the list of names that have been drawn to see if its your turn yet to pick something (if you didn't hear your name being called out when it was drawn).

If somebody has to leave early (before their name is called), they can just have their pick right before they go... I know that may not seem quite fair, but I don't think anybody is going to leave earlier than they have to just because they really want that pretty little maple.

If this starts getting too complicated, we can skip it of course, but I think it's an idea that's worth tossing around.

We could also just ask people to donate a door prize if they'd like (rather than saying you can only win a prize if you've brought a prize). When people arrive, they put their name in the hat. Every so often, somebody's name gets picked from the hat. Just as at any event I've been to, if you've left before your name is called, somebody else's name gets called instead (or somebody could pick for you if you've made an arrangment with them).

I do agree that I don't want to get things too complicated.. . my main focus is going to be visiting with people... and if you see something you'd like and I don't have it potted up to share, you can help yourself to a cutting!.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sounds great to me!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I have two garden related items that I personally won't use but are new. Is that OK? sort of White Elephant?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That sounds like just the thing! I think we'll have fun coming up with a fun, "special" item for the door prize table. :-)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

You know--the more I ponder on this, the more I think the raffle prizes should NOT, necessarily, be plants. We will be in plants up to our ears! Something "other than" would be a nice diversion.

It would be much more interesting if the items we brought would just be garden related. There is sooo much to be had that has to do with gardening! Books, pots, chimes, pretty whirly-birdie things, stepping stones, garden figurines, hand tools, totes, bird feeders, thermometers, sprinklers, etc....etc....Besides, this time of year, there are a lot of good deals to be had as stores clearance out the seasonal stuff.

Lets all just bring something cute/nice/useful/unusual for each other's gardens. I can see this becoming a nice, yearly tradition.

Whacha all think?????? Jill? You are the "boss"!


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Personally, I'd prefer a plant. I have way too much "stuff." But I think the fewer rules, the better -- it seems to me that whoever wants to bring something should bring whatever they want to bring - plant or plant-related -- and if someone doesn't want to participate whether because of shortage of time or energy, that should be just fine. The fewer rules the better.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

"Kitten" posted for me before I was ready! LOL

This message was edited Aug 4, 2007 7:52 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

"The fewer rules the better." My thoughts exactly. If we just think in terms of bringing "something special" -- whether a plant or a set of wind chimes -- there will be lots of wonderful options on the prize table. Including non-plant items makes it more flexible for everybody... but including plants makes it fun, too!

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi All,
Not sure if we are coming. One has to do with Kevin and now far he wants to drive and the second is there is another RU much closer... I don't really know anyone there but I really knew no one here except Hart until we all met. I will tell ya as time gets closer...
Someone gave us some purple plants I think they were called lavender? Mine died and could you tell me what this was as I really liked it and want to grow it...
Thanks and Hello to everyone...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I think Miata had some starts at the last swap from her Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender', which has some purple on the stems and foliage... could that be the one?

I understand about the long distance... but I sure hope we'll see you! :-)

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Susan, I so hope you can make it. But if you can't, and Critter is right about what I may have given to you, I can send you some. I have lot's and am going to try to keep it going over the (I hate this word) winter. But I haven't sent anything in the mail yet, so maybe you can help me get it right. Like I said, I have plenty, so anyone else who wants some, shout out. Working in my garden all this weekend so will have my "Have list" available shortly. Remember Susan, Harpers Ferry has a nice little campground about 5 to 10 minutes from me (20 min from Critter) and we can tour together. I'll even arange a day off, and if Jill isn't too stressed getting the swap together, maybe she could join us.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I know a couple of people were talking about being up in Frederick already on that Friday, and I'm sure going to try not to have so much going on that day that I can't join up with everybody for nursery-stomping or whatever. :-)

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Kevin and I talked lastnight before going to sleep... Well we decided yes you are further but you all are kinda sorta family... He said he does not want to be hauling plants or what ever (Wrightie on his back) for strangers...LOL So count us in... I love the bring a plant or something else... Mike is going to try to get the weekend off as well.. Gosh what have you people done to my family???LOLOLOL
Is there anything planed for this weekend in your area ? Should I make my camping reservations now do you think? Will see if they even take them...Some dont....
Going to find the site for things we are to bring...

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yay!!! Happy you're coming. Headed outside to start a cutting for you right now!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'll check with a friend of mine.. I think some of her family have stayed at the nearby Comfort Inn and liked it, but there are plenty of options a very short distance from us. If you're looking at the map, our house is in the little triangle tip where 70 and 270 come together, so anything on New Design or Ballenger Creek or 85 (Buckeystown Pike) works fine.

The campground Miata mentioned sounds good too, and I think there's also camping about 30 minutes to the north at Catoctin State Park.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Catoctin (National park) is great, yes there is camping there and Cunningham Falls (State park) right next door -love Cunningham Falls with the kids.

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