T.C. yard seeking homeless perennials

Traverse City, MI(Zone 6a)

I moved to a completely bare nearly devistated lot three and a half years ago. Several loads of dirt, many bags of manure, grass seed, inexpensive roses, cast off iris's and lots of labor later I still have many areas that need plants. The yard is nearly perfect for having sun and part sun exposure almost everywhere except in the northeast corner of the house itself. After first moving in a friend was needing to thin out their iris garden, and was happier to give them to a good home than throw them away. Recently nieghbors of mine got big clups of hostas sitting by the road that had been dug up from a yard that needed thinning. So after that long winded set-up, I am very willing to help with the digging if there is anyone in Traverse City that has mature plants that need dividing or disposal. Obviously I am not looking for anything rare or exotic, but would appreciate any of the following that someone may be intending to throw away:
Hostas, ferns, lily of the valley, toad lilies or other shade lovers for my NE corner and under the maple trees

Rugosa, bush, rambling, or climbing, antique type roses; honeysucle, trumpet vine, lilacs, any flowering perennials for my SE corner.

Daylilies, myrtle, or any thing that can be planted on the side of a steepish hill that gets partial sun graduated to mostly shade, this is because I am unable to mow the hill.

Mostly I am looking for easy care perennials that many serious garners would consider junk plants because they grow so well and spread. This request goes out at the risk of sounding cheap but I really don't have anything that is established enough to trade because I started from scratch only a few years ago with little money.
Anyway thanks to anyone who has suggestions on inexpensive or free ways to landscape.

Thumbnail by serenaski
AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Serena,

I'm not in the Traverse City area but if you're ever over by where I live I'd be happy to let you divide some of my perennials. I don't think you're cheap at all. Perennials are super expensive to buy now.

I can give you a tip. If you have a local garden club contact them and find out when they have their annual plant sale. That is a great way to pick up a lot of different varieties of plants for very little cash.

Good luck!!


Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

Hey, I'm in WIlliamsburg and can help you out with hostas, lilacs, a trumpet vine and sone daylillies. I also have datura, woodbine, hops and bittersweet. We'll have to wait for a bit of a cooldown, so maybe you can come out for a cup of coffee on the porch and we'll make plans. jyl

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

I forgot, I have raspberries too. They work great along a fence.

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Watch out, if you go there, she will make you take home a raccoon or somthing.
You get a plant...and a baby possum.

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

No coons. No possoms. Maybe a kitten......

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Aha, I knew there was a catch! Lol

Traverse City, MI(Zone 6a)

Jyl, I would love to meet with you for coffee and cool weather gardening plans. Please be nice to me, I am a sucker for anything little and furry, but my trailer park frowns on my existing fur babies :) Yes I even think opossoms are cute little buggers, hmm the park could probably use one of them.

Traverse City, MI(Zone 6a)

Loon, I am not sure where AuGres is, but I won't be doing much traveling until my income is more secure. Oh wow, I just looked your almost all the way down to Bay City. Thanks for the tip about the gardening club and for not thinking badly of me for looking for cheap ways to have a pretty yard.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

serenaski i have many, many, brown eyed susans, purple cone flowers, and even some hostas i could devide. sounds like we have the same kind of yard. mostly shade. I do have a couple of liliac bushes i could root a few stems for you, are you interested? all i would have to is put the stem in water correct? That would be good to do now and let them root. i think its a little to hot to send any thing out right now. all i would ask in return is the postage if you can handle that then were good to go. We were in traverse city in june wish i wouldve know then maybe we couldve meet and did the trade then to bad i would love to meet anyone from the garden site. Would you want any forsithia stems?(sp) Send me a dmail. Ronna

Traverse City, MI(Zone 6a)

Ronna, it all sounds great, I can certainly handle shipping on anything you you might be wanting to divide. I think early September should be cool enough to to ship them but still warm enough for them to take hold here before frost. You have no idea how much I appreciate any little thing for my yard. My mid-life crisis, seams to be revolving around flowers and fragrances, I just can't get enough:). Thanks, Serena

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

i dont see how any one could possibly have to many plants in there life they are so cheery. Ronna

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Serena........Traverse City is a happening place, and there must be several Garden Clubs in your town........I would suggest you join one of them.......Gardeners love to share their plants with others....and I am sure if you join, you will have more perennials then you know what to do with......

My Garden Club has an Perennial Exchange every year......and most of the time I wind up giving all my stuff away.....I have a Cottage Type garden with lots of old fashion perennials in it. I can send you "babies" if you would like, for postage.......Have Shasta Daisy, Black Eye Susan, Phlox, Hollyhock, just to name a few......Let me know.....


Traverse City, MI(Zone 6a)

Hi Deann,
I have been a bit scattered for the past month, but I did try to check out garden clubs in Traverse City. There does appear to be one for roses and one for gardening in general, but getting to one of their meetings has been a bit tricky lately. I can at least send in an application to the rose club via e-mail, but they may not be interested in beginners.
If you have some babies you would like to send, just let me know how much and where to send the postage, hopefully it doesn't get too cold too fast for planting in September. Thanks for both the advise and the offer.

Take care,

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)


September is a great time for dividing babies......as for the cost of the postage, just check the box when it arrives, and see what the cost is.....more then likely I will send in a box of bulk rate which is about $8.00 and change.....can not remember how much right now.....but I will get busy today, and dig some up for you......you must however get them into the ground as soon as you receive them......


Traverse City, MI(Zone 6a)


No problem getting them in the ground right away, I have three areas pretty well prepped with new dirt, compost and peat. they cover..mostly sun 6+hours, partly sun 4 good hours, and mostly shade 2-3 hours morning sun. I can pay you via check, or Paypal if that is better just let me know in the box. Thanks so much, next year it will look like a real yard.


(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

If you are interested I have a lot of various seeds I can send you. I have white Datura, aster, blanket flower, candy lilies, daylilies, etc. If you want, just look at my page, see what you want & let me know. All you would have to do is send me the postage 3-4 stamps should cover a padded envelope. Just let me know!!!!

PS. Some of the things I don't have very much of right now, (globeflower, queen of the prairie...). I also have some hollyhock seeds I just traded for and the nice lady sent me more than I could possibly use.

Dmail me!!!

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