What is the best method for keeping grass OUT of beds?

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8b)

I have flower beds that are raised 2-8" and bordered in our natural stone. I have to spray roundup all around the perimeter of these beds to keep the darn bermuda, nut and bahia grass from invading these beds.

At this time I cannot afford to redo the lawn with new turf or sod.

I have considered the metal landscape edging....it seems affordable enough and looks easy to use. Thoughts?

Have tried landscape fabric with mixed results.....the runners of grass give it no thought as they root right in through the fabric. Of course, I'm pulling it out as it pops up. And I have a good 3" layer of mulch on top.

What is your best method for keeping grass out of the beds?

This message was edited Jul 17, 2007 7:10 AM

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