Caring for Sarian Everbearing Strawberry?

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

I grew sarian strawberries last year from seed, and the plants are producing my first crop of tasty berries this season. I read they are an everbearing variety. I put down a layer of compost this spring. Should I add more fertilizer over the summer?

How long should these plants last before I have to replace them?

The plants sent out runners last summer which I replanted and separated from the main plant. Was this correct? Do I have to "renovate" the patch at some point?

Thanks in advance. I'm just learning about strawberries, but I already know mine taste much better than the ones I'm used to from grocery stores!

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

Everyone's been saying plants should be replaced about after 3-5 years.. And the first year strawberries are supposed to be okay but second year is suppose to be much better..

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