Who has Heuchera Midnight Rose

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

So true. Besides, I have so much stuff to plant and we're having code red days outside. I truly don't need any more heucheras to plant. I went far too crazy with the spring buying/trading things.
I usually look at places with 1 or 2 bad comments with a critical eye. It's cause to investigate a bit further. That having been said, I'd be a bit wary of small plants at this time of the year for us...It's too hot too early here, whew!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Wow, they do have a pretty amazing selection, although it does sound like some place to be a little careful with. I'm not buying anything more this year, either. (Or so I say while I look at the rows of things that need planting. Who knows what I'll be thinking by the end of the summer-and I have a birthday in July, too! ;) )

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

They do have beautiful pictures and a fantastic selection. LOL


Ottawa, Canada

Here is a photo of the 2 midnight rose planted in the front yard. They were both planted at the same time. The monster on the right gets more sun than the tiny one on the left. That is the only thing I can think to explain the size difference as they both get the same amount of water, same soil etc.

Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada

Here's a close up of the leaves.


Thumbnail by bj601
Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

Here are my two new Midnight Rose purchased this year. I already had one teeny little thing that has never done much. I am hoping these stay big and healthy for me.


Thumbnail by 9kittymom
Central, WI(Zone 4a)

They look great! Mine is doing well also.

I have Midnight Rose in full sun (5 AM to 9 PM)m where it's been for the past month. It seems content and the colors are great. Dan Heims calls it "sun tolerant", and it does seem to be so ... so far. I LOVE this plant; it is just gorgeous.
Ginger Ale is planted about 1.5 ft away, so it gets about 2-4 hours of mid-afternoon shade. Maybe that helps; I don't know; but it seems to just soak up the sun and give it back in "fizz". Another nifty one.
Midnight Burgundy, Marmalade, and Raspberry Ice are in the same bed and getting the same sun as Midnight Rose (Raspberry Ice might get 1-2 hours of midday shade), and all are performing well. Marmalade also seems to just soak up the sun and give it back with "flavour". Another very cool plant.

Down the slope, Caramel, Tiramisu, Cascade Dawn, and a couple of (probably) "Eco-magnifico"s sold under fake labels, are fully exposed to the entire day's sun. Or have been. I removed Tiramisu today because all her leaves were burned. Lacking shade, I've put her in a pot with some "retombant" pink & white petunias and a variegated ivy that will sit on my porch and get 1/2-day shade. Caramel, Cascade Dawn and the others are doing good.

I have what must be a Palace Purple (an especially fine exemplar) and brizoides "Pluie de Feu" also in full sun and they are thriving. "Pluie de Feu", by the way, remains a sweetheart of mine, because she grows anywhere, tolerates abuse, responds to love, and unconditionally produces masses of flowers (and ones I can use in bouquets!). She's a sweetheart!

Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

the deer prefer Midnight Rose over most of my other heuchera for some reason ???
they also love the flower buds of the wild Tellima grandiflora
our PNW wild Heuchera :-) http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/82760/


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