Who has Heuchera Midnight Rose

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

This onje comes out of Terra Nova and is about the color of Dolce Licorice but has bright pink blotches and specs with purple under the leaf. Mine is going to be grown in a 12 inch pot. I wonder how the palnt is preforming for anyone.

Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)

I will be interested to see your responses. I have two heucheras left on my "really want" list, Midnight Rose and French Quarter. I am interested to see how people feel they are performing.


Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

Hey Rose,

Frenche quarter was one I wanted really bad too. I found it online somewhere last night, cannot remember where, for 15.00. It looked so gorgeous but I knew I would get this tiny little plant and spend 15.00 and 10.00 shipping so I just could not do it. It is a beauty though. It is actually the first one that caught my eye. Very different.


Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

I bought mine at Seely's in Hilliard OH when I was visiting my daughter in Columbus. They do not ship.

Bartlett, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi I have midnight rose and french quarter. New plants from garden crossings. They are doing well, but I might have to move midnight rose, it might be getting too much sun. Garden crossings has all of there heuchera on sale this weekend, prices reduced by 2.00 each plant. I have been very pleased with all of the plants from them, nice and healthy and quick shipping. Picture of my Lime Ricky, just added Key Lime pie to my collection, the other day which I was able to purchase at a local nursery.

Thumbnail by rosa18
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

I have both Midnight Rose and French Quarter too. I've had Midnight Rose for several years and it's doing really well. It's in shade almost all day and seems to like that. Got French Quarter a couple of months ago as a very small plant. It's growing slowly and sure is purdy!

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

I have Midnight Rose and it does not like sun! I'll have to move it to an area that gets no direct sunlight. Tamara

Parma, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the info on Midnight Rose & French Quarter.
Just ordered them. At least I won't start them out in sun,
Or as little as possible. I also got Hercules. Have my eye
on Pink Marble, Mahogany & Magic Color. These
Heuchera are so flexible in the landscape with all the
different color variations and leaf forms.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

How far do you Ohio people live from Columbus. ??? Seely's had about 12 Midnight Rose. It is a real nice place to shop if your not far away from Hilliard/Columbus area. They had some yellow leafed hydranga there and many many other things covering at least a few acres.

Parma, OH(Zone 5b)

For me it's probably 135 miles. Seely's sounds like a nice garden center. There
are a couple larger GC's around here but they usually carry only the tried and
true plants. If you want new or unusual, you probably have to go to the internet.
It can be pricey, considering small plants and shipping costs.

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

It's about 3 hours for me. I live about 15 min. from Bluestone Perennials (Dave's Garden Top 30) so I can get some cool stuff there, but I do order quite a bit online as well. Tamara

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Seely's is mostly involved in landscaping through out Ohio. If my daughter was not there I would not be going since it is about 9 1/2 hrs under the best conditions and with 70 the big mess it is all through Ohio right now last trip was 11 hours.

Crossville, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks for info on Midnight Rose. I was thinking of purchasing it too. http://www.waysidegardens.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StoreCatalogDisplay?storeId=10151&catalogId=10151&langId=-1&SearchText=40276&mainPage=textsearchresults&RequestType=NewRequest
Do the speckles stand out?

Bartlett, IL(Zone 5a)

Mine do

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Mine do too. It's really a pretty one!

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

In my garden from far away, to be honest, it looks like just another dark foliaged heuchera. Like the thumbnail looks below, it's not until you open the pic that you can see the pink speckling. Same in person, you have to get close to appreciate how pretty it is. I like Oz's idea of growing it in a pot because then you can put it on a plant stand to raise it more to eye level. It's prettier in the cooler temps I find.


Thumbnail by sanannie
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

So, with Midnight Rose, the color really does hold as dark purple with the rose splotches in considerable shade? Seems like some of my others have gone back to more of a greenish in shade. (Including Creme Brulee...not so pretty in shade!)

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I have been moving some of my Heuchs into more sun and they seem to like it a bit more. Problem is, I have more shade beds than sun beds right now.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Yeah, I've been thinking about moving some of mine. I've got limited sun to work with, though. I was thinking that if Midnight Rose actually did keep her dark colors that I might be able to pop her into the spots where I've moved less shade happy heuchs to a sunnier locale and still keep the look. But, those speckles deserve to be seen closeup for effect so that might not actually be the best idea.

I've been very surprised and pleased to see how well Peach Flambe takes almost full sun. And, I have a no-id one that's one of the caramel-y ones that is doing better than the "official" creme brulee and the other matching no-id one that's in mostly shade.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I'm getting another Ginger Ale and I'm going to try it in more shade.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Put them in pots about 12 tlo 14 inch sizes till you find the right spot. I think they grow better in pots anyway around here. Water and nutrients are sucked of by surrounding plants trees etc.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Maybe I'll try a pot with Obsidian. Thanks oz.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Kelly I am sure it will work with Obisdian. I really like my Heuchera in pots. I got them arranged and they do catch a lot of attention. I have even found earth worms living in those pots. We found a place in St Louis called pottery barn are something like that and the pots are pretty cheap and of good quality. We have blown the budget a bit on pots this year. We are going up a week from Saturday for my future daughter in laws bachlorette party and I am looking for some glazed ones for Obisdian and a couple others I have. I think in the future all of my Huechera will be out of the ground. My Tiarellas do very will in the ground.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Just bought this one about a month ago, and surprisingly it is doing well. I wasn't sure with our record temps and no rain...Hand watering seems to have worked so far! It gets late pm sun and is now showing its pink splotches well. Hope it does well over the winter!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

It is a lovely one. I'm also hoping mine comes through winter fine.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I just got 2 of these yesterday!! I'm sooooo excited!!

Oz, what kind of potting mix do you use in your pots?

Kelly, my Ginger Ale is in total shade and I just happen to take a pic yesterday. What's yours doing in more sun?


Thumbnail by baja220
Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Ginger Ale looks good. Mine is more golden in more sun. Don't have a pic handy.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Anybody have an extra Midnight Rose to trade yet? I wavered between her & Obsidian and brought home with an Obsidian that came with 3 plants, so I have enough to trade that if anyone might be interested. I have several other established plants I could trade, too, like Marmalade, Velvet Night, Carmel...
(I hope it's OK to ask about trading in this forum, forgive me if I blundered).

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I do know that if it gets about 1/2 & 1/2 sun and shade, the pink is supposed to come out in it more.....

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

No, no, Marea, You're supposed to wait and drive up to the Hardy Plant Society spring sale and then buy it while blowing the rest of your plant budget.... ;)

I got my midnight rose last fall at one of the plant sales and she's done really well through the winter still in her pot. I keep changing my mind on where to plant her, poor thing, but oh, she's pretty.

Fairy, I think you're right about the part sun-I moved her to a brighter spot and she's spottier now.

Ottawa, Canada

I have 3 Midnight Rose, planted in 3 different locations. The one that gets afternoon sun is doing the best. It is HUGE and the spots do really show well. The one that gets a tiny bit of morning sun (it is about a foot and half away from the one that gets afternoon sun but on the other side of the birch tree) is only about 6 little leaves. The funny thing is obsidian is on the same side as the 6 leave Midnight Rose and Obsidian is massive. The 3rd one is planted in the back yard and is a differnet size too. All 3 were purchased and planted at the same time, from the same location.

Ginger Ale is planted in almost full sun and the ginger color does really show. The color on it changes almost every other week, I am really enjoying watching this one.

French Quarter is on my "really, really, reaallllyyy must have it" list but haven't found it at any nursery near me yet. Hopefully next year one of them will be carrying it. I attempted to satisied my need with Tiramisu and Miracle.


Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh, that is very interesting about the different growth rates of your Midnight Rose!

Ginger ale is one that's not as easy to find out here, but I'm going to keep looking! :)

Isn't French Quarter the one that was discontinued?

Oh, and welcome to DG! :)

This message was edited Jun 11, 2008 9:51 AM

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hey, Brenda, Welcome to DG!

I'm happy to hear the information about Midnight Rose preferring so much sun because I only have one, new and unplanted, and would like it to do its best. Now I know better where to plant it.

I have a lot of new ones that were really small but are growing. I put them in mostly shade about 4 weeks ago, but the angle of the sun has changed so much in that time that they are now subjected to nearly full sun and are doing so well! BUT we've had something like 9" of rain in the last 10 days and you know that moisture will not be avalable to them in July and August. I won't be able to keep them watered like that, either. I need to think about moisture crystals or partial shade for their final planting spot.

Thanks for posting!


Ottawa, Canada

Susybell, I have just discovered that french quarter was discontinued. I had seen a picture of it and have been lusting over it. Then I joined DG and discovered it was no longer available. Now that I can't have it, I want it even more lol. I guess I will just have to hope that one day I stumble across it.

Suzy, if I can remember to charge the batteries(I am really bad with making sure the batteries are charged), I will take photos of the 3 different midnight rose. I am going to have to move the teeny one as it really doesn't like where it is.

Tiramisu is going to have to be moved as well. It is getting to much sun in the new bed and had some burn marks on the older growth. So both of them will end up in the backyard. Now I will need to find a new one to replace it with LOL. That is my excuse and I am sticking to it!


Parma, OH(Zone 5b)

You can find French Quarter @ http://www.eminencemeadows.com/index.shtml
They have a nice selection but come in 3 1/2" pots. If you are uncomfortable with
a plant this size going directly into the garden (I am), just re-pot into say a 6" pot
and let the plant grow a bigger root ball. I have had a good experience with this
company. The only caveat is that the S & H is $15.00 for 1-5 plants. The only
way to lessen this blow is to buy MORE heucheras. LOL

Parma, OH(Zone 5b)

I am soooo...sorry that I gave you hope needlessly. I just checked the web site
and they DO NOT ship to Canada.

Ottawa, Canada

fleur_guy, thank you for trying! I have found a nursery in Ontario that does have it on their site. I am going to contact them to see if they do actually have that. With a birthday coming up in July, I know what will be on it if they do have it!

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

I have to tell you I have had BAD experience with eminence meadows. I ordered 15 of these teeny tiny heucheras and have had maybe 5 survive. French Quarter came dead. :( We went round and round and he assured me it would live, and of course it didn't. He said I could send it back but by that time and some of the things he said to me in the email, I wouldn't ever do business with him again.

Maybe it's just me. But if you know me, you know I am NOT hard to get along with. LOL


Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Good to know, Susan. I had been lurking and eyeing that site for a while. Probably what saved me from indulging up to this point is that I still have mucho stuff to plant and we've been having a heat wave. However, no sense throwing good money after bad as my mom says.

Parma, OH(Zone 5b)

Susan & TGG
My experience with Eminence was good. That said, I did see a negative
review from a couple of years back. It's hard to know sometime how to in-
terpret the ratings. Not everyone who has a bad experience shares it with
WatchDog. If a provider has MOSTLY good ratings or has only a few that
are ALL positive, SHOULD indicate that a good outcome is a reasonable
expectation. The slogan 'Caveat Emptor' is hard to get away from.

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